Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer winds down and fades into the distance!

The Joseph play was a great production, made the sweeter by having Joyce's nephew play youngest son, Benjamin.  Always fun to see someone that is related to a friend!  He was a great actor.

Having seen this play a few times I wasn't expecting anything except a great time.  True, it's based on a Bible story and true- I hesitated to see it the first time as I felt it might be sacrilegious to be singing, dancing etc. but it is one of my favorite plays that I make the effort to see again.  and again.  and yes, several more agains!

The music seeps into your brain and lodges itself for what feels like permanency!  So I was prepared for all of that.  One thing I was not prepared for was to feel the Spirit and be moved to tears!

It really caught me off guard!  I owe the moment to the lead actor who played Joseph.  When he reunited with his brothers, accepted their repentance and showed love and gladness at seeing them was so tender.  The big moment for me was when Joseph saw his Father.  The actor was so real with his facial expressions and hands over heart.  Truly tears poured out!  of me.  not him.

This was winding down our summer of family, this last excursion with just Terry and I.  It was to much for Terry but he was a trouper.  He says he's not ever going again.  That shows it wasn't a picnic!   Actually we were both to tired to go but tickets/hotel were bought so we couldn't easily back out.  We previously overdid energy-wise in getting ready for my sister and we then paid a price in ways other than money.

Worst of all I missed Church and wanted to see some visitors and hear the Missionary farewell.

Aren't body's great in their recuperative strength?  I can already feel energy coming to me.  Temple trip, prayer, Priesthood blessing, faith...we have so much to choose from to help ourselves.

So...I really digress.  Back to the play and my tender emotions.

At the hotel, I thought about how much I love the Gospel and how I want to be better, do better etc. etc.  Two Scripture incidents really impact me.   One is "staying on the wall" and the other is the importance of Scripture reading.  Actually a 3rd...the narrow path.  Oh, who can number them?  Forget I even mentioned the number 3.  Don't you love all of them?  At different life experiences, don't different Scriptures surface beacon-like to guide you through storms, that sometimes hit unexpectedly?

Me too and I love and appreciate it every time it happens!

I just remembered that I mentioned this Nehemiah story before in June of 2011.  I'm going to share it again as it is so powerful to me!!  Hope you enjoy it....

(from old post in 2011)
My thoughts have been on Nehemiah today.  I want to be like him.  He stayed on task and was true to his assignment.  Nothing could dissuade him from the work at hand.  He would not allow himself to be distracted/detracted. 

A little more talk of ROYALS.  It's thought that Nehemiah was in favor with  King Artaxerxes because he was the cupbearer.  If Nehemiah sipped or took a munch and died, then the King would know to not eat or drink from the menu.  This was "a position of  great trust and responsibility."

The King had allowed N. to return from Persia to Jerusalem and protected him on that  trek.  He also gave him permission to use timber from the ROYAL forests to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem plus the gates and also he could build his very own house.

An opposing Governor Sanballat, of Samaria, did not want the wall built and he wasn't the only one.  They were so opposed that Nehemiah had to arm his workers 24/7.  So Gov. Sanballat and others  decided to plan an attack.  The wall was now halfway up.  they figured they had to get N. off the wall.  So they tried reasoning and persuasion and 4 times they sent him a note...

Come, let us meet together... 

and Nehemiah sent the same return message each time.....

.....I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? 

Something to think about on a Monday morning!  Check out Nehemiah in the OT and make sure I have my facts straight!!   Mull it over.  Enjoy it!

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