Thursday, November 28, 2013

Words that warm a Mom's heart.....

This made me so happy to read what Kipper posted....

<Happy Thanksgiving>

My wish for all:

is that wherever you are on your life's journey that you celebrate exactly where you are each and every moment - the good and the bad.

that you stop being so hard on yourself- so judgmental- and be more patient, loving, and compassionate to you.

that you come to know that you deserve the life of your dreams.

that you can let the past be, regardless.

to know that whatever has been done to you, and from that point forward it's YOUR CHOICE to keep it alive or not, to let it enrich or destroy you.

to realize that no one is going to knock down your door and rescue you, and you are the only one who can rescue you. 

to know that so much untapped possibilities are already in you, and are just one thought away, one seed away from creation.

that no matter how bad it is, it doesn't have to be this way.

that you realize--you control your reality--you have been all along--you just forgot.

that you can figure out a way to release it all, everything that doesn't support your dreams, and have the best life possible.

This is my wish for you...


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