As you know we, as a couple, watch the archived General Conference talks each day. We started watching one at a time but found we enjoyed them so much that we usually watch two. They are so powerful. To see and hear these men that have been called by authority to preach the gospel...for the rest of their entire life!! just powerful. They preach and teach of Christ...over and over and over. It's never-ending!!
The archive goes back to April 1971 and we decided to just plow through from that point on. I've decided to keep tally. Not for any reason other than I'm curious of how many talks we will end up watching/listening/discussing. They end every single talk with their powerful testimonies. It is so real to us that every time we spontaneously, rather loudly state, Amen!!
It is fascinating to realize that we know each of those men. Well, we know them through their Church service. We believe their words! Elder Packer was the junior Apostle! With President Monson just one chair ahead of him and here they are, 44 years later!, still preaching and teaching about the Savior and pleading with us to live the Gospel! President Monson is now our Prophet and Elder Packer the President of the Quorum of the 12!! They look so extremely young when they speak! Guess it's because they are!!!
Well, we do wonder about subject matter of Paul Dunn, when he speaks, but it was several years before he started his embellishing and making as he said fine packages. At least we think so!
A few notes about really had to dig in those days to here/learn about the Conference talks. Hopefully a member of the Bishopric flew from Homer to Anchorage to Seattle to Salt Lake City Gen. Conf. and took good notes and came back and shared!
The Ensign talks came out a few months later. The April 1971 talks were printed in the June 1971 Ensign. They didn't sell videos because there were no videos but you could purchase cassette tapes.
The new printing of the King James Bible would not be printed until 1979 and the new Triple wasn't printed until 1981. For me it was very hard to study the scriptures until those were printed and made available. I think this was why I fell in love with CR talks because they taught me and gave scripture references that I could look up. You know I'm a total Conference nut to this very day!!
We weren't on the block meeting until 9 years later in March 1980. As I said, to me it seemed, you really had to dig to learn and study. I'm wondering if we even had a set of Scriptures!)
Talk Tally....122!!
April 1971...42 talks
Conference was held on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday
April 2015...37 talks (including 5 from Women's Session)
Conference was held on Saturday and Sunday
October 1971...43 talks
Conference was held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
We have now moved into April 1972 and will plow ahead until October and then we will listen to them like we did the recent April 2015 GC.
Today President Joseph Fielding Smith said-- in opening session of that April 1972 Conference....
We are the servants of the Lord. We have received light and truth and revelation from him. He has commanded us to proclaim his truths and live his laws. And so now, in harmony with his mind and will, and as guided by his Holy Spirit, we give counsel and direction to the Saints and to the world.
To the world I say: These are the last days. They are days of trouble and sorrow and desolation. They are days when Satan dwells in the hearts of ungodly men, when iniquity abounds, and when the signs of the times are being shown forth.
Do yourself a favor and listen/watch one of these a day, if you want to feel the Spirit and have your testimony strengthened. It's so interesting to hear the history of the Church and hear about details being put into effect, like asking the Bishops to please take care of figuring out what room to put the Ward Library in and how to run it and what should be in it. It just shows how modern and current and ever changing those sorts of details are and yet how solid and unchangeable the Doctrine and Gospel Principles are. Love it!
Thought you'd get a kick out of this.... he talked about overheads and all sorts of things that the library would be equipped with....
Howard W. Hunter- Prepare Every Needful Thing here
April GC 1971
I testify to you that the meetinghouse library program is divinely inspired. It is guided by the hand of our Heavenly Father to make teaching in the Church more effective. It has the immediate promise to increase the activity of the entire membership of the Church through making the messages of the gospel more vital in our lives. I pray we may be successful in this effort to “prepare every needful thing,” in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I just remembered sharing about Paul Dunn in this earlier blog!!
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