Thursday, May 2, 2013


There is sunshine in my soul today!

Life is rolling along and I'm back on the wagon/the path/the track!

In spite of what happens in our lives during our mortal trek, it might be heart rendering at times, and give us pause for concern, the underlying pinnings are the Gospel.  We can always be happy about the Restoration of the Gospel.  I have long looked to Father Lehi who had that great joy and wanted to share the Gospel truth with his family but when they rejected it and had horrible family quarrels and estrangements, that didn't change the joy he found in the Gospel. 

Life is fraught with challenges as a part of our testing in this probationary state so no sense in trying to wish it away or let it destroy your peace of mind.

I felt a bit off kilter, skewed somewhat.  Peter sank not from lack of faith but because he took his eyes off the Savior.  I lose focus quickly if I'm not consistent in study (not just reading but digging in and studying).  I then sink.  but just as Peter was helped to regain his footing, by the Savior helping him, so it is with me.  and you.  and all of us.  He will help all of us.  Thank Heaven for that fact!

Have a great day!

I will help myself to one also!

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