Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A friend in need....

Good morning...

Last night I had trouble sleeping.  I got up and wandered around and was thinking of yesterday and wondering where all of these health issues with Terry will end up.  Will they level out and calm down?  Those sorts of thoughts.  Then I was thinking of my friends and what they deal with and my heart was filled with concern for them.  Realizing again--  life is a test and endurance buoyed by faith is the key to success and survival.

I decided to check my email and do some reading and maybe write something or other.

I have a friend, MaryLynne, that is one of those gentle/ultra feminine/classic features beauties.  She has fought through a lot of things in her life.  She is faith-filled and wants to help others in any way that she can.  These last several years she has dealt with severe pain and health issues.  She has been at the Huntsman Cancer Center in Utah.  Early this morning, when I checked my email, I found she had sent a letter to three of her friends- Carol, Spring and myself.  She said I can share it.  I'll just share one paragraph that pretty much sums up the happenings in her life right now....
"In Mexico safely and doing fine. The last thing Huntsmans told me was I had 2 years to live if bad cancer and 4 if it was a good cancer and that was with chemo and possibly some radiation. If no Chemo just a few months to live.  I cannot see having treatment that will make me sick for a year or more just to live another year or so.  I asked the head oncologist there if there was a cure with the treatment and he said ."There is no cure for stage 3 and 4 breast cancer that had spread." I did not think they would say it so definitely. But since January I knew the diagnosis, just had to do things on my own due to either no treatments that would help and insurance issues. Anyway, Brad and I have discussed it and we both felt Mexico therapies were at least hopeful and if I did not make it, Brad would have a hard time forgiving himself for not trying to help me overcome this. We both felt peace at this and what do we have to lose."

She plans on beating the odds and then helping others do the same.  Prayers in her behalf would be so appreciated.

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