Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Connecting while there is still time!!!

My sister is coming, enroute to Leavenworth, along with her Gr-dau.  We will have a surprise birthday dinner for her and see them off for the day of adventure.  It's going to be whirl-wind trip but jam-packed with fun for them.

Terry and I will then be off to Leavenworth ourselves to see-- Joseph and his amazing Technicolor dream coat.  Love that play!  This will be our last folly and then we go into hibernation until Easter in 2014!

There is a possibility to take a quick trip to see our Grandson in Kirkland and his little family.  We don't like to travel on the roads after the 2 week in October until Easter.  Age is creeping in or is it sensibility?  We also like to be home on National Holidays and not cruising the highway.

All that being said...I may post and I may not, if things get to humming around here, but I'll be back on Monday the 26th.


When I was young I collected some paper Hallmark dolls that were actually cards.  I loved them.  They were works of art to me and had both front and back intricately printed.  They stood up sandwich board style.  How I wish I still had them!  Years later, as a young adult, I found some notepaper,  and the beauty and detail just reminded me of that young girls collection.  I used to write a lot of notes and would buy this exquisite notepaper.  loved using it and sharing it.

Now I've made the commitment  to weekly write 2 of my granddaughters (the other two are phone users and it's chat mode for them.)  I found the paper I want for the 12 year old but the nearly 17 old I've not fared so well.  I want those same notecards!!  I've scoured the stores and today went to the store that I've always purchased those special cards in bygone days and they no longer carry any stationary at all!  

After 2 real days of searching, and feeling so letdown, I remembered that I had one last packet of thank you note cards of the type I wanted.  I was able to get the name off of the packet and thanks to this modern age I was able to track down where I can buy some!!!  I know it sounds so ridiculous but this will be like diamonds to this gr-daughter.  She loves Victorian/feminine things and she will treasure this.  I just hope my order arrives soon!

The letter she wrote me was on gorgeous note paper with a plain white envelope, until you opened it...surprise!-- it was filled with purple roses in a vintage pattern on the back side of the white.

I mulled over why it was so hard to find anything beyond design printed computer paper, that can be used to make multiple copies of whatever, or books of cardstock and then it dawned on me.  Duh!  People don't write letters anymore!  Not as their sole/main means of correspondence...it's all fast email/FB/text/cell/tweet/twitter etc. etc.  No one waits with bated breath for the mail to arrive or take time to sit and get their cursive skills out of the mothballs!  Everything is instantaneous in our fast paced world but with these two girls we are doing poky pony mail!!  (I did think it was funny that Tori did give me a call and tell me that I would love her stationery!  and I did send a note to Lori and ask if Brooke had received my letter!)  This anticipation creates an air of excitement.  Jeanee told me today that Tori has cooked up something special for her next epistle.  Wonder what it is?  I used cardstock for my first (and so far, only, letter).  We are just getting going.  Wonder if it will grow or fizzle?  I say... growth!

My tendency is always to go way over the top on things and not be sensible.  Costco had school supplies on sale so I bought gel pens.  beautiful colors and some with glitter.  lots of them to choose from...(48!)  In my mind I figured I'd be doing this for a long time so I'm loaded for bear!

The 2 teen talks worked out so great and I could see why they chose the talk route.  Each of these girls gives details to whatever they are talking about.  Lots of details and lots of subjects and lots of fast talking.  It was so fun to hear about friends and school and classes and teachers and clothes and plans and feeling warmth/love/connecting flowing right through that inanimate receiver to my heart.

I love all 4 of these girls and am glad they are old enough, and interested enough, to communicate weekly with their Nana/Grandmama.  (I'm known as Grams/Grandma Seljestad/Grandma Nancy/ Grandmama/Nana)  Each seemed to determine my title and whatever it is...I love it!


Okay.  Depending on the happenings here, I may write and I may not but I will be back on Monday!

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