making plans. trying to figure out how to continue with what will help Terry to continue to move ahead. He got a clean bill of health from the wonderful stroke Doctor. She is so amazing and we feel she saved him by having him admitted as an inpatient in the rehab center. That was his last appointment with her. She is a genius!
Now it's figuring out those ongoing things. Working on his balance and helping with his vestibular and strengthening his left arm is our current challenge.
So he has now signed up for swimming to get his left arm built up... He's gone to a cranial-sacrial therapist (that was interesting!).... He's going to get his bike tires fixed and try riding again.... He continues to mow the lawn and all that goes with that...all sorts of busyness!
He is moving ahead and therefore I am also! so our life should be more even and I can reclaim my own life with a certain amount of routine. Not so much running around to appointments etc. A leveling. He will continue to improve in a more independent way on his choice of therapies. He has several available.
I will get back to my blog routine and take care of some routine health issues to reassure myself that I also am on the right track.
Also my summer neglected Church responsibilities need attention and I will get on top of that also.
Life does have challenges, no matter our age or happenings, but I'll tell you what...I love being my age. It is so fascinating to have seen so much of life. I love my life experiences and I love sharing what I feel and what I've learned with you.
Friends have taken a back seat as I've been family focused since July and gone a lot. That party is over and it's back to what is normal for me and that includes contact with friends.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Straight & Strait
Today I was thinking of that path marked Gospel Life. It glows, warmly beckoning, with that celestial sunny hue. The path is straight and strait. It goes one way, no deviation and I'm thinking it dips to the valley and rises to the mountain top and seldom, hardly ever, seemingly non-existent is it ever level, for more than a split second.
Constant monitoring essential. Constant effort and vigilance. There is no relaxing, meandering, daydreaming and veering off or falling off. No sitting and resting. Perpetual motion. The hymn says hand o'er hand we go along. So we never lose touch between moving our feet and balancing with our rod grip.
Sometimes I plod on my path. Other times I move at a more accelerated pace. The moving forward is the essential element. Pressing forward. The scriptures are resplendent with travel directions. We travel the same path in unison and yet the miracle of doing it individually happens at the same time!
This entire foundational concept warms my heart.
Constant monitoring essential. Constant effort and vigilance. There is no relaxing, meandering, daydreaming and veering off or falling off. No sitting and resting. Perpetual motion. The hymn says hand o'er hand we go along. So we never lose touch between moving our feet and balancing with our rod grip.
Hold to the Rod
- To Nephi, seer of olden time,A vision came from God,Wherein the holy word sublimeWas shown an iron rod.
- (Chorus)Hold to the rod, the iron rod;'Tis strong, and bright, and true.The iron rod is the word of God;'Twill safely guide us through.
Beneath temptation's pow'r,Through mists of darkness we must go,In peril ev'ry hour.
Our pathway clouded o'er,Upon the rod we can rely,And heaven's aid implore.
- And, hand o'er hand, the rod along,Through each succeeding day,With earnest prayer and hopeful song,We'll still pursue our way.
- Afar we see the golden restTo which the rod will guide,Where, with the angels bright and blest,Forever we'll abide.
- My Oxford dictionary cautions me to not confuse strait with straight and vice versa. The path is straight ahead. no detours. The path may go up and down...Hills and valleys... but it still stays straight directionally. At the same time it is strait. Narrow. Confined. Not wide at all. There are all sorts of scriptures that make this topic so interesting to study.
Sometimes I plod on my path. Other times I move at a more accelerated pace. The moving forward is the essential element. Pressing forward. The scriptures are resplendent with travel directions. We travel the same path in unison and yet the miracle of doing it individually happens at the same time!
This entire foundational concept warms my heart.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Summer winds down and fades into the distance!
The Joseph play was a great production, made the sweeter by having Joyce's nephew play youngest son, Benjamin. Always fun to see someone that is related to a friend! He was a great actor.
Having seen this play a few times I wasn't expecting anything except a great time. True, it's based on a Bible story and true- I hesitated to see it the first time as I felt it might be sacrilegious to be singing, dancing etc. but it is one of my favorite plays that I make the effort to see again. and again. and yes, several more agains!
The music seeps into your brain and lodges itself for what feels like permanency! So I was prepared for all of that. One thing I was not prepared for was to feel the Spirit and be moved to tears!
It really caught me off guard! I owe the moment to the lead actor who played Joseph. When he reunited with his brothers, accepted their repentance and showed love and gladness at seeing them was so tender. The big moment for me was when Joseph saw his Father. The actor was so real with his facial expressions and hands over heart. Truly tears poured out! of me. not him.
This was winding down our summer of family, this last excursion with just Terry and I. It was to much for Terry but he was a trouper. He says he's not ever going again. That shows it wasn't a picnic! Actually we were both to tired to go but tickets/hotel were bought so we couldn't easily back out. We previously overdid energy-wise in getting ready for my sister and we then paid a price in ways other than money.
Worst of all I missed Church and wanted to see some visitors and hear the Missionary farewell.
Aren't body's great in their recuperative strength? I can already feel energy coming to me. Temple trip, prayer, Priesthood blessing, faith...we have so much to choose from to help ourselves.
So...I really digress. Back to the play and my tender emotions.
At the hotel, I thought about how much I love the Gospel and how I want to be better, do better etc. etc. Two Scripture incidents really impact me. One is "staying on the wall" and the other is the importance of Scripture reading. Actually a 3rd...the narrow path. Oh, who can number them? Forget I even mentioned the number 3. Don't you love all of them? At different life experiences, don't different Scriptures surface beacon-like to guide you through storms, that sometimes hit unexpectedly?
Me too and I love and appreciate it every time it happens!
I just remembered that I mentioned this Nehemiah story before in June of 2011. I'm going to share it again as it is so powerful to me!! Hope you enjoy it....
A little more talk of ROYALS. It's thought that Nehemiah was in favor with King Artaxerxes because he was the cupbearer. If Nehemiah sipped or took a munch and died, then the King would know to not eat or drink from the menu. This was "a position of great trust and responsibility."
The King had allowed N. to return from Persia to Jerusalem and protected him on that trek. He also gave him permission to use timber from the ROYAL forests to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem plus the gates and also he could build his very own house.
