Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Winged Pig

 Last  week I attended the last of the RS birthday celebrations celebrated throughout our 10 units in the Stake.  It was just a sweet spirit-filled event at a small Spanish Branch.  The tables were each decorated honoring the divinity within us as women and the simple meal of sandwiches and program by the sister in charge just made for a great evening.  

 As we left we were each given a decorated candle, to remind us, to let our light shine in the world.

The evening was filled with a sound I find beautiful...women visiting and enjoying each others company and it felt happy in the large cultural hall.  I could not understand the words but I did understand the language.  The language of the Spirit.  It permeated the room.

Driving home I thought again about I wish I'd been a linguist. (Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, ASL & one other that I can't remember right now)  Just for the fun of achieving and learning.  I wish I'd made sure each of my children had a language or 2 tucked in their minds.  My generation didn't think that way and the country was just English speaking.  or so it seemed.

A few years ago I had the desire to learn some languages  and decided to start with ASL.  I found a course offered in Grandview.  At the YVCC Branch?  I don't remember because it never came to pass as I broke my hand, ended up with surgery and the other arm had injured tendons so speaking/learning sign language was not going to happen.  Personally I found that funny that I broke my hand etc. right when I was ready to take a sign language course.  So ironic.  As the class was the next week.  

I was waylaid for quite awhile with 3 months of PT, 3x a week, in a drive to Yakima.  I still had the desire to learn a language so I decided to learn Spanish.  There are a lot of Spanish speaking people in this area and I was curious as to what they were talking about.  Nosy.

So I ordered the highly advertised, rather high-priced, Rosetta Stone with all sorts of glorious build-up of how I could speak with the natives that had Spanish as their mother tongue.  Perhaps they did the testing and had the amazing results because the test study was done on young bright people?  So I put it back in the box and sighed and couldn't even say drats! in Spanish.

Now that desire is rekindled to learn Spanish.  Not for being nosy but because my heart is so tender when I hear these beautiful women speak.  I know they are speaking about the Gospel.  I to want to speak to them about the Gospel.  I want to know about their life and who they are.  I know they must cherish their membership like I do and I want to hear their take on RS lessons.  I want to talk to them! Communicate in their language.

So I got out my bright yellow Rosetta Stone box and I'm wondering if I can still get into the site after all these years.  I'm thinking my brain is slow though.  At rehab for Terry they taught us a lot about the brain.  I think mine needs some sort of tune-up.  So I'm checking out Posit Science.  It's sort of like Luminosity.  I've done it a couple of times and I think I had a bit of brain freeze but then things sort of thawed and I was able to pick up my speed.  I'll choose one of them.  When I previously tried my Rosetta Stone course, they got to moving so fast that I felt like I was reading fine print on a race car.  Really, it was way to fast for me.  I'll try to get my brain in gear!!! 

Can you see it speaking Spanish in a talk at both Spanish Branches, bearing my testimony, and conversing with them?  It's okay.  In all honesty I can't see it either.  

My friend Tamera might have that kind of confidence in me as she gifted me with a small crystal winged pig. 

Again I take on something, brain exercising for retention, quicker reaction, better memory and I still have a zillion other things to do.  The sand is flowing through my years-allotted hour glass so I've got to at least die trying!  not being morbid but really I need to get to moving.

The most important thing though is living to feel the Spirit and in doing so and increasing my study habits I've been reading teacher manuals.  I found this lesson conclusion just jumped out and grabbed me.  The language I want to master more than any other!!!  The language that can't be purchased at Rosetta Stone.  This is fantastic.....

for teacher- Conclusion  to lesson
Emphasize that each of us has the privilege and responsibility to become fluent in the language of the Spirit. Encourage class members to make the effort necessary to receive and recognize the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Testify that as we prepare ourselves and listen carefully, we will receive “revelation upon revelation” through the Holy Ghost (D&C 42:61).

I've found what I want to be my native language!!!  I may never speak Spanish but I can speak in the language of the Spirit!!!!

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