Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Changing things around....
Thanksgiving...a wonderful time with Kipper- sharing the day and our meal. Saying a Happy Thanksgiving to our other children. Leaving a message for our Grandson and his family. Thinking of our Grandson on his Mission. Hoping people welcomed him and he felt the love we are sending his way, through good thoughts and prayers.
Tonight I sit here and realize again that things have changed around here. You can desire for things to stay the same in life. Especially when it's been a familiar pattern for what seems a lifetime. sometimes, most especially, on those celebrations of special events like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
You can even have it in your mind- exactly what needs to be done to accomplish what has been done over and over in the past. Even if it be decorations or food.
Today I realized that we will not be cooking holiday meals on the day of celebration. It's just to much. Terry ran totally out of steam and I created the mess of the century, by using every pot and pan, at least it seemed so, to fill out the meal. The meal ended up delish but really, it was just to much work.
Does that make me dreadful to say that? Is that un-American? have I thrown family traditions under the bus? do I have a heart of stone? saying I don't want to cook like that?
Now note...I didn't say I didn't want a meal with it's celebratory familiarity. I just said it was to much work! On the day of the meal (like someone around here loves to do. not me.)
So change is in the air. Now I'm all for change. change to me means growth. progress. For My Hubby?...he doesn't like change. It's an unpleasant adjustment. Once he settles in then he is fine and rolls with it. Sometimes though you gotta do what you gotta do. Even if it's a change that feels drastic. And we need to change some things around here.
We will do all the cooking/prep in advance to where the meal just sort of seems to magically appear!! Now if I figure that out, then I'll sell the secret! For a couple of years I've wanted to cook the turkey in advance but my traditionalist wants it cooked day of. there are lots of things that can be done in advance! what? well, I can't rattle off a list but I'm sure there are lots of shortcuts, do-aheads, etc. that will make things smooth, simple and at least appear to be easy because it's not done day of!
Here is what we are looking forward to within the next 4 weeks. Our Grandson and his family will be here in two weeks and we will celebrate Christmas with them (we are looking forward to having children with us!!) and then a week or so later, our son and his family will come and we will have another Christmas.
We want the Christmas things up! We want to get ready for enjoying and celebrating time together.
Depending on what gets done around here, I may blog and then again, I may not.
So I may be sporadic or I may stop. Not quit. just stop. put on the brakes. I know when I follow a blog and they say they are going to do it at such and such a rate...that I don't like it when they suddenly stop posting.
I appreciate you reading my blog. You are special to me.
Wish me luck! better yet...give me energy!!!
What a great Thanksgiving we had!!
Tonight I sit here and realize again that things have changed around here. You can desire for things to stay the same in life. Especially when it's been a familiar pattern for what seems a lifetime. sometimes, most especially, on those celebrations of special events like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
You can even have it in your mind- exactly what needs to be done to accomplish what has been done over and over in the past. Even if it be decorations or food.
Today I realized that we will not be cooking holiday meals on the day of celebration. It's just to much. Terry ran totally out of steam and I created the mess of the century, by using every pot and pan, at least it seemed so, to fill out the meal. The meal ended up delish but really, it was just to much work.
Does that make me dreadful to say that? Is that un-American? have I thrown family traditions under the bus? do I have a heart of stone? saying I don't want to cook like that?
Now note...I didn't say I didn't want a meal with it's celebratory familiarity. I just said it was to much work! On the day of the meal (like someone around here loves to do. not me.)
So change is in the air. Now I'm all for change. change to me means growth. progress. For My Hubby?...he doesn't like change. It's an unpleasant adjustment. Once he settles in then he is fine and rolls with it. Sometimes though you gotta do what you gotta do. Even if it's a change that feels drastic. And we need to change some things around here.
We will do all the cooking/prep in advance to where the meal just sort of seems to magically appear!! Now if I figure that out, then I'll sell the secret! For a couple of years I've wanted to cook the turkey in advance but my traditionalist wants it cooked day of. there are lots of things that can be done in advance! what? well, I can't rattle off a list but I'm sure there are lots of shortcuts, do-aheads, etc. that will make things smooth, simple and at least appear to be easy because it's not done day of!
