Monday, October 8, 2018

What a time!!!

This morning I realized --I was so amazed by all that was said Sunday afternoon that I said nothing about it!!

I have never heard a General Conference that was so unique.  Well, last April with it's myriad of changes is from the same bolt of cloth.  This particular Conference was absolutely filled with the invitation to come unto Christ...being reminded and taught that He can help in each of our lives.  Speaking of lives...every malady/challenge, known to mankind, was mentioned to make sure we knew, without exception, everything can receive some help.  Not necessarily help that causes erasure of the challenge but strengthened ability to bear your own tough lot in life.  We were reminded that tough things will happen to all of us.  No exceptions.  No passes to a life of ease.  Mortality!!

Not meaning a single shred of disrespect but in my mind, I was taken back to a tent meeting in Anchorage in the mid 50's...a visiting evangelist preaching in a tent, not unlike a circus tent, and inviting all to accept his "altar call"-- come unto Jesus and give Him your life.  I was also reminded of the power of Billy Graham and his crusades. 

The face of the restored Gospel has definitely had a face-lift and we are now invited, by true and living Prophets to come unto Jesus and walk His His talk...and embrace direction and counsel from our current President/Prophet and the First Presidency and His 12 Apostles.  I am definitely a believer and desire to be a follower and a disciple.  I am comfortable being labeled a Christian.  Now I just need to live so as to be easily identifiable as such!

Let the work begin!  The introspection...the seeking guidance...the facing things as they really are! 

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