Terry's appointment today got moved to later in the week and I will let you know when all of the tests are done and what the result is.
This morning, I was thinking of how lives can change in handling serious health issues...our own or other family members. I was thinking of lack of sleep sometimes around here and also thinking of one of the Conference talks that mentioned about cutting things back or cutting things out. (I can't remember who said it but something like that was said and it really hit me. I'll find it when I get into studying.) Anyhow I was thinking of things that might need to be changed for me...by me. I like to set an alarm and get up quite early for quiet private time to think and ponder and pray and study and etc. As I mulled things over in my thoughts about lack of sleep at times, I thought...I'll stop setting the alarm and just get up when I wake up. The instant that thought occurred, the Spirit said very clearly...Continue to set your alarm and get up early. Then immediately I just started having tears galore! I acknowledged that I would continue to set my alarm.
I figure I'll be told when to stop using the alarm but until then...I'm setting my alarm and doing as I've done in the past.
Besides that, I can go back to bed if I need a bit of a snooze! Unless I'm told to stay up!!
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