Here is what we are looking forward to within the next 4 weeks. Our Grandson and his family will be here in two weeks and we will celebrate Christmas with them (we are looking forward to having children with us!!) and then a week or so later, our son and his family will come and we will have another Christmas.
We want the Christmas things up! We want to get ready for enjoying and celebrating time together.
Depending on what gets done around here, I may blog and then again, I may not.
So I may be sporadic or I may stop. Not quit. just stop. put on the brakes. I know when I follow a blog and they say they are going to do it at such and such a rate...that I don't like it when they suddenly stop posting.
I appreciate you reading my blog. You are special to me.
Wish me luck! better yet...give me energy!!!
What a great Thanksgiving we had!!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Words that warm a Mom's heart.....
This made me so happy to read what Kipper posted....
<Happy Thanksgiving>
My wish for all:
is that wherever you are on your life's journey that you celebrate exactly where you are each and every moment - the good and the bad.
that you stop being so hard on yourself- so judgmental- and be more patient, loving, and compassionate to you.
that you come to know that you deserve the life of your dreams.
that you can let the past be, regardless.
to know that whatever has been done to you, and from that point forward it's YOUR CHOICE to keep it alive or not, to let it enrich or destroy you.
to realize that no one is going to knock down your door and rescue you, and you are the only one who can rescue you.
to know that so much untapped possibilities are already in you, and are just one thought away, one seed away from creation.
that no matter how bad it is, it doesn't have to be this way.
that you realize--you control your reality--you have been all along--you just forgot.
that you can figure out a way to release it all, everything that doesn't support your dreams, and have the best life possible.
This is my wish for you...
<Happy Thanksgiving>
My wish for all:
is that wherever you are on your life's journey that you celebrate exactly where you are each and every moment - the good and the bad.
that you stop being so hard on yourself- so judgmental- and be more patient, loving, and compassionate to you.
that you come to know that you deserve the life of your dreams.
that you can let the past be, regardless.
to know that whatever has been done to you, and from that point forward it's YOUR CHOICE to keep it alive or not, to let it enrich or destroy you.
to realize that no one is going to knock down your door and rescue you, and you are the only one who can rescue you.
to know that so much untapped possibilities are already in you, and are just one thought away, one seed away from creation.
that no matter how bad it is, it doesn't have to be this way.
that you realize--you control your reality--you have been all along--you just forgot.
that you can figure out a way to release it all, everything that doesn't support your dreams, and have the best life possible.
This is my wish for you...
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Help yourself to some available comfort and promise!
This is for some that are struggling to make it in life. This beautiful talk by President Monson, described at what he called as "...on of the most inspiring session of any general conference I've attended..." will hopefully bring the hope mentioned in Joshua 1:5....I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee... also in vs9...Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, nether be thou dismayed; for the Lord the God is with thee wheresoever thou goest.
There is nothing as comforting or promising or hopeful as when Prophets speak. A part of President Monsons talk was just so fantastic. well, all of it was glorious but read this....
There is nothing as comforting or promising or hopeful as when Prophets speak. A part of President Monsons talk was just so fantastic. well, all of it was glorious but read this....
When the pathway of life takes a cruel turn, there is the temptation to ask the question “Why me?” At times there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel, no sunrise to end the night’s darkness. We feel encompassed by the disappointment of shattered dreams and the despair of vanished hopes. We join in uttering the biblical plea, “Is there no balm in Gilead?”1We feel abandoned, heartbroken, alone. We are inclined to view our own personal misfortunes through the distorted prism of pessimism. We become impatient for a solution to our problems, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.
The difficulties which come to us present us with the real test of our ability to endure. A fundamental question remains to be answered by each of us: Shall I falter, or shall I finish? Some do falter as they find themselves unable to rise above their challenges. To finish involves enduring to the very end of life itself.
