Sunday, September 18, 2016


Missing my much!!!!!!  The last few days have been super emotional for me...fleeting storm clouds of emotions on all fronts...Sort of like miniature comparison of pending storm and then it blows through and lasts for awhile but not for long.  I get ahead of myself here.  Back to what I said...I really miss my sister.  Sounds nutzo but I even miss her little nagging ways and her, did you get your flu shot yet?...Nancy, turn your TV to QVC /HSN!  They have Temptation bowls on sale!  You need to order some!...Nancy, did you go get your ears re-pierced? You need to! You have to start wearing earrings again!  I gave you those silver ones.....Nancy, what are you cooking for Thanksgiving?  Here is a recipe I really think you should try. Such silly stuff and I miss her constantly trying to run my life!

copying her recipes that includes her "family recipe for Brownies"!

We could tell each other anything in life and not feel judged.  We understood that most storms blow over and life is to short to keep fueling fires of unpleasantness.

I'm so glad I had the chance to spend so much time with her before her passing and help her accomplish all she felt needed to be done for her leaving.

More and more about the spirit world.

a great story here

a couple of paragraphs from the above article....

“I can say that I know for sure, without a doubt, I know there is life after death,” Jones-Sanchez said.

“I know John is still alive. I know because I’ve been able to talk to him since he died, and I’ve had several experiences where the veil has been thin, and I’ve had these sacred moments where I don’t understand everything and my faith is not perfect, but I know he’s out there, and I know there’s life after death, and I know our family will be together again so that perspective pretty much changes everything.

“It changes the way you live. I’ve often thought that John is busy doing important things and growing in important ways and living a great life so I need to continue living my life, too. Otherwise, he’d be so disappointed when he met me again if I just stopped living when he died.”


You know that I've figured out MyLife in Season 4 and we are moving down the highway in the exit lane (I see it's a lengthy one!  Whew!)  Something just kept niggling at me that what I had going on and planned for MyLife wasn't enough.  Sort of like not asking What Lack I Yet? and being prompted...all the wheels on your bus are not hitting the pavement.  You are lacking.

It really threw me into a tizzy.  Especially when it hit, again!, to me feeling I'm not serving others!  Truly I was bawling and squalling and just being big baby here!  Then the September Ensign was my reading choice and it was filled with that very topic and the was filled with it.  And I was already missing my sister and The Hubster was miserable with pain (for days) and I was tired and blah, blah, blah. 

Then I thought of my sister and her generosity and her trademark giveaway, to every person that crossed her path...even people she was paying to do something--like her lawn fellow or roof repair or any service and then any niceness like her VT visiting her or HT.  They all got brownies...dusted with powdered sugar. 

Made from scratch?  No way.  A box mix.  She made these so often that her youngest grandson asked her to write down her recipes and he especially wanted-- the family recipe for brownies and cinnamon toast.  I told you we copied the Duncan Hines recipe off of the box (I think that was the brand).

I decided I would bake brownies and give them to people I was thinking about.  I'd be like Dixie!  At the moment I was so on fire to do it, I decided I would do it for life.  After the fact?...I don't know.  I really don't.  Maybe I'm still off base and not understanding what I'm to do?  I don't know.

I receive things from women that are marvelous cooks or have excellent taste in chocolate.  But I need to give something!!  Do something!  It seemed rather small but the thought behind it and the love going into it was gigantic!!  does love transfer into the tasting of a boxed brownie?  Does it make it scrumptious?  Terry said he thought it would.  As I said...I don't know.  I really don't know.  Time will tell!!!

first I shopped at Zillah foods

only one Duncan Hines

baking done...real quick!

I love wax paper and had little tins on hand.  note cards.

Brownie "bites".  Not Brownies.

taste test without dusting of powdered sugar.

taste test with dump of Powdered sugar.  not dusting of such!
Fired up by Brownie-Bite giving and having our grandson (the one injured in the biking accident) make his first outing since June 11th and coming over, and having a birthday that we could celebrate...I endeavored to bake a cake for him.  I've made this cake since 1951.  it's a family favorite.  It failed.  Didn't that happen to me before?  My oven perhaps?  Cake rose and fell...crater deep.

Terry who has watched to many Chopped shows and Worst cooks show was all full of ideas for "when a recipe fails".  Which brings to mind...why would he repeatedly use those words???  I'm not blind!!

So he wants me to cut circles and then serve the cake as brownies.  I did consider it but opted to just call a spade, a spade.  Stacked it and filled the dips with so much frosting that there was none left for the outside.

he is walking with a cane!!!
deep well cake!

to cut or not to cut?

not a State Fair Entry!

You WILL fit in here or else!!!

He appreciated it!

Tuesday will be 6 weeks of excellence on riding my bike 30 minutes to nowhere for 5 days a week.  I'm still the exact same outline shape-wise but somewhat smaller perhaps in a couple of totally invisible places!  I do not weigh.  I'm setting myself up for health and not failure!!  So...I'm thinking of doing one new habit food wise.  It can't be anything I've committed to before (like any of the hundreds of eating programs that I've suffered through and many times paid money to do).  So I'm thinking of a commitment I can make, on consistency in the food department, for health and something I've never tried.  The jury is still out.  I will decide by Tuesday.

((I totally understand Paul when he said...Romans Chapter 7

15 aFor bthat which I do I callow not: for what I dwould, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

 19 For the agood that I bwould I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is apresent with me.

I've thought of the above scriptures when I've pledged to give up chocolate or all sugar or etc.))

Image result for Healthy self- Heal thy self  meme


Nature...our great visible example of life and the changes that occurs in each of us.  Nothing is held back until everything is in place.  The clock ticks on the mantle and my own inner clock beats a steady rhythm...the weather changes as do the pages on the calendar and life just marches on.  We change our life-lanes and sometimes wish we could move back to a familiar lane and not this new route but that's life!  Truly...I'm going to live til' I die!  Live it the best I can and give it what I can with my whole heart.  Even boxed brownies!!

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