Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Farewell to a friend...

A long time friend passed away yesterday.  Even writing it makes me tear up.  I was so glad to have spoken to her a few hours before she exited life. 

Last week I'd called her, in North Carolina and she never answered and I thought maybe she was back in the hospital.  Then her daughter called me, a couple of days later, and said the end was coming.  She said she was not responding anymore.  I asked if she would put the phone to her ear so I could tell her goodbye.  She said she would.  She told me to go ahead and talk. 

I told my friend that I loved her, was so glad for our friendship, that I knew she was going to the other side, to be brave, and to come see me if she could... Just all the sorts of things that you would tell any friend that is going on a long journey and you won't see for many years.

Her daughter asked if I could hear her.  She made some mumbling sounds.  I said....I choose to believe that she is telling me she loves me and will see me later.

Our association goes way back to Anchorage when we were in the same Ward.  She was relatively new in the Church as was I.  Neither of us had much Church service experience but we loved serving in the Church.  She was the Ward Camp Director.  I'd taught Laurels for 9 months.  Then I got called as Stake YW President!  And I called her as my counselor.  The Lord had let me know that this calling would happen but I didn't have enough sense to know what to do to be prepared. 

So there we were in Stake positions with no experience at all!  oh, my!- did we have fun!  We still laughed a couple of weeks ago about those times!

We learned so much about the Gospel and the Church together.   I remember us learning that the veil is thin and that it's possible for those on the other side to visit and communicate with those on earth.  She'd tell me....if I go first then I'll come see you.  You do the same if you go first.  While Terry was in rehab a few months ago,  I was waiting for him to be done with his appointment, so I called her, we talked and she said...don't know if it's possible but I'll try to come see you.  By this time she knew she wasn't going to make it.

She lived her last years, after her husbands death, with their daughter who took such good care of her.

Her husband continued to watch over her and woke the daughter 3 times in one night, a day or so before her passing,  and told her...go check on your Mother.  She said each time something was needed.  Once her oxygen was off.  One time she was sort of half off the bed.  I don't remember the 3rd.

I was impressed and touched with the nearness of the spirit world and the care that goes beyond this life.  It seems natural doesn't it?  I was so terrified of death when I joined the Church but I'm not now.  It makes sense to have loved ones care and help out like he did.

My friend is very happy and busy, I'm sure.  I have no curiosity about her trying to "come see me".  Personally I see no need for it.  I know people come if needs be. 

How wonderful in the Gospel that we have no need of psychics, fortune tellers, tarot cards, tea leaves, Ouija boards, mediums and other sorts of  folks/methods of seeking communication beyond the veil.  If it needs be then it will happen- if there is a purpose to the visit.

Indeed, our deceased loved ones are greatly concerned about our well-being and happiness and can be appointed, when there is need, to bring messages of warning, reproof, or instruction to us. (See Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p. 436.)
President Young confirmed that the spirit world “Is on this earth.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 376.) In a recent general conference, President Ezra Taft Benson declared that “the spirit world is not far away. Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us.” (Ensign,June 1971, p. 33.)
Here is an old 1977 article--The Spirit World, Our Next Home-- to read  here
My friend is free from suffering and pain.   She is at rest.  Filled with peace.  I'm thankful she endured to the end and was so valiant.  I will remember her and love her, always.

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