Our Heavenly Father, who gives us so much to delight in, also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass. We know that there are times when we will experience heartbreaking sorrow, when we will grieve, and when we may be tested to our limits. However, such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in the way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were—better than we were, more understanding than we were, more empathetic than we were, with stronger testimonies than we had before.
This should be our purpose—to persevere and endure, yes, but also to become more spiritually refined as we make our way through sunshine and sorrow. Were it not for challenges to overcome and problems to solve, we would remain much as we are, with little or no progress toward our goal of eternal life. The poet expressed much the same thought in these words:
Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
The further sky, the greater length.
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.8
Only the Master knows the depths of our trials, our pain, and our suffering. He alone offers us eternal peace in times of adversity. He alone touches our tortured souls with His comforting words:
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest....
I get teary with the promise and comfort in this. I may as well stop or I will have the entire talk printed!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Now this would be good in my 2014 creed...
It's getting close to time to start thinking about reviewing/revamping/renewing my Creed list.
This is from a leadership book. author. I just wanted the Thomas Huxley quote so neglected to write the source down. a tidbit of treasure from my mile high stack of notes that I love!
Isn't this profound?
Everyone else in the world probably has this mastered but me! Oh, really, you don't have it down pat either? Love the company.
I will really think about it.
Need a Creed peek idea? Here you go!
2011 2012 2013
This is from a leadership book. author. I just wanted the Thomas Huxley quote so neglected to write the source down. a tidbit of treasure from my mile high stack of notes that I love!
Isn't this profound?
He smiled at me with a twinkle in
his eye, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without
hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas
Huxley many years ago. He said, "Do what you should do, when you should do it,
whether you feel like it or not."
uh-huh. needed on my creed list. It is sort of like my... if not me -who? if not now--when? Everyone else in the world probably has this mastered but me! Oh, really, you don't have it down pat either? Love the company.
I will really think about it.
Need a Creed peek idea? Here you go!
2011 2012 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday RS Meeting
There is a gigantic push in the Church for all things family and that includes all phases of finding family they here or on the other side of the veil. The RS invited all to bring laptops and learn to index.
My husband is a fantastic dedicated indexer. I bring him ice water, rub his shoulders and give him smooches for a job well done. You get the picture? this is one of those "fill in the blank" paragraphs or read between the lines for the entire story.
I have dabbled. dipped my toe in the water.
He is ever vacillating between encouraging and badgering me to join the throng of the obedient.
A lot of times, okay, most of the time, alright...all of the time--I like to know what the promised blessings are for acts of obedience. This inspires me...It excites me...It's exhilarating to me....when I know what the outcome will be. I also know what I'm missing out on if I don't obey. True- obedience brings forth blessings.
It's all choice, isn't it?
So I recently made a real commitment, to my resident indexer, that I would actually do it. Often. Just because we are suppose to. Not even thinking (the one exception in my life, that I didn't!)....hmmmm. I wonder if there is a blessing attached to this?
I went to the class because I wanted to support my RSP, wanted to take my friend and wanted to find out, if what the invite said, about being able to index on my tablet was true. (not true. well, not yet.)
A wonderful blessing being there. The brother who introduced the hands-on indexing class, mentioned that there were blessings/promises about doing the indexing work! I listened and then asked where the source was. My ears were perked up all the way. He said it was Elder Bednar.
I'd never heard what he said before. It took me forever to find it but I did. It's in things for the youth which I don't usually read. maybe it was somewhere else. maybe it filtered through the holes in my head at some previous time. But I don't remember ever hearing the things printed below.
I'm for sure not a youth but I'm young at heart so I'll claim these blessings for myself!
Remember my continual quest for more association of the Holy Ghost? well, Elder Bednar said....
Elder Bednar has testified that family history work is one way to bring that strength and to protect us from the world. He said, “The Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of Elijah will influence anyone who is involved in this work. That, for a young person in the wickedness of the world in which we live today, is one of the greatest safeguards against the temptations of the adversary. The Spirit of Elijah will not only bless you, it will protect you” (“The Time Is Now,”
My husband is a fantastic dedicated indexer. I bring him ice water, rub his shoulders and give him smooches for a job well done. You get the picture? this is one of those "fill in the blank" paragraphs or read between the lines for the entire story.