An opposing Governor Sanballat, of Samaria, did not want the wall built and he wasn't the only one. They were so opposed that Nehemiah had to arm his workers 24/7. So Gov. Sanballat and others decided to plan an attack. The wall was now halfway up. they figured they had to get N. off the wall. So they tried reasoning and persuasion and 4 times they sent him a note...
and Nehemiah sent the same return message each time.....
.....I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?
Having seen this play a few times I wasn't expecting anything except a great time. True, it's based on a Bible story and true- I hesitated to see it the first time as I felt it might be sacrilegious to be singing, dancing etc. but it is one of my favorite plays that I make the effort to see again. and again. and yes, several more agains!
The music seeps into your brain and lodges itself for what feels like permanency! So I was prepared for all of that. One thing I was not prepared for was to feel the Spirit and be moved to tears!
It really caught me off guard! I owe the moment to the lead actor who played Joseph. When he reunited with his brothers, accepted their repentance and showed love and gladness at seeing them was so tender. The big moment for me was when Joseph saw his Father. The actor was so real with his facial expressions and hands over heart. Truly tears poured out! of me. not him.
This was winding down our summer of family, this last excursion with just Terry and I. It was to much for Terry but he was a trouper. He says he's not ever going again. That shows it wasn't a picnic! Actually we were both to tired to go but tickets/hotel were bought so we couldn't easily back out. We previously overdid energy-wise in getting ready for my sister and we then paid a price in ways other than money.
Worst of all I missed Church and wanted to see some visitors and hear the Missionary farewell.
Aren't body's great in their recuperative strength? I can already feel energy coming to me. Temple trip, prayer, Priesthood blessing, faith...we have so much to choose from to help ourselves.
So...I really digress. Back to the play and my tender emotions.
At the hotel, I thought about how much I love the Gospel and how I want to be better, do better etc. etc. Two Scripture incidents really impact me. One is "staying on the wall" and the other is the importance of Scripture reading. Actually a 3rd...the narrow path. Oh, who can number them? Forget I even mentioned the number 3. Don't you love all of them? At different life experiences, don't different Scriptures surface beacon-like to guide you through storms, that sometimes hit unexpectedly?
Me too and I love and appreciate it every time it happens!
I just remembered that I mentioned this Nehemiah story before in June of 2011. I'm going to share it again as it is so powerful to me!! Hope you enjoy it....
(from old post in 2011)
My thoughts have been on Nehemiah today. I want to be like him. He
stayed on task and was true to his assignment. Nothing could dissuade
him from the work at hand. He would not allow himself to be
distracted/detracted. A little more talk of ROYALS. It's thought that Nehemiah was in favor with King Artaxerxes because he was the cupbearer. If Nehemiah sipped or took a munch and died, then the King would know to not eat or drink from the menu. This was "a position of great trust and responsibility."
The King had allowed N. to return from Persia to Jerusalem and protected him on that trek. He also gave him permission to use timber from the ROYAL forests to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem plus the gates and also he could build his very own house.
An opposing Governor Sanballat, of Samaria, did not want the wall built and he wasn't the only one. They were so opposed that Nehemiah had to arm his workers 24/7. So Gov. Sanballat and others decided to plan an attack. The wall was now halfway up. they figured they had to get N. off the wall. So they tried reasoning and persuasion and 4 times they sent him a note...
Come, let us meet together...
and Nehemiah sent the same return message each time.....
.....I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?
Something to think about on a Monday morning! Check out Nehemiah in the OT and make sure I have my facts straight!! Mull it over. Enjoy it!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Connecting while there is still time!!!
My sister is coming, enroute to Leavenworth, along with her Gr-dau. We will have a surprise birthday dinner for her and see them off for the day of adventure. It's going to be whirl-wind trip but jam-packed with fun for them.
Terry and I will then be off to Leavenworth ourselves to see-- Joseph and his amazing Technicolor dream coat. Love that play! This will be our last folly and then we go into hibernation until Easter in 2014!
There is a possibility to take a quick trip to see our Grandson in Kirkland and his little family. We don't like to travel on the roads after the 2 week in October until Easter. Age is creeping in or is it sensibility? We also like to be home on National Holidays and not cruising the highway.
All that being said...I may post and I may not, if things get to humming around here, but I'll be back on Monday the 26th.
Terry and I will then be off to Leavenworth ourselves to see-- Joseph and his amazing Technicolor dream coat. Love that play! This will be our last folly and then we go into hibernation until Easter in 2014!
There is a possibility to take a quick trip to see our Grandson in Kirkland and his little family. We don't like to travel on the roads after the 2 week in October until Easter. Age is creeping in or is it sensibility? We also like to be home on National Holidays and not cruising the highway.
All that being said...I may post and I may not, if things get to humming around here, but I'll be back on Monday the 26th.
When I was young I collected some paper Hallmark dolls that were actually cards. I loved them. They were works of art to me and had both front and back intricately printed. They stood up sandwich board style. How I wish I still had them! Years later, as a young adult, I found some notepaper, and the beauty and detail just reminded me of that young girls collection. I used to write a lot of notes and would buy this exquisite notepaper. loved using it and sharing it.
Now I've made the commitment to weekly write 2 of my granddaughters (the other two are phone users and it's chat mode for them.) I found the paper I want for the 12 year old but the nearly 17 old I've not fared so well. I want those same notecards!! I've scoured the stores and today went to the store that I've always purchased those special cards in bygone days and they no longer carry any stationary at all!
After 2 real days of searching, and feeling so letdown, I remembered that I had one last packet of thank you note cards of the type I wanted. I was able to get the name off of the packet and thanks to this modern age I was able to track down where I can buy some!!! I know it sounds so ridiculous but this will be like diamonds to this gr-daughter. She loves Victorian/feminine things and she will treasure this. I just hope my order arrives soon!
The letter she wrote me was on gorgeous note paper with a plain white envelope, until you opened it...surprise!-- it was filled with purple roses in a vintage pattern on the back side of the white.
