Monday, October 27, 2014

Always faithful to spouse???....

Sunday, the speakers were asked to address the Family Proclamation, and just choose and expound/elaborate on whatever they wanted out of the address.  It was a bit over-packed with speakers but still a great meeting.

Two of the speakers were older.  Both had lost their spouses.  6 months ago my friend Myra Faye passed away.  Her husband was one of the speakers and my heart went out to him to speak on the day of that milestone of her leaving his life.  He had to pare his talk down but I was so touched with what he shared.

The last week of her life, Bob worked on what he wanted to tell his family, about life and marriage.  After her funeral he had a special family meeting with their 3 sons and their entire families.  He shared some of the things he and Myra Faye did on a regular basis, to strengthen their marriage and their family.  Praying together twice every day, blessing their food every day, reading the scriptures  together every day.  (they also worked in the Temple each Saturday) He talked about focusing on the Gospel and how things were so different in the world compared to when he was a boy or when they were first married.

I was glad he shared a part of that special family meeting.  A daughter-in-law told me it was a truly sacred family time that evening.

My friends- Carol and Jackie also shared love of their families and the Gospel.  As did the youth speaker.  It was one of those super special Sacrament meetings.

As you know I've been married for ages and beyond the commitment to just stay together, honor our Temple covenants and not bale out- I really think this article sums up the base of what is needed to protect your marriage.  I know I've shared before the impact that an old cassette recording...Out of the Blue like a Scheduled Airline...had on me.  I feel this article is terrific and you need to read it and share it with your spouse!

I've seen marriages fall apart when the counsel in this article was ignored.  Be aware.  Prepare!!!

10 Ways you are Being Unfaithful to your Spouse, and Don’t Even Know It

By Gary and Joy Lundberg

Having an affair is not even on your radar. Never gonna happen. You love your spouse and you'd never be unfaithful to her or him. However, you may be unaware of other ways you are being unfaithful.

read the excellent article here 

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