Wednesday, October 16, 2019

In the drivers seat...

When our daughter was preparing to hike the entire Camino de Santiago trek...a month of walking across Spain!...she prepared as best she could.  Her dedication to that advance preparation paid off in many ways.  There were other ways that she could not foresee until she was in that very moment.  There were still other ways that she chose to not follow advice from experienced travelers and on that painful realization, even though late in coming, she made adjustments.  (leaving behind her extra heavy guide book, that told about each and every nook and cranny, was a real sacrifice for her plus clothing and other extras)

We all have regular times of preparing for something.  Even if it's just grocery shopping or what to cook for dinner or juggling varied schedules or planning vacations or whether to do laundry and on and on.  Routines of daily living are familiar to all of us.

It's when the un-familiar, the unknown, the un-experienced life experiences loom- that we plan as best we can.

Right now I'm in that realm.  I'm looking into a vast fog with only my imagination and intuition and spiritual prompts to plan for the unknown...scanning my invisible book of possibilities that could very well end up probabilities!

Still waiting for a couple of more tests.  Tomorrow he has an EEG to measure his brain waves and next day, MRI results.  We now have a PT coming in our home 2x a week.

Already our life has shifted to a different level even not knowing the above results yet.

Trying to maximize my use of time and trying to follow the Prophet's counsel has been a motivational challenge.  I'm really enjoying it and still working hard at it.  Making headway for sure.

I am the driver in my own LifeVehicle!  a lot of years and wear and tear on this vintage wagon, for sure!  Four tires...all inflated but not in balance.  Some have to much air.  Some lack the right amount of air.  I am sometimes filled with hot air!  So it's a breezy bumpy ride!  I'm endeavoring to achieve balance in all 4 of those tires.

The four areas from Luke 2:52 have always appealed to me and I know I've blogged about it before.  somewhere in this sporadic posting that I'm wont to do!  Anyhow...I'm focusing and embracing those 4 areas and I love that the Children and Youth Program is that very thing.... Spiritual/Physical/Social/Intellectual.

If I end up more home-bound, than I presently am, that will be a constant reminder 24/7 of the happenings in my life.  If that becomes the challenge for me to figure out...I've decided to just blog about it.  Whatever ends up being on our reality list...I just can't imagine relating it over and over.

Yesterday, Terry and I enjoyed our time in the NT.  Some of my favorite verses from Paul and then these 2 great talks!  Terry wants us to listen to them again today.  They are powerful!  We were buoyed!

Philippians 4:7,11,13  and Alma 33-23

Elder Uchtdorf  here  grateful in any circumstances

President Nelson  here  joy and spiritual survival

PS- I mentioned our daughters trek earlier in this post.  If you'd like to take a is her introduction.  I adore my daughter!  She is an angel! you will enjoy this!  guaranteed!! 
 Jeanee  here   and     here    


Ell said...

I love this post; it's so inspiring! I love how you connect things.

Nancy Seljestad said...

Thank you, Ell! I appreciated your comment!
Best of luck to you on your new anticipated life adventure!!... a grand solo road trip! xoxox