I have dabbled. dipped my toe in the water.
He is ever vacillating between encouraging and badgering me to join the throng of the obedient.
A lot of times, okay, most of the time, alright...all of the time--I like to know what the promised blessings are for acts of obedience. This inspires me...It excites me...It's exhilarating to me....when I know what the outcome will be. I also know what I'm missing out on if I don't obey. True- obedience brings forth blessings.
It's all choice, isn't it?
So I recently made a real commitment, to my resident indexer, that I would actually do it. Often. Just because we are suppose to. Not even thinking (the one exception in my life, that I didn't!)....hmmmm. I wonder if there is a blessing attached to this?
I went to the class because I wanted to support my RSP, wanted to take my friend and wanted to find out, if what the invite said, about being able to index on my tablet was true. (not true. well, not yet.)
A wonderful blessing being there. The brother who introduced the hands-on indexing class, mentioned that there were blessings/promises about doing the indexing work! I listened and then asked where the source was. My ears were perked up all the way. He said it was Elder Bednar.
I'd never heard what he said before. It took me forever to find it but I did. It's in things for the youth which I don't usually read. maybe it was somewhere else. maybe it filtered through the holes in my head at some previous time. But I don't remember ever hearing the things printed below.
I'm for sure not a youth but I'm young at heart so I'll claim these blessings for myself!
Remember my continual quest for more association of the Holy Ghost? well, Elder Bednar said....
Elder Bednar has testified that family history work is one way to bring that strength and to protect us from the world. He said, “The Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of Elijah will influence anyone who is involved in this work. That, for a young person in the wickedness of the world in which we live today, is one of the greatest safeguards against the temptations of the adversary. The Spirit of Elijah will not only bless you, it will protect you” (“The Time Is Now,”
“I invite the young people of the Church to learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah. I encourage you to study, to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead (see D&C 124:28–36). And I urge you to help other people identify their family histories.
“As you respond in faith to this invitation, your hearts shall turn to the fathers. The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts. Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.
“… Any young person can do what I am suggesting, using the modules available at”
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Sources for my favorite Holy Ghost quote...
Thanks so much, Shannon, for the sources. Every once in awhile it shows up. I was missing it and read it again and am glad I shared it because you took the legwork out of me going through my stacks of notes!
Thank you for this! That is just amazing if you break it down and see just what it all entails. Wow! I can't even wrap my mind around all of that. What a wonderful gift we have been given from a loving father in heaven. The original source-(Key to the Science of Theology, 9th ed. [1965], 101). Many other talks have used this quote too. A really good one.
note from Shannon.... Thank you for this! That is just amazing if you break it down and see just what it all entails. Wow! I can't even wrap my mind around all of that. What a wonderful gift we have been given from a loving father in heaven. The original source-(Key to the Science of Theology, 9th ed. [1965], 101). Many other talks have used this quote too. A really good one.
Read this fantastic talk by L. Tom Perry "That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good"
The quote below is in the talk above by Elder Perry!
Elder LeGrand Richards, describing the gift of the Holy Ghost, said:
“To me, the gift of the Holy Ghost is as important to man as sunshine and water are to the plants. You take them away, and the plants would die. You take the Holy Ghost out of this Church, and this Church would not be any different than any other church. And it is manifest in so many ways in the lives and the devotion of the members of the Church” (“The Gift of the Holy Ghost,” Ensign, Nov. 1979, 76).
