Monday, January 6, 2014

Moving ahead!

Started a blog about how great Sunday meetings were and got side-tracked so will save the unfinished one for later.

I finished the pitch and toss on the closet.  It will need another go round at some point.  I sorted out the first aid type things and really, who needs a tote filled with Ace bandages in every size imaginable??   Enough on initial closet run-through.

Now I'm tackling my office.  okay it should be our office and my hubby thinks it is ours but the truth, the reality is it's mine.  It's like claiming an Alaskan Homestead.  I came. I saw. I live here. 

Today I did something that for me is unbelievable....I threw away Ensigns!!  Gasp!!  Last time I downsized those lovely paper-works was 2008.  I gave myself a pep talk of how modern I was.  Reminded myself that I owned a tablet and I could look them up etc. etc.  I felt criminal to throw them.  I did offer them to one sister but didn't hear back and felt if I didn't do something quick, like stuff them in the garbage, that I might be tempted to keep them.

This was not an easy task for me to do!!!  I did give myself a gold star for completion!

 A few years ago, yes, a few years ago I bought a huge roll of ribbon and thought it would be gorgeous to use at some RS function.  The timer ran out and I was released as RSP but still had my lovely ribbon.  I found it.  Again!  Actually a few weeks ago it surfaced.  I put it in a safe place.  where it wouldn't be lost again.

see it in it's coiled splendor?  on some of my magazines that are heading to the Landfill!

that is a LOT of ribbon!  It's marvelous!!
the design barely shows but it's mighty loverly!!

Next years Woman's Conference is on my mind (after all it's only 11 months away!)  I have asked two women (Carol and Cathy) to make the Zillah Chapel breathtaking.  So when the women come in they are rather smitten by the beauty.  We met at the Church and talk a bit about lavish plans and at last!, my ribbon will be put to good use!!

I'm on course with my de-junk and it's only been 6 days!!  yes!!

What an exciting blog to read.  about someone dejunking.  Really though, for a person that looks at everything and can see the possibility for use, then it's hard to throw things away but the abundance is avalanche-smothering me.    The time has come and a lot has to go down the road to the dump.  heartbreaking!

Terry is taking all of the Christmas treasures down and that is so nice.  I read Emma's blog ( and that girl could write a book on being organized!  She should do one of those calendars as to when to do what.  Like Martha Stewart!  You go Emma!!  Emma's Christmas was packed away days ago, she's shopped for next year, purchased her wrapping paper and I'm yippee yaying over the fact the garlands are down in PastureLand!!

Each at her own pace.  Different seasons.  Different challenges.


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