Friday, January 1, 2016

Me...Happy with a New Year!

So the first day of 2016 is almost over and I'm still just SO happy about making plans to embrace my life.  My mind has so many thoughts going around.  I'll sort them out and share.  Maybe not share in detail right now but mention some of the things rumbling around.

My life is different than it used to be with Terry's health and time just sort of whizzing by and finding myself tapping on the hour glass that contains my allotment of life span sand and wondering...  Is that all there is??  Surely not!!...tap...tap...tap.  Even checking for clarity, with closer observation enhanced by my reading glasses, I can still see that I need to accelerate the doings of my life.  It's not a burden.  It's an excitement to me.

For years I seem to always have the same type of goals, year after year.  Sort of Groundhog Day sequence.  This year I'm going to such and such or so and so or etc. etc.  Something just hit me to drop everything that had never really panned out and flip the priorities in my life to make them what I really want to do.  Not things I have to do.  Not things that I should do or think I should do or think that others think I should do all these elusive things.

A part of my personal creed reads...Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

I decided to change and do things that make me happy.  Things that bring me joy.  Things that I've not done, or done very good, because I was waiting for success in those things in stone on my list to be chiseled off by my behavior.  And the result never occurred!

The feeling of having the Lord first in my life and seeking beauty and joy and sharing love and being at peace and having gratitude oozing out of my pores, just made me giddy to think about.  To feel and experience fantastic feelings and do without questioning things I've not done.  Does it get better than that??  Not for me.

Food.  Writing.  Hospitality.  Home.  Peace.  Service. Beauty all around me...within and without.

Those sorts of things.

Tomorrow I'll talk about food.  Or maybe Holy Ghost. 

Some are doing visions boards to move them along.  (Ami!- Way to go!)  I'm going to write down the emotions I desire to have in my life. 

I maybe should have waited and shared this when it's more settled but just had to say something as I feel happy and eager to go for it!  My Party Year!!!--2016

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