Monday, March 11, 2013

Choice of Household

Sacrament meetings....such a boost!  At least in our Ward it is!  People really give the assigned subject contemplative thought and prayer.  The Spirit is there and it's a great experience.  We actually sing pretty loud now. Our chapel is so new and beautiful.  True it's going on 3 years old but it's still gorgeous.  Great atmosphere.

Today was a double bonus.  Alyssa's last talk before leaving Tuesday for her Mission in Brazil  & Everett speaking after arriving home Saturday night, his first Sunday back, about his Mission in New York.  Two such amazing young people and our Ward was double happy to have friends and families of theirs visiting.

Plus Mike was there with his fiancee and we were all happy for the two of them and his family.

It was a celebratory weekend with food, festivities, open house, women baking cookies, friends from long distance, anticipatory sharing...  Joy for a journey to begin and Joy for a journey just ended and Joy for an upcoming Temple marriage.

Alyssa just moved here with her wonderful family and they just embraced the Ward and vice versa.  Mike and Everett were both born and raised here and this has been their home Ward their entire lives.  Mike was just a little boy when I met him.  When we was a 9th grader I was his Seminary teacher.  I remember when Everett was born and him being blessed.

If the new influx of missionaries are like these 3 young people then the gathering is going to really pick up speed and skyrocket.  As a Ward we are so proud of them.  We love them and pray for them.  We've watched them over the years as they've walked the Gospel path, testing the water of doubt and certainty, and working hard on their own conversion.  We look at them and tear up and tell each other...the Church is in good hands with young people like this as future Ward and Stake leaders.

When a person faithfully makes the effort to attend Sacrament meeting, week after week after week....When that person makes the effort to speak.  to smile.  to reach out to others.....the day will come they will feel like they are at an extended family reunion and it will be a wonderful feeling.  Their consistent effort will pay benefits because on those days, maybe it's been a rough week and they feel a little down, someone will pay that friendliness back with a warm greeting.

When we put forth consistent effort we will end up feeling we belong to our Ward Family and we are not a stranger.  If we put forth nothing and offer nothing, we will receive in kind that same amount.  People will not be pushy.  They will think you want to be alone and respect that and leave you to yourself.  A simple hello and a smile or the added bonus of a handshake is a ticket to being included & welcomed and the warmth of that fellow citizenship will wash over us. 

After our great exciting Sacrament, I headed on assignment to visit a Ward Conference.  I knew only 4 people in the room.  I thought of how new people feel.  How everyone interacts and checks on events and gives reminders.  How they name locations and people and upcoming plans.  How totally lost I was on what they were talking about.  How excluded I could be made to feel if I was truly a stranger instead of a happy woman that just left a fantastic Sacrament meeting.  The man conducting welcomed the Stake RS leaders (his wife is one of the Counselors!) but our names were never mentioned by way of introduction and again I thought of how important our conduct to visitors and new converts, is so essential.

It's a 2 way street.  The old and the new attendees need to reach out.  I've seen people move into the Ward and just step right up and volunteer to do things and say they want to be involved.  I've seen others that immediately start the Ward Comparison Chant about how marvelous/perfect their previous Ward was and how our Ward, their new Ward, lacks style & substance. and we really should do this and that and this and that.  Grumblers and nit-pickers are so abrasive!!  Pin-pricks our happy Ward to pieces.  Ouch!!!

Stranger in the Bible Dictionary....


The word is frequently used to denote a man of non-Israelite birth, resident in the promised land with the permission of the Israelite authorities. There were various provisions in the law with regard to the treatment of strangers, all of which were intended to secure for them justice and fair treatment (Ex. 12:19, 48–49; 20:10; Lev. 16:29; 17:8–15; Num. 9:14; 15:14–30; Deut. 1:16; 10:19; 14:21).
It's interesting that strangers were to be treated fairly.  with justice.  These are great quotes.  Enjoy them.  These strangers arrived, wanted to be involved and welcomed and not excluded from the happenings.  The Israelites were reminded -Deu. 10:19....Love ye therefore the stranger; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.  All of us have had times of not being a member or being inactive or making ourselves scarce to the point of feeling like strangers. 
In today's world we have that same goal of remembering our own walk on the Gospel path and sharing the reassurance that we have....Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God. (Eph. 2:19)

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