Thursday, March 21, 2013


A wonderful Wednesday morning spent in the Temple to assist me in regaining my footing.  The room was packed with Missionaries and there was a great spirit and pure silence.  Even in the Celestial room there was nary a peep.  The sort of stillness that makes you wonder what unseen Being/beings were in the room.  Reminded me of the peace when you see mountains reflected in a lake.  A pervasive hush.

My friend and I each had the desire to go through a session and even though we were together, we each came seeking our own answers to the challenges that afflict us as mortals.  The Temple is the place to go for heavenly help.

"Many of our people not only go to the temple to participate in the holy ordinances, but also to seek comfort and security as they bear lifes' crosses.  Very often many come in response to 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give ye rest'". 
                                                                                             by Elder Marvin J. Ashton -1986

Somewhere along the line I developed a testimony of quotes by authoritative sources like the General Authorities, are true.  If they say it, then it will happen.  It's the If/Then  principle.  It governs my inward life.  Some disagree with me and feel that a person shouldn't "expect" anything because of being obedient.  They feel loving the Lord, having membership in the Church just warrants the respect of obedience.  I'm not that way.

If I follow my recipe for Fudge then I expect fudge (delicious fudge) to be the result of my efforts.   We all know the garden analogy...if we plant carrots then we will have carrots grow.  If I do the laundry then we will have clean clothes.  My entire daily life is filled with IF/THEN scenarios.  My religious life is also. 

If/then acts of religious obedience increase my faith because I know what the outcome will eventually be.  God does not lie.  If I pay tithing, Then the windows of Heaven will be opened.  If He says it or one authorized then it will occur.  In His timing and not necessarily mine but it will happen if it's right, His will etc. etc.

When I'm obedient, I know what to watch for in the blessing arena and knowing the source was The Giver then I can express thanks.  Also I can anticipate and watch for fulfillment of promises.  I will recognize the blessing when it arrives.

I hold on to these scriptures as my main source of IF/THEN in my life...

Doctrine and Covenants 130....20–21, All blessings come by obedience to law

  20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

Doctrine and Covenants 132:5
 5- For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were instituted from before the foundation of the world.

This entire concept is incredible to me.  All of this was set in place, as a part of the plan, even before the foundation of the must be a real foundational teaching for our lives, don't you think?  It was mentioned twice in a 3 month period between Section 130 & 132.

There are promised blessings for all sorts of acts of obedience and it's all based on the If/Then concept.  The promise of Temple blessings abound and I just so enjoyed being in that Holy place and feeling so good and so hope filled.  It felt familiar, warm and wonderful, extremely peaceful and...  It felt right to be in the Temple.


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