Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Upright and moving!!!

Our life is settling back down.  New Rx seem to be helping and we can renew/resume our less than consistent routine.  I look forward to taking some time, cherished time to me, to sit down and write and share all the things on my mind.  Today that is not going to happen!

I have a friend that is struggling with the happenings in her life and wanted to share this great thought...


Also wanted to share...Hymn #127  Does the Journey Seem Long?

(I love the fact that a Prophet wrote this hymn.  Prophets are mortal, just like us, and they suffer, just like us.  This is a hymn of comfort and strength.)

  1. 1. Does the journey seem long,
    The path rugged and steep?
    Are there briars and thorns on the way?
    Do sharp stones cut your feet
    As you struggle to rise
    To the heights thru the heat of the day?
  2. 2. Is your heart faint and sad,
    Your soul weary within,
    As you toil 'neath your burden of care?
    Does the load heavy seem
    You are forced now to lift?
    Is there no one your burden to share?
  3. 3. Let your heart be not faint
    Now the journey's begun;
    There is One who still beckons to you.
    So look upward in joy
    And take hold of his hand;
    He will lead you to heights that are new--
  4. 4. A land holy and pure,
    Where all trouble doth end,
    And your life shall be free from all sin,
    Where no tears shall be shed,
    For no sorrows remain.
    Take his hand and with him enter in.
  5. Text: Joseph Fielding Smith, 1876-1972
    Music: George D. Pyper, 1860-1943

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