I mulled over why it was so hard to find anything beyond design printed computer paper, that can be used to make multiple copies of whatever, or books of cardstock and then it dawned on me. Duh! People don't write letters anymore! Not as their sole/main means of's all fast email/FB/text/cell/tweet/twitter etc. etc. No one waits with bated breath for the mail to arrive or take time to sit and get their cursive skills out of the mothballs! Everything is instantaneous in our fast paced world but with these two girls we are doing poky pony mail!! (I did think it was funny that Tori did give me a call and tell me that I would love her stationery! and I did send a note to Lori and ask if Brooke had received my letter!) This anticipation creates an air of excitement. Jeanee told me today that Tori has cooked up something special for her next epistle. Wonder what it is? I used cardstock for my first (and so far, only, letter). We are just getting going. Wonder if it will grow or fizzle? I say... growth!
My tendency is always to go way over the top on things and not be sensible. Costco had school supplies on sale so I bought gel pens. beautiful colors and some with glitter. lots of them to choose from...(48!) In my mind I figured I'd be doing this for a long time so I'm loaded for bear!
The 2 teen talks worked out so great and I could see why they chose the talk route. Each of these girls gives details to whatever they are talking about. Lots of details and lots of subjects and lots of fast talking. It was so fun to hear about friends and school and classes and teachers and clothes and plans and feeling warmth/love/connecting flowing right through that inanimate receiver to my heart.
I love all 4 of these girls and am glad they are old enough, and interested enough, to communicate weekly with their Nana/Grandmama. (I'm known as Grams/Grandma Seljestad/Grandma Nancy/ Grandmama/Nana) Each seemed to determine my title and whatever it is...I love it!
Okay. Depending on the happenings here, I may write and I may not but I will be back on Monday!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Life is an ongoing process!!!
The Temple was a great experience. There is so much available for our benefit IF we just take advantage of it. I took advantage of it. A real treat was the beautiful new film. Same script made beautiful by new music, new background and great actors. So enjoyable!
My travel tears were soft. My heart was tender. My mind was open.
I revel in the fact that the Lord knows our hearts. Each of them. Yours. and mine. So thankful for that fact.
Also very appreciative of Priesthood blessings for comfort and guidance.
Clearing emotions, no matter what kind, is not always easy. not always pleasant but always well worth the scrubbing.
The peace continues to descend as I am reminded...let go and let God...quietly listen to the promptings and then act on those feelings/thoughts that settle in.
My co-dependent nature at times fills me with feelings of inadequacies as I view others in a glorious spotlight. I know that the struggles/weaknesses I see in others are exact mirror images of myself. On the flip side of the view is their strengths/accomplishments also mirror what I also am capable of. We arrive without a mirror to view ourselves but we see ourselves in others. Whatever we are attracted to, or put off by, is ourselves. Our lack and our's there for us to see.
We need never feel envious, inadequate, or less when we remind ourselves there is enough pie for all to have a slice. No one will be left out. Not even you nor me.
The blessing Sunday, by Terry, brought peace to me, when it was mentioned that this is a new phase of my life. I really thought about that. Nothing ever stays the same. In our Church life we always serve but we do go through phases of service and sometimes spend lots of time in what I now call my YW Years or Seminary Years. I personally never went through any Primary Years but there are those that do that and RS Years were not in my experience either. I've had incredible excitement and fun and fulfillment and spiritual expereinces from my Church callings.
Melissa sat behind me at Sacrament. Her beautiful daughter is the exact age when I first met Melissa. A freshman in high school. I was Melissa's Seminary teacher and just as right now, it was the Book of Mormon. In many ways I see 9th grader Melissa in 9th grader Maci. Melissa is now a devoted Mother to 5 children, marvelous homemaker, super energetic, refuses to be defeated in anything, devoted wife and I could go on and on. and on!
We talked about the passage of time and how these patterns repeat themselves as a new Seminary year starts with a new Seminary teacher and the first time for many students to study the Book of Mormon.
Perhaps I just want to reminisce and enjoy the past? Church life is not that way. It takes all of us pulling our load and I have my share also. The home Ward RS Counselor asked again if I could teach and again, I'll be gone. At Church but another Ward for RS. I would love nothing more than to teach RS or Gospel Doctrine or etc. etc. Any class!!!
So up out of the pity puddle, for which there is absolutely no reason to wish for anything different in Church service, and just get busy on Women's Conference.
I enjoy meeting the other women throughout the Stake and being with them. I think that month off with family just got me a bit on the lazy side and I'd enjoy dawdling and doodling with my Ward home folks!!!
This hangs on my sisters fridge
My travel tears were soft. My heart was tender. My mind was open.
I revel in the fact that the Lord knows our hearts. Each of them. Yours. and mine. So thankful for that fact.
Also very appreciative of Priesthood blessings for comfort and guidance.
Clearing emotions, no matter what kind, is not always easy. not always pleasant but always well worth the scrubbing.
The peace continues to descend as I am reminded...let go and let God...quietly listen to the promptings and then act on those feelings/thoughts that settle in.
My co-dependent nature at times fills me with feelings of inadequacies as I view others in a glorious spotlight. I know that the struggles/weaknesses I see in others are exact mirror images of myself. On the flip side of the view is their strengths/accomplishments also mirror what I also am capable of. We arrive without a mirror to view ourselves but we see ourselves in others. Whatever we are attracted to, or put off by, is ourselves. Our lack and our's there for us to see.
We need never feel envious, inadequate, or less when we remind ourselves there is enough pie for all to have a slice. No one will be left out. Not even you nor me.
The blessing Sunday, by Terry, brought peace to me, when it was mentioned that this is a new phase of my life. I really thought about that. Nothing ever stays the same. In our Church life we always serve but we do go through phases of service and sometimes spend lots of time in what I now call my YW Years or Seminary Years. I personally never went through any Primary Years but there are those that do that and RS Years were not in my experience either. I've had incredible excitement and fun and fulfillment and spiritual expereinces from my Church callings.
Melissa sat behind me at Sacrament. Her beautiful daughter is the exact age when I first met Melissa. A freshman in high school. I was Melissa's Seminary teacher and just as right now, it was the Book of Mormon. In many ways I see 9th grader Melissa in 9th grader Maci. Melissa is now a devoted Mother to 5 children, marvelous homemaker, super energetic, refuses to be defeated in anything, devoted wife and I could go on and on. and on!
We talked about the passage of time and how these patterns repeat themselves as a new Seminary year starts with a new Seminary teacher and the first time for many students to study the Book of Mormon.