Here is Elder Richards talk
Elder Richards was so interesting to listen to. Listen to the video. at the end he says something about time for me to close. He talked and talked and talked and never looked at a note. One time at a General Conference he said something like...I'm being told to sit down but I'm not finished. Everyone broke out laughing and he just kept on talking. I loved to listen to him
I have been fascinated with the idea of being gifted with the Holy Ghost since I joined the Church. My heartfelt lifetime desire is-- to live in such a way that I can receive as much guidance as possible and as many of the available gifts as possible. Now that would be heaven on earth!!! I appreciate those times that I feel and experience His association and oh, my goodness!, wouldn't it be amazing to have His constant companionship? Sigh.
I love the Gospel. I really do!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Top on my list of Holy Ghost quotes...
I remember the first time I read it. I was wondering what sorts of things a person might feel or receive from the gifting of the Holy Ghost and this was mind-boggling to me! I could scarcely believe what was on that printed page! It still amazes me to contemplate what is available to each of us.
I have had this quote for years and suddenly I can't remember where I first read it. Every once in awhile it surfaces and Sunday I just sort of felt the need to be reminded of such magnificence available... just for living the Gospel the best we can.
Sorry to print something with out the source. (really I need to get my stacks of papers organized. Still haven't done it!!!) I'll post it today and then when I find the source, I'll share it. Or!, if you know the source then send it to me. please.
In the meantime, I'll stop all of this hemming and hawing delaying, here it is!!! Enjoy! Savor!!
Parley P. Pratt describes about the Holy Ghost in this quote--
I have had this quote for years and suddenly I can't remember where I first read it. Every once in awhile it surfaces and Sunday I just sort of felt the need to be reminded of such magnificence available... just for living the Gospel the best we can.
Sorry to print something with out the source. (really I need to get my stacks of papers organized. Still haven't done it!!!) I'll post it today and then when I find the source, I'll share it. Or!, if you know the source then send it to me. please.
In the meantime, I'll stop all of this hemming and hawing delaying, here it is!!! Enjoy! Savor!!
Parley P. Pratt describes about the Holy Ghost in this quote--
...quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. He inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings and affections of our nature. He inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity. He develops beauty of person, form and features. He tends to health, vigor, animation and social feeling. He invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. He strengthens, and gives tone to the nerves. In short, it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
A lot to think about!.....
D&C 101
7 They were slow to ahearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sentimental me...
I've been so tender hearted today about my family. I love my adult children and I love their spouses and I adore my grandchildren. Today I was looking at this picture and my heart just welled with love. This is my David. He has never been smart-alecky or unkind to me in his life. He has loved me unconditionally and I have never doubted that.
I was in Alaska when he was born in Washington. I got the call, got a ticket and flew to Seattle. A social worker took me to the Social Service office where he was. It was surreal. In a soft blue room was a white bassinet and I shakingly peeked into it and saw my newborn little son. He opened his eyes and I felt enveloped in that stare.
There would be a lot of life lessons for he and I. As you age you sometimes wish you could have a do-over in parenting. I'm that way. Perfect hindsight. But this boy just hung in there with me as I worked through painful things, well, painful to me. I was not the perfect adoptive Mother in sharing him with Birth people even though he was 22 years old! It was a time he needed support and yet he supported me. He would say things like...."Mom, you always taught me to not hate. To love unconditionally. That is what you taught me." Eventually I was able to practice what I'd been preaching. Thanks to him.
He has to be the most wonderful Father ever to his children. That's Sam and Grace. His beautiful wife, Jennifer. In pictures Sam and Grace don't ever smile as a pose. They are smiling because they are happy to the core.
I could write so much about this adventuresome boy of mine but all I can think of right now is how thankful I am for my children and today for some reason David has been in my heart.
Mother's love never fades even if her babies are all grown up.
Enjoy your children while they all live under the same roof. It's the best time memory!!!
I was in Alaska when he was born in Washington. I got the call, got a ticket and flew to Seattle. A social worker took me to the Social Service office where he was. It was surreal. In a soft blue room was a white bassinet and I shakingly peeked into it and saw my newborn little son. He opened his eyes and I felt enveloped in that stare.
