Early on today- I started reading the information for teaching with this new format. Of interest to me...my class time for my lesson will be...20 minutes!! Wow! I will finish out this year, with my large class of 10 students, and enjoy the luxury of my designated allotted hour with them.
I will go from teaching 4 hours a month to teaching 1 hour 20 minutes a month! From 1 hour a week to 20 minutes a week!!
Next year I will have two students so that will be a small class to learn-- the best way to emphasize what they have studied at home the past week...unless I misunderstood and it's prep for the coming week.
Whatever...I'm excited and game for the challenge and support the change with all of my heart.
Yes. I believe in our Prophet.
I've been thinking about the Women's General Conference Session yesterday and what I want/need to do to do the 4 challenges/requests
1. Media. So far I've decided to stay off of FB with one exception. I get an email notice when my daughter has posted something on YouTube (remember she is doing that 556 mile Camino Santiago in Spain). I want to see her and hear how she is faring. I will check that and then share it on FB. that is my one exception.
I will read and use my email as it is not a source of random reading out of curiosity etc. but a staying in touch with kiddos, friends and stuff!
I'll continue my blog.
I admit to hauling my smart phone around in case my daughter does a duo call. it's early in the morning and very brief to let me know she arrived to her destination. some days she doesn't call (no service or poor service) so then I keep it near me.
I'll read LDS.org things, of course. (by the way...wonder what and how that name will be adjusted?)
I may think of more things or adjust this but it's just for 10 days so this is doable and adequate so I'll start now. when I post this...I'll start and then see how I feel on October 18th
2. Daily read Book of Mormon. On track for that. I will list blessings he mentioned as I love knowing blessings are in the mail!
3. I will keep the effort going on Weekly Temple attendance. I will list the blessings he mentioned that are associated with this act of obedience. love those promises. I need to work on taking family names to Temple. I'm still stuck in the bog and thrashing about!
4. Relief Society. I've been once in 5 years and for two years have felt totally out of the loop as far as the happenings. At first, when the Prophet said to fully support RS... I was like...well, I'm teaching etc. etc. then I was reading this morning and RS will only meet 2x a month and they will have the current (?) Conference talks for lessons. And then Sunday School will be along the lines of my Primary lesson as far as subjects. So....I was thinking that my last Primary boy is going into YM in a couple of weeks and I could go through Dec. but then I realized that I would walk in when things are half-over. Whichever way it goes...I will read what the RS is teaching about. which CR talk has been selected.
More thinking to do but I definitely will be doing all 4. I'm thinking every single woman I know, and even don't know, if they heard this talk...we will all be doing it!!
Sunday Morning
Wow!!! again!!!
I thoroughly enjoyed, loved, what Elder Ballard shared about Joseph F. Smith. How he was prepared to receive the 138th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. I got out my old book Gospel Doctrine by JFS. I remembered reading of that vision and wondering why it wasn't scripture. It was so amazing. I then wrote in the margin that it was added to the Pearl of Great Price in 1976. Then in 1981 it was published in the new Triple Combination. Today my question as for why it wasn't printed earlier was answered by Elder Ballard. Made my heart happy!
Loved the "our tendency to bring brownies" statement by Sister Cardon
Was there ever such a great talk on forgiveness/forgetfulness as by Elder Holland? ..."tranquility to the soul"
Elder Anderson. Wow and ow!! "...your soul will be wounded..." "...be ready..." "when you are wounded and help others, you are an angel..."
President Nelson...I've never heard a Prophet defend/explain something he has declared as needful action because "...the Lord impressed upon my mind the name..." he was so sweet and patient and I just wanted to jump through that screen and hug him and tell him that I support and believe what he is saying. (also I'd tell him that I can't figure out how to get Mormon off of my blog profile but...I'm aware and will get it done) He mentioned again..."...blessing on your heads...." going to make another list!
These Conference talks yesterday and today, were just fantastic and motivating and I will do my best to improve. I was so happy when Terry said...We have a lot to study these next 6 months.
I feel blessed and buoyed and excited and challenged and amazed at the mentions, again, about getting things ready for the 2nd coming. The final gathering. Amazing that we are here for it!!
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