Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Searching for the right words....

so a part of my comments yesterday on Sam's FB was offensive to his sister-- that I know and have no ill will towards.  I told Sam I was sorry that I offended her.  He explained that she'd had a lot of persecution when she declared she was gay in high school and had to go through a lot of pain.  I re-read the offensive part of my comment...

True it is legal but you know that I will say, with my LDS beliefs... it is not moral.
and I re-read her FB post to Sam on what she wrote about me offending her....

I keep coming to your page to post a response but the previous response is too upsetting to me to do so. I've tried several times tonight. It is too painful to be called immoral on my brother's page and i find it offensive.

Sam, thank you so much for posting this. The statement was respectful and kind. Marriage equality, especially in Utah, is something that is awkward and scary to see things play out and amazing our society progressing with fervor and that most of our nation wholeheartedly supports gay marriage. I hope all this makes sense. I decided to just go f or it and respond. This our night to celebrate and not to have a mormon try to cleverly past judgement.

I do believe what I said.  completely.  BUT I can see why it was rather high and mighty in sound if it was just read cold turkey... it is not moral.  Maybe even any reading of it sounds judgmental?  I see why she would be offended.  A time of joy, for she and her brother and their friends, and then I pronounce, without mincing words, it's immoral.  Raining all over what to them was a time of joy.  Me the wet blanket!

I was totally caught off guard with her comment of.... This our night to celebrate and not to have a mormon try to cleverly past judgement.  That really seemed strange to me to read that about someones opinion of my motive!

anyhow Sam is a schmoozer fellow that makes everyone feel they are right and he understands what they are feeling/saying so he reassured me that he knew what I meant & reassured his sister the same thing (she did go ahead and write a celebratory comment) and the train got back on track.

I've really thought about how to express myself with exactly what I believe, when it is contradictory to what someone else believes, and not end up in a sword fight.  I thought the legal/not moral words were the way that I would go.  Now I'm thinking that may not work for me.

Sam later posted this on FB...  

 Yes it's a difficult topic, and I think its important to remember that people's hearts are often more in the right place than we realize, on both sides. Here is another article that better expresses what I was trying to say in my original post, perhaps I did not do it so eloquently. and that is that the church is making clear strides toward normalizing this situation and accepting the laws of the land and to try to reduce the "war" atmosphere and the us against them, and increase civility. The truth is there are many many Mormons who while they may not agree with gay marriage from a religious perspective, they are very willing to accept the legal right for gay couples to marry and to respect the free agency of them to do so. I think the church is moving very quickly in this direction. What I meant to say is I am always very touched when a Mormon expresses happiness for me even though they may not agree, and my hope is that when and if I ever get married, there will would be many active mormon friends and family happily at the ceremony. I don't think that is a very farfetched idea. well, at least that part. Me ever settling down and getting married could definitely be called farfetched .

I will not comment about this recent post on his FB as he is not seeking to change his viewpoint and neither am I.  He feels he is right and I know that I am.

How anyone can feel the Church is changing it's stance on Gay marriage, after reading the Official statement yesterday, is puzzling to me.  The laws of the land have changed and things deemed, last- day-foretold-corruption, are now legal but they are not a part of our religion.  This goes back again to my standby favorite...11th article of Faith...

 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
Yes.  I will not be blogging everyday about this but when I figure out a more self-satisfactory way, to gentle out my words, when I state my feelings about my religious truth?....I will let you know!

Here is the map the gays are happy about....

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