Friday, August 16, 2013

Heading to Temple!

My computer did some sort of a mess-up last night and wouldn't let me type a single letter!  I wanted to blog about the fact that I need to go to the Temple etc. etc. and now my computer is working but I'm actually going to the Temple so I'll catch you later.

No.  I just have to say a word or two.

I just have to say that the Temple is the best place in the world when life crushes in on you and you feel perplexed over which direction to go.  I know it's been several weeks since I've gone to a session and it really is telling on my spiritual mindset. 

Lately I've had spiritual discontent.  Discontentment over not being social enough, outgoing enough, reaching out enough, doing enough.  I can't merely jump from that discontented dissatisfaction to the sweetness, of spirit-filled contentment, without some personal revelation.  I will pour out my heart in vocal prayer while whizzing down the freeway, delivering also, a long the way, a few well-deserved fistfuls of ashes and hope it doesn't show on my sackcloth when I arrive at the Temple.  I will lament and beat myself up (as co-dependents are prone to do), plead for help, shed tears that overflow a bit or a lot,  until I arrive at the only place on the face of the earth, my beautiful CR Temple.... an edifice filled with total peace.  It's mine for the asking!  I'm going to ask!  I can receive private sacred guidance and have my remorse/regret replaced with optimistic/joyousness.  I love those feelings.

This morning my thoughts have been on omission of weightier matters and inner cleansing.  I turned to Matthew 23 and could relate my feelings to more on the verses than I cared to admit!

My gratitude is overflowing for the Temple, the Atonement & Repentance coupled with forgiveness/removal/newness/refreshing.

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