Perhaps I just want to reminisce and enjoy the past? Church life is not that way. It takes all of us pulling our load and I have my share also. The home Ward RS Counselor asked again if I could teach and again, I'll be gone. At Church but another Ward for RS. I would love nothing more than to teach RS or Gospel Doctrine or etc. etc. Any class!!!
So up out of the pity puddle, for which there is absolutely no reason to wish for anything different in Church service, and just get busy on Women's Conference.
I enjoy meeting the other women throughout the Stake and being with them. I think that month off with family just got me a bit on the lazy side and I'd enjoy dawdling and doodling with my Ward home folks!!!
This hangs on my sisters fridge
With thoughtless and impatient hands
We tangle up the plans
The Lord hath wrought.
And when we cry in pain He saith,
"Be quiet, man, while I untie the knot."
Love and goodness to each of you.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Heading to Temple!
My computer did some sort of a mess-up last night and wouldn't let me type a single letter! I wanted to blog about the fact that I need to go to the Temple etc. etc. and now my computer is working but I'm actually going to the Temple so I'll catch you later.
No. I just have to say a word or two.
I just have to say that the Temple is the best place in the world when life crushes in on you and you feel perplexed over which direction to go. I know it's been several weeks since I've gone to a session and it really is telling on my spiritual mindset.
Lately I've had spiritual discontent. Discontentment over not being social enough, outgoing enough, reaching out enough, doing enough. I can't merely jump from that discontented dissatisfaction to the sweetness, of spirit-filled contentment, without some personal revelation. I will pour out my heart in vocal prayer while whizzing down the freeway, delivering also, a long the way, a few well-deserved fistfuls of ashes and hope it doesn't show on my sackcloth when I arrive at the Temple. I will lament and beat myself up (as co-dependents are prone to do), plead for help, shed tears that overflow a bit or a lot, until I arrive at the only place on the face of the earth, my beautiful CR Temple.... an edifice filled with total peace. It's mine for the asking! I'm going to ask! I can receive private sacred guidance and have my remorse/regret replaced with optimistic/joyousness. I love those feelings.
This morning my thoughts have been on omission of weightier matters and inner cleansing. I turned to Matthew 23 and could relate my feelings to more on the verses than I cared to admit!
My gratitude is overflowing for the Temple, the Atonement & Repentance coupled with forgiveness/removal/newness/refreshing.
No. I just have to say a word or two.
I just have to say that the Temple is the best place in the world when life crushes in on you and you feel perplexed over which direction to go. I know it's been several weeks since I've gone to a session and it really is telling on my spiritual mindset.
Lately I've had spiritual discontent. Discontentment over not being social enough, outgoing enough, reaching out enough, doing enough. I can't merely jump from that discontented dissatisfaction to the sweetness, of spirit-filled contentment, without some personal revelation. I will pour out my heart in vocal prayer while whizzing down the freeway, delivering also, a long the way, a few well-deserved fistfuls of ashes and hope it doesn't show on my sackcloth when I arrive at the Temple. I will lament and beat myself up (as co-dependents are prone to do), plead for help, shed tears that overflow a bit or a lot, until I arrive at the only place on the face of the earth, my beautiful CR Temple.... an edifice filled with total peace. It's mine for the asking! I'm going to ask! I can receive private sacred guidance and have my remorse/regret replaced with optimistic/joyousness. I love those feelings.
This morning my thoughts have been on omission of weightier matters and inner cleansing. I turned to Matthew 23 and could relate my feelings to more on the verses than I cared to admit!
My gratitude is overflowing for the Temple, the Atonement & Repentance coupled with forgiveness/removal/newness/refreshing.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
This is such a neat promise.
In 1971 we were living in Anchorage, still fairly new in the Church, still learning the ropes and the doctrine as best we could. There was a wonderful man in our Ward that was very close to the Spirit. (actually there were several and they ended up being the leaders in Alaska's growth in the Church) He always bore a very powerful testimony and I remember one testimony that he shared. (actually I remember two but for today I'll share this one that I've been thinking of lately) He reminded us that tithing was exactly 10% and not a penny more. When you went over the 10%, even a smidgen (not his word), it then became an offering. I totally believe that concept. He then bore his testimony about the power of fast offerings and told that recently President Marion G. Romney had given counsel to double your fast offerings and bring blessings both spiritual and temporal into your own life, plus helping others through the program as outlined by the Church. I've never forgotten that meeting and the feeling I had. Recently I thought about that concept.
In the Church we have what is called the law of witnesses. If an authority quotes another authority or a scripture, it adds to the validity and power of the statement. The message/scripture becomes stronger and stronger. The scriptures are powerful in that way as prophets will quote prophets and that is true today also. Frequently we hear an Apostle quote another Apostle. Powerful witness.
Note in the first quote by Elder Taylor that he quotes President Romney TWICE. He ends his talk with it the 2nd time. This gives a lot of weight to what was said. a lot of powerful promises hanging on those words!
Here are several references over several years, by other leaders, to the promise given by President Romney, that I mentioned.
2 excerpts from talk by Henry D. Taylor, October CR 1974 (entire talk here)
In a recent meeting, President Marion G. Romney gave a message which impressed me greatly. First he said, “It has been, and now is, the desire and the objective of the Church to obtain from fast offerings the necessary funds to meet the cash needs of the welfare program.” And he said, “We can, we ought, and we must do better.” Then from Brother Romney came this comforting assurance: “If we will double our fast offerings we shall increase our prosperity, both spiritually and temporally.This the Lord has promised, this has been the record.”
I am confident that each of us has a continual need for additional blessings. A devoted servant of the Lord, a member of the First Presidency, has given us the formula, which, if followed, will increase our blessings. Again may I repeat his inspired promise: “If we will double our fast offerings we shall increase our prosperity, both spiritually and temporally.”
I love this concept. My soul has been re-ignited as I read these words and feel their truth, it holds such great promise.
I could go on and on about desiring the promised blessings from Isa. Chap 58. Our family needs some special help and I would so enjoy an increase of Spirit plus temporal challenges are always hanging around needing resolution.
The Gospel and the promises of such amazing blessings just increases my testimony. I hope you enjoy what I've shared. Most especially if you are young and have never heard of it before... Now you know!
In the Church we have what is called the law of witnesses. If an authority quotes another authority or a scripture, it adds to the validity and power of the statement. The message/scripture becomes stronger and stronger. The scriptures are powerful in that way as prophets will quote prophets and that is true today also. Frequently we hear an Apostle quote another Apostle. Powerful witness.
