Thursday, October 23, 2014

Planning for the future....

It's a long way off from the end of July 2015....9 months (if you don't want to count it up yourself).  every other year we have a family reunion the end of July.  2015 is our next one.  Each year we go to McCall and I've blogged about those before.  The 2015 event will NOT be at McCall.  ALL of us...yes...all of us, will be together in one gigantic house and we will eat and sleep and play and celebrate our usual Christmas and all those sorts of things that we do each time.  In one house!!  20 of us!!  or is it more?

My babies, now adults are not the cookie cutter clan.  They did not come forth hugging and kissing each other and bonded at first glance as BFF's.  Snarling little territorial hound dogs, except for that one little baby chick that had peace maker shining from deep in her beautiful sweet soul, were the litter we got!!  They are wonderful, hard working, independent, talented, amazing, complicated people (aren't all children that way?)  and I love them.  Their children are cut from the same cloth and the best!!

The thought of WW3 possibly erupting via family conflict word battles made me wonder what will actually happen when the beaker mix occurs.  Today though I got to thinking ...I have a secret weapon!  I actually have my own ref!  This son has loved me and been kind to me always.  True- He does not always do what I ask.  He is fantastic in social skills.  Compassionate.  A friend forever if you like him from the beginning but if you don't like him...sorry you lost out.  He arrived in my life right from the hospital in Renton after his birth.  I flew from Homer to pick him up.  Did I mention he is a dancing fool?  Fantastic sense of rhythm.

and the biggest daredevil ever!  Fearless!  Really, I think he's was born needing an adrenalin fix and he has always pursued that high that makes his eyes sparkle and has scared me half to death on more than one occasion.

He is a dedicated husband and father.  Again...he is so good to his Dad and I.  I love him.

So here is my boy.  Appointed by me to ref, any discord at our family reunion, July 2015.  Did I want him to be a ref?  NO.  It is the lesser of two evils....better than fighting!  I'm into drama but not this sort of dancing around!!!

Check out the pics and I ask....Can you see why I feel relaxed and protected from my cubs, if in-house scuffling occurs with him on board????  He is #4 of the magnificent 5!!

Photo: Groundworks #BJJ Tournament today! So much fun, trying to knock the rust off!!!

(will tell more about this venture planned for 2015 when it's closer and we are pulling it together.  We just had to secure lodging at this point in time or we'd be out on the beach in pup tents.  No.  that is not appealing to me to be in a pup tent!!)

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