Friday, October 3, 2014

re-arranging things...

So it's almost time!!!!  Time to enjoy the whole nine yards!!

Food fare here will be very simple...chicken noodle soup/spaghetti  WW bread/banana bread.  fresh fruit.  green salad.  I did buy some apple juice to go with a little surprise...Mulled spices in individual packets!  I had ordered some before and never got it...Actually a few years ago.  We'd gone to Spokane one year for Thanksgiving and our DIL served it.  Made by Martinelli and special ordered just for the occasion and Terry will be surprised.  (he is real good about acting surprised/impressed when he knows I tried to make something special!)

I am ready for the spiritual feasting!!!!  I will cook and bake today for the physical feasting.

(From the Biographies of the Apostles)

Isn't it amazing about Elder Scott???? ...

Brother Scott worked for Admiral Rickover for 12 years. In 1955 he completed the equivalent of a doctorate in nuclear engineering at the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology in Tennessee. (Because of the classified nature of the work, a university degree couldn’t be given.) He also helped in the development of the first commercial, land-based nuclear power plant.


So onto Plan B.  I was writing the above about Plan A early this morning and then everything changed and shifted and now Plan B is into play.  I was going to take a picture of the food and post it after it was all done but instead I've been sitting by Terry in the hospital!!!  

Can you believe it!!??

He had another of those attacks those goes along with Pancreatitus. Yes, we are back on that page!!  He had said he'd never go back to the hospital again but just wait it out.  This was dreadful in pain intensity and we ended up going to emergency.  Again.  He is now pain free, a bit drugged, has IV going and is asleep.  I came home to tell our family and you.   When they said his Lipase was 3000-- I was stunned and thought it was fatal.  It's not.  

So he will rest, be monitored and be home tomorrow for our anticipated marathon TV watching of General Conference.

Now this is a sweet thing.  Our new Bishop is a Pediatrician.  He called me.  Said he'd been to intensive care and seen Terry.  He was sleeping.  Turns out that Terry ended up on the Bishops list but Terry's primary care Dr. does not deal with children so would not mention him.  We both agreed that was Providence watching over.  He will see that Terry gets a blessing.  Terry did declare himself a Mormon boy when asked if he drank.  The Nurse said you never drink?  Terry said...never.  I'm a good Mormon boy.  Anyhow it was sweet to feel that the Lord is aware of us.

So things change, including menu's but the truth marches on and tomorrow will be the beginning of the parade!  Yes!

Enjoy and so will we!!!

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