Note in the first quote by Elder Taylor that he quotes President Romney TWICE. He ends his talk with it the 2nd time. This gives a lot of weight to what was said. a lot of powerful promises hanging on those words!
Here are several references over several years, by other leaders, to the promise given by President Romney, that I mentioned.
2 excerpts from talk by Henry D. Taylor, October CR 1974 (entire talk here)
In a recent meeting, President Marion G. Romney gave a message which impressed me greatly. First he said, “It has been, and now is, the desire and the objective of the Church to obtain from fast offerings the necessary funds to meet the cash needs of the welfare program.” And he said, “We can, we ought, and we must do better.” Then from Brother Romney came this comforting assurance: “If we will double our fast offerings we shall increase our prosperity, both spiritually and temporally.This the Lord has promised, this has been the record.”
I am confident that each of us has a continual need for additional blessings. A devoted servant of the Lord, a member of the First Presidency, has given us the formula, which, if followed, will increase our blessings. Again may I repeat his inspired promise: “If we will double our fast offerings we shall increase our prosperity, both spiritually and temporally.”
President Kimball has noted:
“Sometimes we have been a bit penurious [stingy] and figured that we had for breakfast one egg and that cost so many cents and then we give that to the Lord. I think that when we are affluent … we should be very generous and give, instead of the amount we saved by our two meals of fasting, perhaps much, much more—ten times more where we are in a position to do it. I know there are some who couldn’t.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1974, p. 184; italics added.)
a couple of paragraphs by Elder Romney from his 1982 talk-- here
I remember that a long time ago, over sixty years in fact, when Elder Melvin J. Ballard laid his hands on my head and set me apart to go on a mission, he said in the blessing he gave me that a person could not give a crust to the Lord without receiving a loaf in return. And that has been my experience.
Be liberal in your giving, that you yourselves may grow. Don’t give just for the benefit of the poor, but give for your own welfare. Give enough so that you can give yourself into the kingdom of God through consecrating of your means and your time. Pay an honest tithing and a generous fast offering if you want the blessings of heaven. I promise every one of you who will do it that you will increase your own prosperity, both spiritually and temporally. The Lord will reward you according to your deeds.
excerpts from Elder L. Tom Perry talk (here)
We have said a lot today about President Romney and what he has declared about the welfare program. Could I add another statement:
“I am thoroughly in harmony with what the Bishop said about our need to contribute liberally to the fast-offerings fund and to every other fund that the Church officially calls upon us to contribute to. I am a firm believer that you cannot give to the Church and to the building up of the kingdom of God and be any poorer financially. I remember a long time ago, over 50 years, when Brother [Melvin J.] Ballard laid his hands on my head and set me apart to go on a mission. He said in that prayer of blessing that a person could not give a crust to the Lord without receiving a loaf in return. That’s been my experience. If the members of the Church would double their fast-offering contributions, the spirituality in the Church would double. We need to keep that in mind and be liberal in our contributions.” (Welfare Agricultural Meeting, 3 Apr. 1971, p. 1.)
quote from Presidents Monsons talk here
President Marion G. Romney spoke concerning the funding of caring for the needy when he said: “It has been, and now is, the desire and the objective of the Church to obtain from fast offerings the necessary funds to meet the cash needs of the welfare program. … At the present time we are not meeting this objective. We can, we ought, and we must do better. If we will double our fast offerings, we shall increase our own prosperity, both spiritually and temporally. This the Lord has promised, and this has been the record.” (“Basics of Church Welfare,” talk given to the Priesthood Board, 6 Mar. 1974, p. 10.)
I love this concept. My soul has been re-ignited as I read these words and feel their truth, it holds such great promise.
I could go on and on about desiring the promised blessings from Isa. Chap 58. Our family needs some special help and I would so enjoy an increase of Spirit plus temporal challenges are always hanging around needing resolution.
The Gospel and the promises of such amazing blessings just increases my testimony. I hope you enjoy what I've shared. Most especially if you are young and have never heard of it before... Now you know!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
McCall and summer fun is now a thing to be remembered. It's over for 2013!
I was looking at the pictures from McCall this year and there are so many that bring back certain remembrances. I'll just share a couple more and then McCall is filed in my memory bank.
I'll remember....
I had an encounter with one of the bees when I was munching on a hot dog. I took a bite. Had the thought...Is there a bee in my mouth????!!! Was processing that possibility when all doubt was removed and I got stung in the roof of my mouth on the left side towards the back. I was so shocked!!
I jumped up and went over and started spitting my mouthful of food in the bushes. Terry was startled and rushed over to me. I didn't want to alarm anyone so I told him I was stung and to get Lorrie (our DIL. Greg's wife). I knew she'd have tweezers and I could feel the stinger. Suddenly it was bedlam with it being loudly announced that I had been stung.
Bedlam turned to sideshow as I sat there with gaping mouth, while everyone that cared to, took a peek and gasped at what they saw with the stinger in place. The roof of my mouth was swelling and I felt like I had a massive shot of novacain up there.
It all turned out fine. I was really sore for several hours and it felt strange when I swallowed water or anything. I "worried" the stinger with my tongue until it fell off, as no one could find tweezers until after the fact.
It's so bizarre and I ended up glad i had some eyewitnesses as who would believe such a story????
Several felt I should go to the Dr. but I opted not. I did have one moment of a bit of panic. I know that the mouth is where you take nitroglycerin and you chew aspirin when you have heart symptoms, because it will go directly to blood stream so I suddenly thought maybe I had bee poison rushing through my veins and I would keel over and die on the spot!!!! realizing it was a long ways past that time period, I relaxed. just being paranoid for a bit!!!
