Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Be Prepared

The power of teachers in our Gospel classes is vital.  Lately I've been really thinking about the influence felt by students, no matter their age, when they are touched by the Spirit and many times impacted in a big way.   We hope for that experience for our youth.  Something Spiritual for them to experience.  Even one time, of feeling that specialness of Spirit,  can aid them in their conversion.

On Monday when Carol and I happened to be at the graveyard, at the same time as Myra, I heard a story about the impact Carol had on Myra as a teenager.  Carol remembered the incident but not the impact.  Maybe she didn't realize until Myra told her!

Carol was her YW leader and Myra shared that she wanted to do some sort of adventuresome outdoors experience like the boys got to do.  She wanted to sleep on pine bows, dig snow caves, build roaring fires and really rough it.  Carol told her...Make it happen.  Plan it out and Lee and I will help you accomplish it. And that is what she did and to this day Myra remembers that as a highlight of her youth.  A pivotal moment.

This story came up because they were reminiscing about the many years their families were involved together and the things they used to jointly do.  Myra said that she'd recently been at some conference/class and they were asked to name the best teacher they ever had.  Myra said she ran through all the people in her life, educators, friends, etc. etc.  The prized, most influential teacher in Myra's life?  She settled on Carol's name.  She said that Carol took a girl that was walking to a different drumbeat (my words), accepted her desires, gave her permission/power to bring about her dreams, and helped it to happen.

Myra, is Mother to many children, been a Stake RSP for several years, has had lots of Gospel experiences but isn't that interesting that a YW leader from all those years ago impacted her life in such a lasting way?

It reminded me of a talk Betsy and I had on Sunday.  Her 3rd, and last, son is leaving on his Mission in a week and we were reminiscing about  his life.  He was 6 months old when we met.  We were talking about his Sacrament talk and I said, I had no idea that his Quorum adviser, Brad, had helped in his conversion at age 14.  Troy shared that a lesson had been taught that he has never forgotten.  His advisor talked about having your quiver full of arrows of righteousness (my words), if you wanted to go on a mission.  That lesson was his point of conversion.  I told her how amazing that was.

 She shared that her 2nd son, Cody, had experienced his conversion as a young boy (10-11) in Primary, when Chelle (a member of the Primary Presidency) gave a Sharing Time lesson on The First Vision.  Cody had his own conversion factor as a result of that lesson.

When her first son, Danny, was getting ready for his Mission and reading the Book of Mormon, she mentioned to him how important it was that he gain his own testimony about it.  He told her he already had a testimony.  She asked when/what and he said-- in Seminary when the Book of Mormon was studied.   He was a 14 year old freshman.

That story I was familiar with because I was his Seminary teacher and when that incident happened (several years ago), that she knew nothing about it & then found out, and she told me...well, I also knew nothing about it!!  I was as stunned as she was, as nothing in particular stood out to me in any experience of a spiritual nature with him, in that Early Morning class.

These four incidents really make me think again about the power of teaching by the Spirit.  We don't know how the Holy Ghost will use what we teach-- to help in someones conversion to the Gospel or conversion to a principle of the Gospel to further them along.  We need to always be prepared the very best we can and the Lord will ofttimes use us in ways we know not of.

IF I could rewind the clock, I'd really try to help my children feel the Spirit, recognize the Holy Ghost, and visit with them about feelings/emotions that are connected with Gospel growth.  Well, that's not going to be happening with this clock rewind dreaming talk but you can do it with your little ones still at home (no matter what their ages!)  You still have time if they are living under your roof!!!

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