There would be a lot of life lessons for he and I. As you age you sometimes wish you could have a do-over in parenting. I'm that way. Perfect hindsight. But this boy just hung in there with me as I worked through painful things, well, painful to me. I was not the perfect adoptive Mother in sharing him with Birth people even though he was 22 years old! It was a time he needed support and yet he supported me. He would say things like...."Mom, you always taught me to not hate. To love unconditionally. That is what you taught me." Eventually I was able to practice what I'd been preaching. Thanks to him.
He has to be the most wonderful Father ever to his children. That's Sam and Grace. His beautiful wife, Jennifer. In pictures Sam and Grace don't ever smile as a pose. They are smiling because they are happy to the core.
I could write so much about this adventuresome boy of mine but all I can think of right now is how thankful I am for my children and today for some reason David has been in my heart.
Mother's love never fades even if her babies are all grown up.
Enjoy your children while they all live under the same roof. It's the best time memory!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
This is not going to just fade away. it's staying.
- Last January I posted about my young friend Sam. He is homosexual and he knows that I totally support the Church doctrine, like this line from the most recent LDS news...
"...Marriage between a man and a woman is central to God’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. As such, traditional marriage is a foundational doctrine and cannot change."
Sam does not support this doctrine.
For some reason he'd recently sent me a note wondering if we now lived in Richland and that is what my response is about on the Never! sentence.
Sam- i wonder if you would look at the blogpost i just posted on my facebook wall. it's a gutwrenching and powerful letter from a young Mormon friend whose husband died recently at war. I'm not trying to sway your opinion or anything of that sort. i just thought you would be deeply touched by the humanity of it. love you. xx
Sam-i thought you'd feel something like that, you mensch spiritual giant you. love you a lot my friend.
Me-and you are loved by your mensch (I so hope that is a nice word!) I told you all along that the gay movement will be victorious. The big battle will be within the Churches as they/we struggle with demands being declared legal land-wise and the conflict with opposing doctrine Church-wise. we will war against ourselves and that is going to be one bloody battle. The battle of the Parasitic Paranoids! Imploding and destructive. I so wish once the gays can legally marry and legally have rights etc. that they would then just form Churches to their liking and not use force, which we know will come into play. Well, dear boy, I love you and let's just agree to share a box of popcorn, sit and watch the last days unfold, and know that we are both loved by each other and most especially by our Father in Heaven. Okay?
Me-That is how I live my in wonder as prophecies come to past and the world falls apart. oh, dear, am I playing a fiddle or fiddling around whilst this happens???
***********************************The post he wanted me to read was about an LDS woman who lost her husband in the war and was prevented from claiming his body while things were checked out on cause of death etc. She felt this would be what a person, who had a gay partner, would feel like. Denied access and rights. She is now for gay rights. She also tells of other LDS people that supported anti-gay rights and then their own child acknowledged his homosexuality and the parents changed to supporting gay rights. It was very heartfelt. Very tender to me.This is just another one of those incidents that makes me realize that we better know what the Church teaches/preaches doctrinally and also check out our obedience factor temperature and see if we are on board with what the Prophets this point I don't have any gays in my family. At least not to my knowledge. I can see we, individually, better figure it out and decide how we will treat/act/interact with those that are gay --whether in our families or not.
And how will we support/explain the Information coming from Church headquarters?I support the Church's stand.
The first part of this article would sure be great for teaching Seminary/teens. well, actually it could be developed for all ages. Great analogy to be developed. I think this is an excellent article to just sort of mull over... How to Be a Mensch. So LDS by someone that isn't. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Things turned out amazing!!!! Sisters were incredible!!!
remember when I wrote about my involvement in this?
It's now a thing of the past as far as being accomplished but the feelings will be forever in my mind. Things of the Spirit must be personally experienced to be felt, to be understood, to be brought to remembrance when triggered. In RS today the closing song was Love One Another. Sitting on the back row, my tears started to flow and in my mind I heard the 10 women singing like a band of angels and the sweet strains of the violin and the piano sustaining all of them. Such a gorgeous rendition!!
