Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday RS Meeting

There is a gigantic push in the Church for all things family and that includes all phases of finding family they here or on the other side of the veil.  The RS invited all to bring laptops and learn to index.

My husband is a fantastic dedicated indexer.  I bring him ice water, rub his shoulders and give him smooches for a job well done.  You get the picture?  this is one of those "fill in the blank" paragraphs or read between the lines for the entire story.

I have dabbled. dipped my toe in the water.

He is ever vacillating between encouraging and badgering me to join the throng of the obedient.

A lot of times, okay,  most of the time, alright...all of the time--I like to know what the promised blessings are for acts of obedience.  This inspires me...It excites me...It's exhilarating to me....when I know what the outcome will be.  I also know what I'm missing out on if I don't obey.  True- obedience brings forth blessings.

It's all choice, isn't it?

So I recently made a real commitment, to my resident indexer, that I would actually do it.  Often. Just because we are suppose to.  Not even thinking  (the one exception in my life, that I didn't!)....hmmmm.  I wonder if there is a blessing attached to this?

I went to the class because I wanted to support my RSP, wanted to take my friend and wanted to find out, if what the invite said, about being able to index on my tablet was true.  (not true.  well, not yet.)

A wonderful blessing being there.  The brother who introduced the hands-on indexing class, mentioned that there were blessings/promises about doing the indexing work!  I listened and then asked where the source was.  My ears were perked up all the way.  He said it was Elder Bednar.

I'd never heard what he said before.  It took me forever to find it but I did.  It's in things for the youth which I don't usually read.  maybe it was somewhere else.  maybe it filtered through the holes in my head at some previous time.  But I don't remember ever hearing the things printed below.

I'm for sure not a youth but I'm young at heart so I'll claim these blessings for myself!

Remember my continual quest for more association of the Holy Ghost?  well, Elder Bednar said....  

Elder Bednar has testified that family history work is one way to bring that strength and to protect us from the world. He said, “The Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of Elijah will influence anyone who is involved in this work. That, for a young person in the wickedness of the world in which we live today, is one of the greatest safeguards against the temptations of the adversary. The Spirit of Elijah will not only bless you, it will protect you” (“The Time Is Now,”

“I invite the young people of the Church to learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah. I encourage you to study, to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead (see D&C 124:28–36). And I urge you to help other people identify their family histories.
“As you respond in faith to this invitation, your hearts shall turn to the fathers. The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts. Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.
“… Any young person can do what I am suggesting, using the modules available at”

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