Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Laundry dry and folded!

A week or so with no dryer and am so thankful that it is fixed.  double thankful that Terry was able to do it himself!  Everyday I am so thankful, so grateful, for the simple things in my life that make me feel so blessed and secure.  I am thankful for the a working dryer.

I am also thankful for and the access to such beautiful material on so many subjects.  Shannon showed a video on Sunday to the YW and it was so touching.  About the young man with his hatchet and using it and forgetting to take the cover off of it.  Such a great message!

I thought of him today when Terry and I listened to Elder McConkie.  Elder Packard's son was the one who told the story about his hatchet.  Both of these men were concerned about nepotism when they received their calls.  Elder McConkie was married to the Prophets daughter!  President Joseph Fielding Smith was his father-in-law!  Both were reassured that it was the Lords call and His will.  As I've read about Church leaders, there are some lines, that produce a lot of leadership strength in the Church.

When Elder McConkie was giving his talk...I again felt thankful.  Thankful that I could experience the feeling of knowing that what he was saying was true.  I'm grateful for emotions and feelings that are sometimes overwhelming...both sad and joyous. 

As I absorb life experiences, embark on what I need to do to survive and move ahead, I feel thankful for heavenly help.

I'm grateful for things that others might find silly...3 batches of soup- Gumbo/Chicken Noodle/Navy Bean- all packaged and frozen in serving sizes.  My early morning cooking plan is pleasurable on all counts.

This will be wonderful when needs arise, whatever they are, for us to eat them or me to share them.  They will come in handy when I go see my sister.

Dixie called after her Dr. appointment today.  They have her oxygen on 12 and have increased her steroids in hopes of helping her breathe with more ease.  She has lost 40 pounds, even with the steroid use.  The Dr. told her that he would not tell her when she needs to go on hospice as she will know.  She agreed with him that she felt she would know.  Right now she is happy for a bit of daytime freedom to be alone and just enjoy her home and her routine.  She is able again to do her laundry and cook a little bit.  She does rest a lot and watch her shopping networks.

One thing she got done today was to have her Dr. sign her P.O.S.T. plan.  POST -- I thought having a Living Will and also DNR posted and signed was enough but she says it's not.  At least in Idaho.  You can get the form...from your Dr. or a hospital. Idaho anyhow.  POST.  Physicians Order Scope of Treatment    You are suppose to post the POST.  Carry in your purse. Etc. etc.  Wonder if that is necessary in Washington? 

She was leaving the Dr.'s office and told her friend Linda that she wanted to buy a lottery ticket!  Linda wouldn't go in.  Dixie walked in...masked for germs and carrying oxygen and using the oxygen.  She said people parted and let her get right up to the front.  She thanked them and told them she hoped she wouldn't die before the drawing!

We have planned our next sister trip for April 21.  well, a staycation for sure, but still we will have fun.  She and I talked about me coming over sooner.  So when the roads clear, I'll go see her.

(Natalie- she wants you to know she appreciates your mail but she can't send a thank you note.)

1st time for trying to fix dryer and explaining to me the happenings.

2nd time of attempt and it worked!

my teeny "laundry room".  I love it.  does the job great!
delicious treat that looks dreadful in my photography!  a gift!

Ye Olde Soup Pots.  Chicken Noodle.  Navy Beans (yes.  with hamhock!)

new recipe for hominy.  red bell peppers & onions and more.  good enough to make again.

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