I'll remember....
the girls measuring their hair lengths! |
our children enjoying each others company! |
Love/affection being shown over and over! |
LOTS of laughter!!! |
All were so happy that the Grandfather was okay after his Jan. stroke and they let him know that several times. |
Christmas dinner outdoors. Snowflakes hung in trees. 25 people. |
Lake day. David cooking. |
David & our Grandson- Kipper. Friends always. |
Lots of games were played. |
Brother bugging sister! |
Terry making Poor Man's Mush. He made two pans. David helping him. |
Goodbye to cousin Sammy. All of these cousins love and enjoy each other. Our precious grandchildren. |
At the Lake there were so many bees that it was startling. They were really bold and fierce. They would get right on your plate of food and start eating! Here are two pictures of them eating salmon. (Ben brought us Alaskan salmon and it was cooked over the fire we had going! delicious!)I had an encounter with one of the bees when I was munching on a hot dog. I took a bite. Had the thought...Is there a bee in my mouth????!!! Was processing that possibility when all doubt was removed and I got stung in the roof of my mouth on the left side towards the back. I was so shocked!!
I jumped up and went over and started spitting my mouthful of food in the bushes. Terry was startled and rushed over to me. I didn't want to alarm anyone so I told him I was stung and to get Lorrie (our DIL. Greg's wife). I knew she'd have tweezers and I could feel the stinger. Suddenly it was bedlam with it being loudly announced that I had been stung.
Bedlam turned to sideshow as I sat there with gaping mouth, while everyone that cared to, took a peek and gasped at what they saw with the stinger in place. The roof of my mouth was swelling and I felt like I had a massive shot of novacain up there.
It all turned out fine. I was really sore for several hours and it felt strange when I swallowed water or anything. I "worried" the stinger with my tongue until it fell off, as no one could find tweezers until after the fact.
It's so bizarre and I ended up glad i had some eyewitnesses as who would believe such a story????
Several felt I should go to the Dr. but I opted not. I did have one moment of a bit of panic. I know that the mouth is where you take nitroglycerin and you chew aspirin when you have heart symptoms, because it will go directly to blood stream so I suddenly thought maybe I had bee poison rushing through my veins and I would keel over and die on the spot!!!! realizing it was a long ways past that time period, I relaxed. just being paranoid for a bit!!!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Traditions revisited!
It surprises me how easy it is to make a tradition become a part of your life and create great memories. It took me a long time to figure it out! It's not the $$$$ value that makes it important nor even validates it as a tradition. It's the consistency. The repetitiveness. IF I were raising my family again, I'd think beyond the Sunday PotRoast, that became an accidental tradition, a family memory, simply because I cooked it most Sundays. Just like the endless loaves of WW bread I made. I'd figure out some other things around birthdays that go beyond choice of what the celebrant wants to eat. Maybe a special plate that is used just for the birthday person? Something!
Jeanee has brought the girls home each summer since they were 6 months old so I've established some things with them that connect us memory wise. One is- we always to to Leavenworth and since they turned 5 we've gone to The Sound of Music. That means we've gone 12 years in a row. We always get a bratwurst on arrival, look at shops, eat dinner and go to the play.
The woman that plays the Reverend Mother watches for the girls each year and is kind and good to them. She has been there every year since we've been going. Next year is the theatre's 20 anniversary and she will do it again!
As the girls age and jobs and education enter into their lives then these marvelous summer times will come to an end but we have the memories and that is what life and our association is all about...memories. For all of us!
Years ago. many years ago!! I'd buy pretty boxes of stationary and wrote lots of letters. I enjoyed it so much. I have lots of letters of mine that my Mother saved and also my Aunt so I'm thinking Tori will enjoy looking at those next year.
As McCall wound down and we returned home and all others headed to their own abodes...I made my usual over the top self-promise that I will make everyone a quilt and give it to them in two years at our Christmas in July party. I've said this every year (not our loud! just my thinker!). The family has grown to 25. My vision has lessened. Can I see to thread my sewing machine??? At first it was going to be full size quilts. With each color carefully selected for the recipient. Now they are down to lap size and using whatever fabric I have on hand as I have a cupboard full! This endeavor ranks right up there with dropping my weight to coincide with what insurance companies say I should weigh and goes along with the Jews hundreds of year old chant...Next year Jerusalem! There is about as much chance as I will do either of those challenges and I definitely have no inkling of a chance to go to Jerusalem! And yet I never give up saying I will do these remarkable accomplishments! Wack-a-doodle for sure!!!
Jeanee has brought the girls home each summer since they were 6 months old so I've established some things with them that connect us memory wise. One is- we always to to Leavenworth and since they turned 5 we've gone to The Sound of Music. That means we've gone 12 years in a row. We always get a bratwurst on arrival, look at shops, eat dinner and go to the play.
The woman that plays the Reverend Mother watches for the girls each year and is kind and good to them. She has been there every year since we've been going. Next year is the theatre's 20 anniversary and she will do it again!
As the girls age and jobs and education enter into their lives then these marvelous summer times will come to an end but we have the memories and that is what life and our association is all about...memories. For all of us!
Bratwurst (Yummy!) |
![]() |
Early years picture and last year! |
Girls with Rev. Mother, Maria and Captain (they are a real life married couple) after show. |
Girls before show. New set. |
New tradition. Sno-cones!!! A real hit! |
Poor Man's Mush. a lifetime tradition along with another food tradition--Sourdough Pancakes. Terry is cook! |
This year I will endeavor to start a new tradition with my 4 oldest Granddaughters- Britta, Tori, Cassie and Brooke. We will weekly be in touch with each other via their choice of communication. The one that caught me off guard was Tori. She chose to have us use "cursive writing". At first I protested about my penmanship being dreadful at this stage of life and lack of use....I type fairly fast...maybe type and mail? Nope. Cursive it will be. She will save my letters and I hers. Next year we will put them together and she will keep the originals and I will get a copy made for me at Kinko's. Actually I'm really looking forward to my cursive endeavor, now that the shock has worn off!!Years ago. many years ago!! I'd buy pretty boxes of stationary and wrote lots of letters. I enjoyed it so much. I have lots of letters of mine that my Mother saved and also my Aunt so I'm thinking Tori will enjoy looking at those next year.
As McCall wound down and we returned home and all others headed to their own abodes...I made my usual over the top self-promise that I will make everyone a quilt and give it to them in two years at our Christmas in July party. I've said this every year (not our loud! just my thinker!). The family has grown to 25. My vision has lessened. Can I see to thread my sewing machine??? At first it was going to be full size quilts. With each color carefully selected for the recipient. Now they are down to lap size and using whatever fabric I have on hand as I have a cupboard full! This endeavor ranks right up there with dropping my weight to coincide with what insurance companies say I should weigh and goes along with the Jews hundreds of year old chant...Next year Jerusalem! There is about as much chance as I will do either of those challenges and I definitely have no inkling of a chance to go to Jerusalem! And yet I never give up saying I will do these remarkable accomplishments! Wack-a-doodle for sure!!!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Lots of molds thrown away!!