I was personally in need of a powerful shared Spiritual experience with sisters in the Gospel. Yesterday went way beyond cup filling. The feeling was so strong that I could inhale it! I could feel it!
This I have learned in can share an experience with others by telling them how things went or how you feel/felt and sort of be at a loss of words as it's next to impossible, actually it is impossible to relay a feeling, with descriptive words! I felt such a connectedness with those in attendance and that feeling persists. I really missed those unable to attend.
Things of the Spirit must be felt firsthand in order to burn into our soul. There were moments when the Spirit was so powerful that it was silent in the room. After the closing song, it was like the room was suspended and just filled with peace. Such stillness and power. It was unreal. I wished we could have just sat there soaking it up.
When the sister got up to offer the closing prayer you could have heard a pin drop.
Sigh. oh, my yes...sigh.
Each speaker spoke right from her heart as that was what she was asked to share. her own life experience in a certain arena. That just added to the feeling of closeness to each other in our own life journeys. They shared and they touched all that heard them. So many were strengthened by what was spoken. hearing personal incidents from someones life makes you feel trusted like a friend. We were really sisters in the Gospel.
The music!!! oh, this was amazing!! I had people ask me if they could have a CD!! people ask me how they did what they did to such perfection (truly it was breathtaking). It was stunning!! song after song after song. Some sisters wanted the program done again. some asked if they could do a concert. It was out of this world. 10 women sharing their voices, backed up by a piano, violin, flute. Heaven!
One thing I prelude music needed next time. Those sisters worked hard to prepare and everyone was so busy happily talking and greeting each other that I don't think it was heard! They were good sports and I appreciated their effort.
The journey at times had been challenging as it all sounded so different in how it was going to be done. So out of the box. I was blessed with sweet Charene who caught the vision and she and I were on the exact page. She chose/asked the women to sing and it was a perfect mix!! She took care of all that!! WonderWoman. actually they all were super heroines. one sister has a 4 week old baby!! what dedication! they were all young Moms. well, they looked like that to me! What talent. Angels all!
I felt if the sisters heard that they would come and sit in the chapel, have one break, listen to talks and music-- that they might not come with willingness for that 3 hour siege! I conveniently did not mention that fact about staying in one place. (Was that deceiving?) So I just emphasized that there would be great music and talks and didn't mention, the Chapel hostage situation. I wanted us all cocooned. Hugged by the room. close to each other. A container for the Spirit. Where peace could just be floating around each of us.
I felt like that fellow in the movie that was building the ball it and they will come. So many, for one reason or another, would not be attending and I knew that the music sisters and the sister speakers had worked for a very long time in getting ready. I ended up at one fright point asking friends for moral support. I'd asked a close friend, Chelle, to say opening prayer. I knew she'd be nearby and that made me feel secure! I needed people that knew me and IF I ended up sitting on the stand with egg all over my face, they wouldn't care!! But most of all, there absolutely had to be women in that Chapel to hear these marvelous sisters! Lots of them sitting there to hear them!!
Anyhow, no sense in telling the crash scenes with Spanish translation the night before or other episodes. It's part of productions of any sort. I ended up cancelling my Friday hair appointment and at the same time resisted cutting it with my pinking shears! i realized Friday would be a busy day. all day. it was and it was so worth it. I love every detail of program planning. Whatever it takes. And I love people, like my friend Margie, that will just take on lunch plans with aplomb and rescue me! Margie, had been with me the whole way and I so appreciated that!
Last night I crashed in my robe and wool socks. heaved a sigh of relief, laid down and relived the entire day. All the talks and all the songs and all the feelings. I love knowing all of that is in my memory bank and I can bring those feelings back at will. Isn't that wonderful that we can do that?
Today at Church I realized I'd never polished my nails on Friday and they were chipped and messy.
We just do our best and that is quite good enough.
It's now a thing of the past as far as being accomplished but the feelings will be forever in my mind. Things of the Spirit must be personally experienced to be felt, to be understood, to be brought to remembrance when triggered. In RS today the closing song was Love One Another. Sitting on the back row, my tears started to flow and in my mind I heard the 10 women singing like a band of angels and the sweet strains of the violin and the piano sustaining all of them. Such a gorgeous rendition!!
