Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What a day of drama news-wise!!!

Supreme Court Decision to not make a decision!  Not a shock on the outcome but the swiftness of the decision was certainly electrifying.  It will impact all of us.  No matter where we live in the USA.  I'm so stunned at how lightening quick it all came down! 

The flood gates are open.  Wide open.

Coming the day after all of the Apostles declaring unity and that we are led by a Prophet, was quite interesting, don't you think?  Prophetic for sure!!

I know in the past couple of years I've blogged several times of the need to know what the Doctrine of the Church is regarding Gay marriage and also women being ordained.  Always in the hope that we would closely examine the Church doctrine and gain a testimony/conviction of the teachings that are at times very controversial and very opposed to popular views.

During the two days of Conference I felt speaker after speaker spoke of the validity of Apostles and Prophets.  What sort of pressure will be put on the Church to obey the laws of the land???  This is going to be quite fascinating to watch.

Today I got a note from a former Missionary in Alaska.  He's been in leadership in FL and is such a spiritual giant.  He expressed that the SCOTUS decision means we are truly in the last days.  

I just can't get over the counsel at Conference, over and over, about the Church will not always agree with what the world says is legal/right/entitled.   I can hardly wait to really dig into the meat of conference and do some tallying on counsel given.
I've written before about Sam that used to live in our Ward.  His family still lives here.  He is gay.  I knew he'd be so happy about the decision.  I decided to express myself on his FB and not in a private message as I felt I needed to voice my choice which is not his.

Sam put this on as a part of his FB post...
A special congratulations to Utah, where only this weekend during the Mormon General Conference one of the highest leaders of the world church (Dallin H. Oaks) had this to say about the tide toward acceptance of gay marriage, which the church officially does not support. One might say the comment was prophetic, given the Supreme Court announcement only hours later.
"When our positions do not prevail, we should accept unfavorable results graciously, and practice civility with our adversaries.”
As for me I would greatly appreciate any of this suggested graciousness from my Mormon friends and family, since it is indeed a special day for me as I watch the legal protection and rights of people like me dramatically improve in America. 

I sent this...
My take is, no guilt!--I feel I have been gracious towards you and I also feel I have been civil. I don't feel we are adversaries even though we are totally on different pages regarding Gay Marriage. True it is legal but you know that I will say, with my LDS beliefs... it is is not moral. Now let's not have a cat/dog fight because of today's ruling. Let's just keep on being friends, with the parameters of respectful acceptance of our differences, that is in place. This is the fray that I have dreaded most. Member pitted against member. A civil war of believers in Jesus Christ. I don't want to be in that arena.

He said...
you have been more than gracious dear Nancy, and a true friend. and I'm touched by your comment. love you a lot!

I thanked him and told him I loved him also.  

 (old posts--about Sam  here   Soapboxing  here)


I haven't talked to my friend Mariah about the ruling today.  I know she will be happy about it.  She is now excommunicated and my heart goes out to her.  She feels the Church will change its stance.  I told her I feel that will never happen.  Gayness in all of it's manifestations is not Biblical and it never will be.  She and I differ 100% in that matter.

This is is just so fresh today and coming just a few hours after Conference is just amazing to me!  It's almost mind-boggling to me!!

The Lord is trying His best through His leaders to get us prepared and in a safe little tucked away harbor.  Far removed from the dangerous shoals.

Thank heaven that we have the Gospel.  We don't have to spend our time fiddling around and trying to make sense of worldly things that infringe into our religion or lamenting and being terrifying.  We study it out.  Gain a clear conviction and then we just need to live the Gospel the best we can and encourage each other in our efforts.


Today's ruling.....
We've seen prayer be attacked along with Christmas.  We've seen marijuana be legalized.  We see gay marriage taking over and it will just be the beginning of all sorts of nightmares.  Women are wanting the Priesthood.  Adamantly...wanting the Priesthood.  Families are devalued and being torn apart.  Technology has been a force for evil, right along with a force for good.  On and on the list could go.

We can take a deep breath, be thankful for the Gospel and our testimony of it.  And most especially for the established Priesthood leadership, inspired, to govern and lead the Church.  In the last dispensation!  With the promise that it will not be taken or destroyed.  We can hold on to that and hold on to each other as we walk our very own mortal trek.
LOVE the class act response from the Church!!!!  Our pattern to live by....

The succession of federal court decisions in recent months, culminating in today’s announcement by the Supreme Court, will have no effect on the doctrinal position or practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is that only marriage between a man and a woman is acceptable to God. In prizing freedom of conscience and Constitutional guarantees of the free exercise of religion, we will continue to teach that standard and uphold it in our religious practices.
Nevertheless, respectful coexistence is possible with those with differing values. As far as the civil law is concerned, the courts have spoken. Church leaders will continue to encourage our people to be persons of good will toward all, rejecting persecution of any kind based on race, ethnicity, religious belief or non-belief, and differences in sexual orientation.

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