Our children. Arranged by our rose amongst the thorns (our left handed daughter that chose to sort of kneel down in this picture) so it's youngest to oldest. left to right. Benjamin. David. Jeanee. Gregory. Kipper. IF I remember correctly...Kip and Greg are 19 months apart. 3 years after Greg, Jeanee was born. 8 years after Jeanee we adopted David. 4 years after David we adopted Ben. That makes for a steady flow of children at home for more years than I'm capable of adding up! When Ben was 5 years old our first Grandson was born so that makes Ben closer in age to his Uncle than his older siblings. When our Grandson's first child was born, Ben's first born was 4 years old. This is going no where except to state-- we are young parents to the first 3 and old parents to the last two! Just trivia that amounts to nothing except to us! And now you know! What do you know? I'm not sure. We love our children! I hope you know that.
After McCall, the girls and I went to lunch at The White House Cafe...Nana, have you noticed that none of your children are alike? Not any of them! And they all had the same parents!
...Yes. I have noticed!
I have a favorite sugar cookie recipe that is a no-chill dough and a set of bear cookie cutters that are old and used....4 of them...assorted sizes but all easily recognized as relatives of that particular bear family.
My children are not cookie cutter people. Trying to squeeze them into a mold just never worked. Admittedly I tried. (one of those --wish I had a do-over option! I would work more with who they really are and how they arrived intact, in many ways, for me to discover who they are and help them develop those talents/traits).
I've said before that sometimes I think the only thing they have in common is their last name. They are so diverse that in many ways they are worlds apart.
That is why McCall was so amazing. Adults that realize, even with differences, we are family. I think it takes a lot more fortitude, effort, desire, and love to make a connection with family, with all the differences, than it takes to make a connection with friends. With friends you might be tempted to just throw in the towel but with family, no matter the disparity, you put forth the effort to make things work. My children made magic that McCall week!
Lipizzaner dancing horses (not my children!) |
Clydesdale's- (not my children!) |
Wild Mustangs-(my children at times!) |
Friday, August 9, 2013
So tender and sweet to me....
My heart is so full of memories of this last month. I've decided to share them piece meal and not just throw it all out at once. I'm savoring and reminiscing the happenings in my mind and will share that with you.
Our oldest son has injuries from 2 failed back surgeries and he's not been to anything family wise, beyond his home, for years. This year he decided to try the trip and prepared as best he could. He'd ride with us and we'd stop as needed, including all rest stops and anywhere else along the way. The longest he'd ever ridden was to Kirkland, a couple of hours away. So there were a lot of unknowns but he wanted to try it. He would just handle things the best he could.
It worked out great!
The last time Kipper attended McCall was 1999. Each year all the family laments he's not with us. It was amazing what his presence did to the family dynamic.
He was able to surprise his siblings and that was such fun for all... such a joyous emotional time as they arrived and he was there!
This is one of my favorite pictures. David, in the hat, had just seen Kipper outside his car and was dumbfounded. He jumped out and they just hugged and it was tender with deep emotions and I was teary. True- I was paparazzi taking pictures from both sides but I couldn't resist, as it was such a beautiful moment.
Kipper, 13 when David was born, used to often take him, as a baby, from his crib and sneak him into his bunk late at night and sleep with him. I had that memory flash through my mind when I witnessed this scene. Even looking at these pictures now makes me tear up.
There is something so special about family ties. Our children re-connected and bonded and our family was made stronger by our family reunion. I'm so thankful!! We are not a cookie cutter family, with all from the same mold, so it's quite amazing to see this diverse group make the effort, way beyond friendship, to be a family. More on that phenomena later!!
Our oldest son has injuries from 2 failed back surgeries and he's not been to anything family wise, beyond his home, for years. This year he decided to try the trip and prepared as best he could. He'd ride with us and we'd stop as needed, including all rest stops and anywhere else along the way. The longest he'd ever ridden was to Kirkland, a couple of hours away. So there were a lot of unknowns but he wanted to try it. He would just handle things the best he could.
It worked out great!
The last time Kipper attended McCall was 1999. Each year all the family laments he's not with us. It was amazing what his presence did to the family dynamic.
He was able to surprise his siblings and that was such fun for all... such a joyous emotional time as they arrived and he was there!
This is one of my favorite pictures. David, in the hat, had just seen Kipper outside his car and was dumbfounded. He jumped out and they just hugged and it was tender with deep emotions and I was teary. True- I was paparazzi taking pictures from both sides but I couldn't resist, as it was such a beautiful moment.
Kipper, 13 when David was born, used to often take him, as a baby, from his crib and sneak him into his bunk late at night and sleep with him. I had that memory flash through my mind when I witnessed this scene. Even looking at these pictures now makes me tear up.
There is something so special about family ties. Our children re-connected and bonded and our family was made stronger by our family reunion. I'm so thankful!! We are not a cookie cutter family, with all from the same mold, so it's quite amazing to see this diverse group make the effort, way beyond friendship, to be a family. More on that phenomena later!!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Long time friends
The family party that started with the arrival of Jeanee on July 11, ended one day shy of 4 weeks, with Jeanee and the girls leaving Wednesday August 7th. That jet plane boarded at 5:30am out of Yakima and took a part of my heart with those 3 travelers.
Fist of all, I was shocked to see that I didn't say, blog-wise, that I'd be gone and be back around now. I was certain I'd done that deed. Maybe I did say it and then kept adding things? I don't know. Guess I could check! I felt it was rude to you readers that are my friends. Sorry about that.
Where to start? Things were great! Great doesn't describe it! Historic? yes. that is a good word. With the exception of 2 people (Missionary Grandson-Lance and Son-in-law, Scott) all were in attendance! Quite a feat. People from Coast to Coast, all making the effort, the trek, like Alaskan Salmon, returning home to our Family. And what a diverse family it is.
