There is so much information available through the Church and the World News and the TV and all of the social media and I have to figure out...where am I in the throng? Am I where I want to be or need to be? Just for me personally. Not what others feel to do or not do. For me. Am I where I need to be?
What do I want????
I'm hurrying to set up a little plan of personal action with the goal to be measured in April 2020 GC
There are a lot of luxuries in my life time-wise and lots of challenges time-wise. That is the lot of all of us, isn't it?
Luxuries? I am my own boss as to whether I watch soap operas and eat bon-bons all day. I can sit all day if I choose.
Challenges? Terry's health. My health.
I have total freedom on what I do with my time. True that health challenges sometime eats into luxury time. Plus...eating is a challenge with me!
And that is really paring it down with identifying those two areas but there would be all sorts of sub-titles.
Right now I'm trying to quickly revamp my doings of time expenditure. Not trying to add on top of what is going on. To exchange or replace current time use and get things more in alignment and balance with what needs to be done around here and also within me.
What do I need to do to feel the Spirit? What do I need to do to feel I can receive personal revelation? What do I need to stop doing?????
So right now I'm checking out things I read on a real regular basis. Maybe I don't read everything but I definitely read a lot. So I checked and unsubscribed to those 6 NYT articles and the 2 People articles. a good beginning. I'm seriously evaluating my use of social media. I'm am so non-techy but I really identified with Brother Owen's true confession at the opening session of GC.
I have never checked FaceBook and just looked at friends or family ONLY. I will check out someone that I don't even know! I'm barraged by ads and sometimes I think- that is so clever. I want to order this! Just thinking on that one...about what to do with FB.
And Roku that provides me with Netflix and YouTube and PBS and Amazon Prime and on and on. Just because I can binge that a good way to spend daylight hours??? And how many times do I really need to check out the British Baking show???? Hey!- Today is Friday! There will be a new episode today! Friday! Hey! -Also a new Book of Mormon video today!
Yes...I claim to be a non-techy and compared to the modern generation...I truly am clueless BUT I use up a lot of my daily time allotment in sipping swamp water and putting the glass of pure living water on the back burner. Guess I'm into draining my own personal swamp!
Naughty or nice?....making a list and checking it twice!!
Books adding up...yesterday I ordered all 7 Harry Potter books. I've never read them. Have had absolutely no desire to read them but...Elder Uchtdorf mentioned them so I figure he read them or at least one (Chamber of Secrets) so yes...buh-bye NYT and hello to Harry! I also added to the pile A Marvelous Work and a Wonder. Another addition on the heap...At the Pulpit. Indulging my love of actually holding a book I have the hard copy but somehow or other there is a Church App and I think you can get it for free. I will be reading a lot book-wise but I won't be reading a lot screen-wise.
A lot of things in my life are moved to my Scarlett O'Hara thought...Fidddle dee dee, I'll think about that tomorrow!! I know that mis-use of what seems to be harmless use of time, watching things, leaves a lot of things undone in my life!!
Here is that wonderful talk... by Steven Douglas Owen ...Be Faithful, Not Faithless
Here is the part that hit home with me.... (also his quoting Elder Packer. Loved that!)
Not long ago I woke up and prepared to study the scriptures. I picked up my smartphone and sat in a chair next to my bed with the intention of opening the Gospel Library app. I unlocked my phone and was just about to begin studying when I saw a half dozen notifications for text messages and emails that had come during the night. I thought, “I’ll quickly check those messages, and then I’ll get right to the scriptures.” Well, two hours later I was still reading text messages, emails, news briefs, and social media posts. When I realized what time it was, I frantically rushed to get ready for the day. That morning I missed my scripture study, and consequently I didn’t get the spiritual nourishment I was hoping for.
Spiritual Nourishment
I’m sure many of you can relate. Modern technologies bless us in many ways. They can connect us with friends and family, with information, and with news about current events around the world. However, they can also distract us from the most important connection: our connection with heaven.
I repeat what our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has said: “We live in a world that is complex and increasingly contentious. The constant availability of social media and a 24-hour news cycle bombard us with relentless messages. If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation.”
President Nelson went on to warn that “in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”1
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