Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Rolling along!

This weather is just so marvelous.  I never tire of the seasons here.  I love the changes of each one.  These leaves are beyond description and the briskness and coolness of the air...refreshing and rejuvenating.  The sky!

My porch did not really get much use this year.  I seemed to never quite get it up and spiffy and fixed like I wanted.  Yesterday, I just made a clean sweep and moved the furniture and am determined next year to do the sprucing up that didn't make my list this year!

I continue to enjoy these early quiet hours and feel more in control of my life.  Admittedly, it doesn't seem outwardly to have made a difference but inwardly, where it really counts at the heart of peacefulness and joy, it really is enhancing.  I do feel more in control/management of my life as it slowly shifts into complications of sweetheart-care.  I can do all things...(Phillipians 4:13)

The more I read the Book of Mormon, the more I enjoy it and the feelings of it's truthfulness grows and thus my testimony increases.  I appreciate this experience that happens on a continuous loop IF I daily read.  

We are told that all Scripture is for our profit and learning.  I have learned so much about life in general and life specifics through these ancient teachings.  I am strengthened and it helps me to endeavor to not get tripped up and fall off the covenant path in all of it's straight straitness.  

I've recently enjoyed...(3 Nephi 23:6-14 & Matthew 27:52-53)

The attention to details and taking nothing for granted.  sort of a trust but verify situation.  (my favorite creed quote.  credit to President Ronald Reagan.)  When the Savior said to Nephi..Bring forth the record which ye have kept.  He checks them over. Asks if he remembers being told of Samuel's testimony.  Nephi remembers.  He then asks...How be it that ye have not written this thing...? Nephi remembers that it had not been written.  Jesus again commands that it should be written and it was written.  

What a marvelous example of attention to details and follow-up and accountability and even repentance/forgiveness and honesty and kindness and humanness plus the attention to detail of the record, kept and reserved for our day, plus another witness of what would happen at the time of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ  ...many saints who should arise from the dead, and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them. We know that did happen and we also gain additional knowledge ...they did minister unto them.  the NT account just says they appeared.  I like knowing they ministered.  (Modern, huh?) A plain and simple and interesting truth restored! 


There used to be an Apostle named Elder Neal A. Maxwell.  I loved his talks.  He's been gone a long time now but this popped up and it's so neat.  Just had to share it!

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