For now I think I'll share a few pictures. I shared the preparations that Jeanee and I worked on and all were welcomed and received except for one thing...the Christmas ornaments that she made. As she said...they were an epic failure!! I agree! She and I both see humor in lots of situations and this was one. Remember how she fixed those discs?...cutting and gluing. When we got to our fantastic Christmas party, I was holding the treasures in a plastic Ziploc...guarding them...protecting them! She announced about our past tradition when children were home etc. etc.
I handed them to her like jewels and she started passing them by one to each attendee. It had the effect of sitting around, passing a bowl of mints, and someone passing the bowl (mid-conversation) to the next person. At the end of the party and cleaning up all the trappings, I saw one on a chair and quickly saved it. Then I noticed them sprinkled all over the room! Jeanee and I did laugh about our rejected prize. The Epic Failure!!! That was the only one!
Each year when the girls come they always try to trick Madeline and surprise her. the last few years she has tried to surprise them. One year she hid behind the pop machine at the baggage claim and went up behind them and said...Excuse me. That is my suitcase you have. Screams abounded on that one. For some reason, known only to women young and old, they have always locked arms in a tight circle and jumped up and down while doing the scream.
This year the girls expected Madeline to meet them at the airport. Plan A- She would ride out with us and that was the real plan and greet them at landing. Uh, oh. Forgot. No van! No room!
She told them about no transportation... it would be late... she'd see them tomorrow. Plan B took form. Madeline came into our house...dressed in black...sat scrunched down in black chair. It was so fun and funny. I lured girls into kitchen real quick to see a pie I'd made for them and then headed them towards bedroom so they would see Madeline when they turned around. Tori, just literally ran past her in her excitement to go to the bedroom, didn't even notice her!! Then Cassie saw her and they started the scream going so Tori came rushing back out, to see who was being attacked, and the duo became a trio of yelping and laughing and jumping. I loved it!!
And when it all came to an end (2.5 weeks later) and final good-byes and promises of all sorts filling the air, it was still the same joy and enjoyment and love.
Madeline has this uncanny ability of loving each girl with the same amount of love. She doesn't favor or pit them against each other. She loves and enjoys who each one is. 3 is a tough number when you put 3 girls of the same age together. Actually 3 is a tough number for any age group of children/teens. The girls are totally used to taking turns. So they don't bicker over who gets to play with her. Now they no longer really take turns. They all 3 equally share their time and spend every minute talking...together. Did I mention they talk all the time and love every minute of secret sharing and solving of life problems...theirs and others. They play hard and waste no time.
Their relationship reminds me of the importance of friendships. With true friendship, I believe, you can pick up where you left off and it's comfy and not awkward.
I love my friends and cherish them. Those close at hand and far away. I want to be a better friend and keep in closer touch. I do know though that even an occasional catch-up time does wonders to all relationships. That is how our marvelous family time was at McCall. a bit of heaven. My heart is just overrun with joy and gratitude.
More on that later. right now?....I'm tired.
Life is great, isn't it?
Fist of all, I was shocked to see that I didn't say, blog-wise, that I'd be gone and be back around now. I was certain I'd done that deed. Maybe I did say it and then kept adding things? I don't know. Guess I could check! I felt it was rude to you readers that are my friends. Sorry about that.
Where to start? Things were great! Great doesn't describe it! Historic? yes. that is a good word. With the exception of 2 people (Missionary Grandson-Lance and Son-in-law, Scott) all were in attendance! Quite a feat. People from Coast to Coast, all making the effort, the trek, like Alaskan Salmon, returning home to our Family. And what a diverse family it is.
For now I think I'll share a few pictures. I shared the preparations that Jeanee and I worked on and all were welcomed and received except for one thing...the Christmas ornaments that she made. As she said...they were an epic failure!! I agree! She and I both see humor in lots of situations and this was one. Remember how she fixed those discs?...cutting and gluing. When we got to our fantastic Christmas party, I was holding the treasures in a plastic Ziploc...guarding them...protecting them! She announced about our past tradition when children were home etc. etc.
I handed them to her like jewels and she started passing them by one to each attendee. It had the effect of sitting around, passing a bowl of mints, and someone passing the bowl (mid-conversation) to the next person. At the end of the party and cleaning up all the trappings, I saw one on a chair and quickly saved it. Then I noticed them sprinkled all over the room! Jeanee and I did laugh about our rejected prize. The Epic Failure!!! That was the only one!
Each year when the girls come they always try to trick Madeline and surprise her. the last few years she has tried to surprise them. One year she hid behind the pop machine at the baggage claim and went up behind them and said...Excuse me. That is my suitcase you have. Screams abounded on that one. For some reason, known only to women young and old, they have always locked arms in a tight circle and jumped up and down while doing the scream.
This year the girls expected Madeline to meet them at the airport. Plan A- She would ride out with us and that was the real plan and greet them at landing. Uh, oh. Forgot. No van! No room!
She told them about no transportation... it would be late... she'd see them tomorrow. Plan B took form. Madeline came into our house...dressed in black...sat scrunched down in black chair. It was so fun and funny. I lured girls into kitchen real quick to see a pie I'd made for them and then headed them towards bedroom so they would see Madeline when they turned around. Tori, just literally ran past her in her excitement to go to the bedroom, didn't even notice her!! Then Cassie saw her and they started the scream going so Tori came rushing back out, to see who was being attacked, and the duo became a trio of yelping and laughing and jumping. I loved it!!
red-eyes and lots of happiness at Hello!!! |
friends since they were toddlers! This is their Good -bye. |
Madeline has this uncanny ability of loving each girl with the same amount of love. She doesn't favor or pit them against each other. She loves and enjoys who each one is. 3 is a tough number when you put 3 girls of the same age together. Actually 3 is a tough number for any age group of children/teens. The girls are totally used to taking turns. So they don't bicker over who gets to play with her. Now they no longer really take turns. They all 3 equally share their time and spend every minute talking...together. Did I mention they talk all the time and love every minute of secret sharing and solving of life problems...theirs and others. They play hard and waste no time.
Their relationship reminds me of the importance of friendships. With true friendship, I believe, you can pick up where you left off and it's comfy and not awkward.
I love my friends and cherish them. Those close at hand and far away. I want to be a better friend and keep in closer touch. I do know though that even an occasional catch-up time does wonders to all relationships. That is how our marvelous family time was at McCall. a bit of heaven. My heart is just overrun with joy and gratitude.
More on that later. right now?....I'm tired.
Life is great, isn't it?
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