Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Child's play....

One thing I'd really do with my kiddos...I'd watch like a hawk for something that they seemed to have an interest in and give them opportunities to see if that was a skill or talent or gift that they would enjoy.  Maybe even have a life skill and ability to earn a living could surface.

I know I've told you before about our Engineer son but I just have to put a plug in for watching your children, even at play.  Greg is the one that early on was fascinated in how things worked and would take things apart.  I've blogged about him before.  It amazes me that this curious boy, always trying to figure out how things worked and designing things and making things, would end up at the headquarters of Caterpillar...a design engineer!

He recently designed "forks" capable of handling a load of marble.  When we were in Kansas, Greg took his Dad down to show him the product, all packed for shipping.  Lance and Terry are sort of blocking the fork but you still get the idea.  proud moment for the Dad!!  He doesn't look happy but he really was!!

Forks.  Lance and Grampa

Forks arrived in China??  (I need to ask Greg)
Forks in Italy doing what they were designed to do...Marble
Greg in Italian marble quarry checking out his forks!!
I'm still on task!  Only a couple of days, and months more of time needed, but I'm making headway with my sort and identify task of Batch #1.  Aunt Bonnie's copies of old photos, pretty much 6 copies each, one for keepers and 5 to give to my kiddos.  Making headway from when I started!

moving ahead with my goal.  sort.  stack.  sort.  stack.
sort and sort and sort.   stack and stack and stack.
and sort/stack!!!  picture of my sister and I with both of our Grandmothers!  only one I know of!!

Found a tiny little Polaroid of my favorite dance partner in the whole wide world.  We were seniors and this was our senior prom picture.  We were breathlessly in love!! To this day I remember how gorgeous that dress was!  A heavy satin.  pale blue. had a reverse satin band under bust that was decorated with jewels.  Strapless top was high and pleated in some way that made it gorgeous.  a fitted dress that was gored clear up to that trim.  snug at waist and very full skirt... lots of room for crinolines.  Swished when you walked and so fun to dance in!!  I wore silver strappy hi-heels.  rhinestone bracelet and earrings. pink nail polish and pink lipstick.  Jungle Gardenia perfume. and a big wrist corsage that CuteFace gave me.  Him?- a grey suit.  If a time could be described food wise in feeling?....this was a scrumptious time in our young lives.  I thought my sister had the gown hanging in her closet.  Turns out she doesn't!  She thought I had it!  Neither of us knows where it is. 

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