To my friend...My feelings about the Atonement and available help in our personal lives, through the Atonement, are in these posts. I know I mentioned, in at least one, that I used to think the power of the Atonement was for sin and then I learned-- it's for helping us deal with pain, not sin related, just plain old pain, brought on by our being mortal.
I hope this gives you some insight, as to the available powerful help, through accessing the gift of the Atonement. I hope it helps your intense suffering... to start to ease, to start to diminish, and you avail yourself, of this help, that you are entitled to. It's available for the asking, for the believing, and that means YOU!!!
IF these posts do not give you a start, on tapping into this bit of heavenly help...then let me know. As with all things in the Gospel-- we experiment and grow through the trying. Just like it states in Alma 32.
You are in my prayers. We will stay in touch. Love you, my dear friend. So sorry for your suffering. xoxoxox
Elder David A. Bednar counseled, “As you and I come to understand and employ the enabling power of the Atonement in our personal lives, we will pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than praying for our circumstances to be changed. We will become agents who act rather than objects that are acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:14)” (“The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 44)
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