Friday, August 30, 2013

beginning. again!

making plans.  trying to figure out how to continue with what will help Terry to continue to move ahead.  He got a clean bill of health from the wonderful stroke Doctor.  She is so amazing and we feel she saved him by having him admitted as an inpatient in the rehab center.  That was his last appointment with her.   She is a genius!

Now it's figuring out those ongoing things. Working on his balance and helping with his vestibular and strengthening his left arm is our current challenge.

So he has now signed up for swimming to get his left arm built up... He's gone to a cranial-sacrial therapist (that was interesting!)....  He's going to get his bike tires fixed and try riding again....  He continues to mow the lawn and all that goes with that...all sorts of busyness!

He is moving ahead and therefore I am also!  so our life should be more even and I can reclaim my own life with a certain amount of routine.  Not so much running around to appointments etc.  A leveling.  He will continue to improve in a more independent way on his choice of therapies.  He has several available.

I will get back to my blog routine and take care of some routine health issues to reassure myself that I also am on the right track.

Also my summer neglected Church responsibilities need attention and I will get on top of that also.

Life does have challenges, no matter our age or happenings, but I'll tell you what...I love being my age.  It is so fascinating to have seen so much of life.  I love my life experiences and I love sharing what I feel and what I've learned with you. 

Friends have taken a back seat as I've been family focused since July and gone a lot.  That party is over and it's back to what is normal for me and that includes contact with friends.

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