I was personally in need of a powerful shared Spiritual experience with sisters in the Gospel. Yesterday went way beyond cup filling. The feeling was so strong that I could inhale it! I could feel it!
This I have learned in can share an experience with others by telling them how things went or how you feel/felt and sort of be at a loss of words as it's next to impossible, actually it is impossible to relay a feeling, with descriptive words! I felt such a connectedness with those in attendance and that feeling persists. I really missed those unable to attend.
Things of the Spirit must be felt firsthand in order to burn into our soul. There were moments when the Spirit was so powerful that it was silent in the room. After the closing song, it was like the room was suspended and just filled with peace. Such stillness and power. It was unreal. I wished we could have just sat there soaking it up.
When the sister got up to offer the closing prayer you could have heard a pin drop.
Sigh. oh, my yes...sigh.
Each speaker spoke right from her heart as that was what she was asked to share. her own life experience in a certain arena. That just added to the feeling of closeness to each other in our own life journeys. They shared and they touched all that heard them. So many were strengthened by what was spoken. hearing personal incidents from someones life makes you feel trusted like a friend. We were really sisters in the Gospel.
The music!!! oh, this was amazing!! I had people ask me if they could have a CD!! people ask me how they did what they did to such perfection (truly it was breathtaking). It was stunning!! song after song after song. Some sisters wanted the program done again. some asked if they could do a concert. It was out of this world. 10 women sharing their voices, backed up by a piano, violin, flute. Heaven!
One thing I prelude music needed next time. Those sisters worked hard to prepare and everyone was so busy happily talking and greeting each other that I don't think it was heard! They were good sports and I appreciated their effort.
The journey at times had been challenging as it all sounded so different in how it was going to be done. So out of the box. I was blessed with sweet Charene who caught the vision and she and I were on the exact page. She chose/asked the women to sing and it was a perfect mix!! She took care of all that!! WonderWoman. actually they all were super heroines. one sister has a 4 week old baby!! what dedication! they were all young Moms. well, they looked like that to me! What talent. Angels all!
I felt if the sisters heard that they would come and sit in the chapel, have one break, listen to talks and music-- that they might not come with willingness for that 3 hour siege! I conveniently did not mention that fact about staying in one place. (Was that deceiving?) So I just emphasized that there would be great music and talks and didn't mention, the Chapel hostage situation. I wanted us all cocooned. Hugged by the room. close to each other. A container for the Spirit. Where peace could just be floating around each of us.
I felt like that fellow in the movie that was building the ball it and they will come. So many, for one reason or another, would not be attending and I knew that the music sisters and the sister speakers had worked for a very long time in getting ready. I ended up at one fright point asking friends for moral support. I'd asked a close friend, Chelle, to say opening prayer. I knew she'd be nearby and that made me feel secure! I needed people that knew me and IF I ended up sitting on the stand with egg all over my face, they wouldn't care!! But most of all, there absolutely had to be women in that Chapel to hear these marvelous sisters! Lots of them sitting there to hear them!!
Anyhow, no sense in telling the crash scenes with Spanish translation the night before or other episodes. It's part of productions of any sort. I ended up cancelling my Friday hair appointment and at the same time resisted cutting it with my pinking shears! i realized Friday would be a busy day. all day. it was and it was so worth it. I love every detail of program planning. Whatever it takes. And I love people, like my friend Margie, that will just take on lunch plans with aplomb and rescue me! Margie, had been with me the whole way and I so appreciated that!
Last night I crashed in my robe and wool socks. heaved a sigh of relief, laid down and relived the entire day. All the talks and all the songs and all the feelings. I love knowing all of that is in my memory bank and I can bring those feelings back at will. Isn't that wonderful that we can do that?
Today at Church I realized I'd never polished my nails on Friday and they were chipped and messy.
We just do our best and that is quite good enough.
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