Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday Monday

So Monday found us in for the anticipated check up with the Stroke Specialist, Dr. Henderson.  She is so great.  Terry was delighted to see her and sincerely referred to her as an angel.  She really doesn't do cozy talk and the words sort of went thud on the floor.  In his happiness at seeing her and wanting to thank her for diagnosing him and literally, to him, saving his life by the care she prescribed, he didn't notice the alphabet soup in a pile but I did.  She is an angel, whether she is comfy hearing it or not, and we love her.  She knew he'd had a stroke and not a TIA and she knew what he needed to help him heal up.  She of course was working in the midst of an ongoing miracle and we are gratefully aware of that.

I'll share the letter I sent our kiddo's when we got home.  

oh, and show a picture of my car.  

and tell about wanting the pavement to open up and swallow me.  it's been a looonnnng day!!!  

And...our missionary grandson that seems to be baptizing every living soul he speaks to!  Go Elder Seljestad!!!!!


Hi to all of you great children. We always love and miss you. So happy that Greg is coming to see us!!! That will be wonderful!
Today was follow-up appointment with the Stroke Specialist Dr. He went in thinking he'd get a clean bill of health, off all medicines and back to just a normal life after the stroke trauma. It wasn't quite like that but it's still good.
She was impressed with his coordination progress especially with his left arm. We learned that 75% of the blood pumped by the heart goes to the brain. Stroke victims need to watch for signs of heart attacks....chest pain, left jaw pain and those sort of left-sided body pain.
He asked if he could stop the Rx. said he didn't want to take meds all his life. and she looked startled and said...No! you can't stop. The one that makes his blood slippery can be stopped, at her direction, in 3 months but the other one is lifetime. She said he is called..."aspirin failure." Meaning...he was taking large amounts of aspirin and it did not prevent a stroke. He has to take this other Rx to hopefully prevent a future stroke. She pointed out to him that he was a possible candidate for a future stroke as are all stroke victims. I think he thought he was home free.
He told her that he gets exhausted from working even if he doesn't expend a lot of energy. He hits the wall and simply folds and fades and has to sit down. She said if he had a broken bone that was cast and it was trying to heal and you overdid, then your leg would let you know that you were hurting yourself and you'd stop doing whatever was causing the pain. The stop signal for a stroke is tiredness/sudden exhaustion and that indicates...Stop. sit down. no TV. just quiet. nap. rest until he feels up to going at task again.
She said he will continue healing for 2 years. She was pleased at all the things he is doing. We try to plan ahead and pace out things like... he showers Sat. night and goes to Sac. mtg. only. Sat. night was a tough night and he decided to stay home as he was so tired. He slept until 1pm so that was a good choice. Not an easy choice but a great choice.
She said he can drive. as long as he's not tired, doesn't go far, really focuses (as she said stroke brains have a delayed reaction) also he can use kitchen knives. Driving, using knives are not things I'm eager for him to do!!!! I know they are separate actions but I don't even welcome them separately!!
He went in thinking she'd say...good job. no Rx needed. Get on with your life. and instead she said....come back in 6 weeks and let's see how you are doing.
He is doing remarkable and she is impressed with how he is doing compared to Jan. 21 
Actually it's miraculous!
Just wanted to fill you in.
take care and know that you are loved.
Oh, and he can't drive when it's dark. 
I am starting to enjoy my little car!   She has great traits!  Need to go to a class to learn how to get in with ease.  Vans are just a hop aboard vehicle.  This is a fold and go car.  I can only fold so much!  Here is My Beauty.....
 Here is what I had to let go of........My Many Miler
I'm not a fair weather friend and she was awesome for those 150,000 miles!!
 Grandson and his companion
Elder Barton on left.  Elder Seljestad on right.
recent baptism!!
Blame it on the hot water heater spouting forth cold water for my dilemma.  Or how after Church on Sunday, visiting another Ward, I was visiting with Laura and Heather and so enjoyed it.  I'm of the age to be Older Mom/Great Grandma to them.  I think I'm the same age as any woman I visit with!  
 On the way home I was thinking of how many wonderful women there are in our Stake and I hardly know any compared to the ratio but those I know are so great!  So I was thinking of Heather and Laura and how special they are to me and how great they look.  That's all it took.  The tailspin started!  I thought they looked so fit and they must be on some fitness program and lifting weights or maybee running races or something.  I thought for myself...nothing changes if nothing changes...that's in my creed.  Get busy, girly!!  At the same time I wished a friend that had earlier slipped me a delish chocolate morsel, in between our meetings, was riding in the passenger seat and I could convince her to get out her stash from her Church bag.  
Then  after I got Terry home from Dr., and settled, I decided to run to Costco for a flower pot as I'd just ordered to flowers that would each need a pot.  I looked at the Easter Candy and then decided I would buy some chips.  Whole grain chips.  Healthy.  right?  so I opened them to do a taste test and had them on passenger seat.
Came home and got out of car and Bishop's wife, a friend, came jogging down the sidewalk.  She is a small sized friend.  Very small.  Tiny?  Teeny?  She came over to say the right things about Beauty and to see the interior opened the passenger door.  Uh-huh...crumbs (I'm sure!) and wide open bag.  I could only say...Chips.  plus I could feel flax seed and black sesame seeds stuck in my teeth and was trying to quickly pick at them when she looked at car.  Rolodexing my mental storage vocabulary and there it was...Seeds.  My one word explanation as I was picking.  That is when I wanted to explain I wasn't inhaling the chips, just tasting them etc. etc.  and the perils of being way to big and on and on.  But I didn't!  so I'm doing better on my co-dependency!!
I was wishing for the pavement to swallow me though.  
So just when I'm thinking pretty good thoughts about myself, no matter my not so good food choice, I decide to tell you!  Now it's out and over.  The end.
My Hero!!!  Fixing hot water heater!!! 

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