Monday, March 18, 2013

Facing the Facts

Stake Conference was jam-packed.  I'm starting to recognize women from the 10 units in our Stake so that makes it like a big reunion.  Saturday night and Sunday both drew a full house.  I was thankful I went.

Exciting changes for our Stake.  History in the making.  Yakima Stake has only had 3 Patriarchs since it's beginning.  The changing of the guard took place on Sunday.  The First Patriarch served for 18 years and then his son was ordained and he served for 34 years.  The wife of the 2nd Patriarch was scribe for her father-in-law and then scribed for her husband.  50 some years!!

(What an undertaking to accept to serve for life.  The previous Patriarch is still a Patriarch but his authority to give Patriarchal blessings is for his own family and their descendants.)

 The son and daughter-in-law of our new Patriarch, were in the Branch when we served there so it was fun to see them visiting from a nearby town and now we know the reason why!


Today is one of my best days in trying to get my head on straight.  I really enjoy praying out loud in the car.  When I'm alone!  It was a struggle to get myself motivated to go to the meeting but that was cut short by Terry gently reminding me that we go to meetings even when we don't feel inclined to do so. -- not going was an option with a resultant outcome that wouldn't move me ahead.

Two things came to me on the ride over to the meeting.  The importance of living the basics with adequate prayer, Scripture study, service--those sorts of things.  The importance of choosing to think positive uplifting spiritual thoughts.  The importance of regular weekly Temple attendance.  The importance of not judging myself in a harsh light.  The importance of reaching out/serving/kindness. The importance of repentance and then moving on without a rehash session.  etc. etc.  Okay.  Okay.  True that is a lot more than two things.  Remember that I've been trying to get back on track for a week or so.  No wonder I've thought of a lot of things in inventorying.  These things are like a layer of dust that is not noticed until it's swiped off in a cleaning attempt.

I guess the two things would be-- clean the inner self and live the Gospel as best possible.  I look forward to going to the Temple this week plus clearing out the junk, not only on shelves/in drawers, but also in my stinkin' thinkin' of self and other areas on non-compliance in my life.  Nothing so big that I'm unworthy of partaking of the Sacrament but some areas of sort of skimming by.  Not a good idea.  Sliding down an icy slope on a sled and suddenly hitting a gravel patch. That hurts like the dickens!!!

This is me on the road to recovery.  a mending of my own Gospel net so that I can be better prepared to cast and catch and save myself and then be better able to help others.

 Here is the scripture that popped into my mind today!  Ouch!  but I understand the application in my own life.  Not as extreme as this but nonetheless applicable in a sort of shadowy way and also a clear definition of my problem of some neglect of basic things.  Maybe lessening is a better word and not total neglect.  Just not enough.  A nibble.  Not a feast.

I'll underline the parts that really hit home in my quest to get myself upright and walking with both feet on the path and not one on and one slipping off.

Matthew 23:23-28

23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, ahypocrites! for ye paybtithe of mint and canise and cummin, and have domitted the weightier matters of the law, ejudgment, fmercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
 24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a acamel.
 25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of aextortion and bexcess.
 26 Thou blind Pharisee, acleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
 27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto awhited bsepulchres, which indeed appear cbeautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all duncleanness.
 28 Even so ye also outwardly appear arighteous unto men, but within ye are full of bhypocrisy and iniquity.

True, this is very dramatic but it describes what I know to be true.   I need a thorough inner scrub and that is what I'm doing!!!!

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