Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pretty much on track for Saturday!!!

Oh, boy.  The power went out at our house again today and all from the inside happenings and absolutely nothing to do with outside!  The circuits got overloaded and the breaker was a goner!

When everything was ablaze with lights and ornaments and our tree and garlands in full shine, our son came over and had the audacity to start laughing, when there was no power to light up the many lights and said...Mom!!  You are the Griswolds!!  Dad!! get your generator!  I failed to understand the humor while he, gasping with laughter in between breaths, told us it was an old movie with Chevy Chase.  I later checked it out and found it was from 1989.  Christmas Vacation.  Adult kids are sometimes so rude!!!

I had questioned Terry if he thought we'd gone overboard. No.  Don't you think the poinsettia tree topper is to big for the tree?  It's beautiful.  Maybe the gold string beads are way to much on the tree?  They are beautiful.  I don't like the garlands when they aren't fluffed out.  I think they look better full than sort of flat.  Don't you? They look great just as they are.  I like the garland pulled tight in a line.  Don't you?  No.  I like that dip.  I like them over the top of the window and not down the sides.  Don't you?  No.  I like them down the sides also.  He is the hanger of the garlands-- so winning of question challenge... goes to the worker bee!  Not the sluggard spouting suggestions and questioning every move. There were times of looming storm clouds over our heads!!! 

Out came the ornaments.  It seemed hundreds!  we waxed sentimental and reminisce over the crocheted snowflake purchased in Utah the year Greg went on his mission, a flat Styrofoam Santa purchased at a Boise Hospital when my Dad had heart surgery, a bluebird in honor of David's first Christmas (you know.  bluebird of happiness.), an apple for our first Washington Christmas.  Wooden ornaments painted by each of us in 1971.  Great memories of that project.  We spent ages looking at these worn out small trinkets .  We talked about each one.  Well, the ones we could remember. There was a halibut ornament and an Eskimo one, made by a talented friend.  Bells and rocking horses and everything imaginable.  We missed our children.  Do you think we have overloaded the tree? No.  it's beautiful.

2 spools of strings of gold beads.  Used for so many years.  Purchased in Homer at the lone floral shop for what seemed a high price but used for some 35 years.  40 years?  Maybe.  so long ago there is no recollection of the date or the price.  Enjoyed over and over.

We do the bead dance.  I take the loose end of the bead string and he holds the spool.  he walks ahead of me and un-spools as I drape, drip, cascade, droop, the golden bead string, over the overload of lights and ornaments and poinsettias and ribbons and red berries.  round and round we go.  trying not to trip.  Hoping against all hope that the 4 year old little girl, coming for Christmas will be awestruck with it's sheer splendor!  Maybe her sweet 2 year old brother's eyes will sparkle with delight also.  We hope so.

Sitting we look at our masterpiece.  Is it just way over the top?  Too much?  Why would you ask that?!  It's beautiful and you did the beads perfect.

Wonder how many more years we will do this?  Who knows.  Maybe this will be the last.

Could be.  I'm glad we did it. 

Me too!  I say in agreement.

painted in 1971 by Jeanee.

selecting which to hang next

Eskimo, halibut (small grey hanging from left hand), Santa from 1971 family project

loooongggg garland being festooned! (does it look flat? squashed?)

Tree on steroids.  We love it anyhow!  That Martha Stewart tree skirt has to go buh-bye!!  

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