Friday, January 31, 2014

Breaking loose of small things!!!

Did not get landslided and buried beneath my stuff but sorry, I seemingly dropped out of sight!  Without so much as a word!

So you know my friend Myra Faye will be treated for 2 cancerous brain tumors but the treatments are not yet scheduled.  I told her we need to play while she feels like it and before she has to start focusing on healing/recovery.  So for the last 3 days that is what we've done.  movies seen- Saving Mr. Banks/The Book Thief/Frozen.  2 stops at Cash & Carry.  1 lunch.  Twice we tried for dinner but one time I wanted to get home and once I got us lost so we opted to forget the dinner try and had lunch instead.  I'm getting excited about Family Search so we also spent a bit of time with me trying to get her on site.  Bob wasn't home and neither of us could figure out her user name/pass word.  And I tried mine and it didn't work either! Oh, yes.  the blind leading the blind. (go see the movies.  excellent!!)

I didn't take a picture of the 4 purses I gave away.  My sister's friend Linda had gone to New York and brought back 2 designer purses for Dixie.  Frankly she didn't care for them (Dixie loves bling and these were sort of lovely but plain.) The bags were in a heap on the floor and I laughed when I saw the Prada logo.  I'd seen it before but with the Hunter boot issue, that I had a near heart attack over, it just made me laugh.  I'd felt that possibly Linda had passed some street corner and some mafia looking guy whipped open his jacket and offers authentic Prada handbags.  So I went on line and it is a fake.  They have a site that tells you how to identify fakes.  So Gloria got a knock-off purse.  She doesn't read my blog so she won't know about the fake but I also gave her a real Dooney & Bourke.  this was not from NY.  From my sister (don't tell her I gave it away.  okay?)  Anyhow, white leather body, all the bells and whistles, tan leather trim, shoulder strap and handle, the real detailed DB logo.  The real deal.  Her husband drops by for a visit with our HT and I ask if the purses worked out.  He said, All but one.  I grabbed that white pouch one and am going to use it to carry ammunition.  Leather bag like that is hard to come by.  It's perfect for hauling ammo.  I tried to control my convulsive laughter about the fate of that spendy bag slung over the neck of this Santa girth man or him daintily carrying it in his very large hand.  He was so happy to get that leather bag.  I told him I hope he enjoys it and it works the way he plans.

Well, enough about that.

My bathroom.  My bathroom is small.  It's the big bathroom in our little place but it's small nonetheless.  I can not fully stretch my arms out side to side.  I love my bathroom  I don't care one bit about size.  Only a couple of things are heaven in a bathroom for me.  Running Water.  #1 absolute bit of heaven.  Unlimited running water.  #2 conveniences are indoors.  and there only need to be 3 items.  A shower (NOT a tub of any sort.)  A sink (plumbed so it drains)  A toidy (that flushes)  Heaven. Bliss. A dream come true.  I could tell you many tales of why that is all I need and will never want for more but that is a story/stories for another time!!

And I have things that might seem strange decor wise but I love them.  such as.....

Picture by a local Homer artist .  at the bottom of the fish she printed....

Yesterday's News- Today's Fishwrapper

I have always enjoyed the perspective of that phrase and love this picture that I've had 35 years.

and I love this old one also!  Sort of tromp l'oeil like.  And I like that feeling.  It's totally out-sized and just makes my soul happy.  When I revamp I will keep both of these pictures.  Always.

In a strange way, I think I'm so basic and simple and yet I apparently have this compulsion to save the world with my co-dependency behavior.  I don't want anyone to suffer.  So I seem to save all creature comforts from reading material, to hotel shampoos etc. to give out at some point to anyone in need.  When I go to a hotel I will use my own shampoo etc. and take the hotels little courtesy bottles and cloths to buff your shoes, shower caps, sewing kits with needles so minuscule that you can't hardly see them, vanity kits with q-tips and a cotton pad to remove your nail polish, shampoo, lotions and potions and bits and pieces of what could easily be labeled flotsam and jetsam to bring home.  So if I stay 3 days-- I squirrel away 3 days of loot for the needy, bring it home and stuff it in my bitty bathroom. 

One time I gave a big bag of it away to the battered women's shelter.  I don't know if that was good or not but I did give a lot away but then it built back up.

This was a very hard sort for me....

I kept sorting and paring down what to keep, to throw, and making a sack to have on hand for others, maybe 72 hour kits or maybe an emergency or the likes.  I was really struggling with it.  I had stuff upon stuff.  all new. 7 little floss samples from dentist and all that sort of stuff.  lots of outdated things like make-up remover pads.  3 jars of cream.  I just filled one jar.  took a deep breath and tossed other 2 in trash.

I had my give bag ready to go.  Terry saw it and he just irritated the life out of me as he put his hands under his chin and said, in  pleading voice--Oh, please give me some of those dry makeup remover cloths and some hotel shampoo to go with my rice and base.  The RS is spared planning his funeral or finding me bail to get out of jail but it just irritated me and then it made me laugh.  I just dumped it on the table and ceremoniously swept all of it in the trash!  There was more than you can imagine!!!

You are pretty much on your own folks!  I threw away your bounty!!
I think this describes me....
I'm repairing my need for intensive rescue of all RS women &  the Ward & community at large
Along with my simple little bathroom, I need to mostly concern myself about my simple little self.  Tell you what--You run out of something and need help, we will just share what I have.  Yes, I did save some things but I intend to use them.  I did save a pack for traveling and actually put it in my travel bag.

It was interesting to me that I did not have any make-up to throw away or pine over keeping. 
The only things that were really mine and not "rescue" material.
I have mascara also but not much else.  I like really nice make-up and shampoo and face creams.  I use it until it's gone but I did find a lot of small bottles that went with larger ones as a bonus on moisturizers/shampoo so I am going to use them up. (maybe they are outdated!  I didn't check the keepers!)  when I get back here to spruce it up decor wise then I may have another trashing to do.

What a lot I learned about myself.  I will share what I have on hand but not save things to save others.  Yes.  you can still have your rice, wheat, cereal, assorted grains, and beans that I've saved for you but you will need to buy your own base or I can lend you a bit of mine.  shampoo and soap and etc.  it's gone!  tough love.  I know. I know.  sorry.

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