Saturday, October 26, 2019

"Double Boiler"

The clock top pulls forward (not upwards!) and I can see Mother printed....

Christmas 1976
 My "Double Boiler"
from Kipper! 

I forgot it was a Revere Ware Double Boiler she was wanting.  I do have her small one.

Time....Sometimes it seems to drag on forever and other times it just whizzes by!  

I enjoy the steady beat and rhythm of my clock.  Just like a heart beat it goes and goes and goes.  Chiming every 15 minutes it lets me know where the minute hand is.  4 notes at quarter after.  8 notes at half past.  12 notes at quarter til.  16 notes, in those combo's of 4, on the hour and then the chime!  I love the Westminster chime it is set on...very steady and certain and reverberating, as it gongs out the hour.  In it's old rings one extra gong so I always minus one.

Each Saturday, I wind the 3 weights, by pulling straight down on the chains, as my Mother taught me. 

When my clock was her clock and I flew in to visit Mother--it stood on the stair-landing, to my upstairs bedroom. The clock was so bothersome.  I couldn't sleep with the 15 minute chiming interruptions plus the incessant gonging on the hour!  In kind consideration she would turn it off while I was there.

I now realize that was a sacrifice for her to turn it off, as I know how much I enjoy it's signalling me and letting me know that time is passing by.  She had that pleasure, such a love-gift from Daddy, for 23 years.  This is now the 20th year of my enjoying it.  

Sometimes during the day...I don't hear it at all.  Then I focus and I hear it.  At night, I will fall asleep to the sound and eventually not even hear it at all until I start to stir awake... or I wake up in the middle of the night and concentrate on the notes to figure out what time it is and suddenly I know.  It's a comforting sound to me. 

This clock is so special to me.  I realize that my feelings and awareness of the clock is akin to my feelings and awareness of the Holy Ghost.  Sometimes very clear and easily understood.  Sometimes muddled or missed entirely and not even heard or felt.  Sometimes confusion ...did I hear that right?  Sometimes sleeping through things and other times on high alert. 

And...just like trying to find what Mother had written inside the top matter how much I tugged and lifted and insisted that it reveal the message...I was going about it all wrong!  It was the gentle tug forward that moved the entire top casing to reveal her writing.  That is certainly how I live my life at many times- with forced determination and struggling- instead of calmly accessing the situation...thinking things through...letting go of my will and being open to a new & different way of accomplishing my whatever!   

My personal time?...Right now, I'm back on track in still trying to figure out- what to let go of, to make better use of the allotment of sand left in my hourglass! ...ever seeking a NewNorm!

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