Wednesday, May 15, 2013


When the Missionaries taught us that we weren't to drink tea, coffee, liquor, or use tobacco etc. etc., it seemed very strange.  I remember asking...What does that have to do with religion?!  That's a part of your Church?!  It seemed so out of place and nothing to do with normal everyday living.

This was the era when movies showed the glamorous stars with long cigarette holders and the screen showed a hazy smoke-filled room.  It was a part of everyday life.

It was a hospitable social grace, just plain good manners, to offer visitors a highball or a cup of coffee.  There were always ashtrays conveniently placed in living rooms for ease of use.  I was raised with that so it seemed very unsettling for a Church to dictate that private choice behavior in your own home.

well, you know the is a part of our religion and it's a wonderful part of our religion.  Yes, it was awkward in that day to not offer or to decline an invitation but you ended up mainly associating with members who believed so it worked out okay.  Nowadays nothing is thought of someone choosing to not drink or smoke. In WA State it's against the law to smoke in public places and on airplanes.  My how the world has changed.

The entire scenario of the introduction to the Word of Wisdom was actually my first intro to being led by living Prophets.  Prophets that guide us on all things for our good.  I believe and appreciate living Prophets.  I worked hard to get a testimony of such life direction but it is soul deep.

Prophets cover everything about how to live our mortal lives and they keep it current and up to date.  They give us details on all sorts of things.  Sometimes they give us time to mull things over.  Like the Family Proclamation.  That outlines everything needed about defining a family, family roles, consequences of not choosing to follow etc. etc.

I thought of the guidance and safeguards and peace and safety of Prophets during the tragedy of the Boston Marathon.  Off subject for a minute, but to make my point,  I am an advocate of home preparedness as far as enough commodities to sustain yourself.  When I was RSP I would get panicky sometimes in wondering if people were ready if an emergency should happen.  We had lots of storage/preparedness classes.

One thing in reading about preparing for calamities was...if you can't get out then no one can get in.  You need to be prepared for "sheltering in place" for at least 4 days.  The Red Cross says that is how long it takes to sometimes reach people.

My 72 hour kit right now is not assembled as it should be.  The parts are there but it's not in order but my house storage is more than adequate for over 4 days.

When that incident happened in Boston, suddenly, without warning all people were told to lock themselves in their houses, not answer/open the door until the authorities told them it was safe.  To "shelter in place".

I really thought about those people.  I wondered if babies had enough diapers and enough formula.  Were there enough provision that they could have the comfort of cooking a nice meal?  soap to do the laundry?  bathroom items?  dish soap?  Had there cupboards ended up empty and they didn't have a pantry with backup items?  They couldn't borrow from their neighbors.

Sometimes I am way overboard on being co-dependent and take on the world!!  But really.  I was hoping and praying, that aside from terror, they had enough food etc. on hand, to give themselves comfort and security in the midst of so many unknowns.

How about you?  Could you hole up at any point for 4-5 days.  I hope so.  We need to be ready.

What use is a Prophet if we don't believe him and do as directed?  At least make an attempt no matter how feeble the effort is a good start.

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