Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Life

The Oral Surgeon's beautiful new building, is gorgeous, inside and out.  I'm there because I'm such a coward that I have to be knocked out to have a tooth extracted!  And even at that I fret, way back in the recesses of my aging, grey matter....What if they think I'm under and actually I'm not and I can feel and hear all the racket going on and horror of horrors (shudder) feel it!!!???  ...what if I feel blood in my mouth or (gag!) taste it!? AND I can't tell them??!!  

I did feel rather modern that I filled out all 6 pages online and they were ready for my signature when I got there.  That was easy peasy.  Then the office worker read a lot of other papers to me and I signed boldly, declaring that I understood jaw might be broken, a piece of white mesh will be placed up near my sinus so stuff doesn't fall in the hole, my mouth will be expanded and the sides may crack and lots of other things and always the fine print disclaimer about the remote possibility/never happened etc. etc. of death. 

All the details about Rx, make sure you have soft foods on hand/don't swish/don't use a straw/don't eat popcorn. Someone would seriously eat popcorn?

Then the billing/insurance young woman came in.  It was a grand reunion as she was from the Branch when we were up there!  She outlined the costs for slumber mode tooth yanks and I was actually very happy.  I thought it would be a lot more!

While I'd been waiting to go back for my consult, I enjoyed watching HGTV and it was a show on most expensive bedrooms.  One room had a bank of closet doors, floor to ceiling/wall to wall, covered in crocodile hide- $100,000!  Bedside candle holders, several, strategically placed- $1000 each.  The chandelier, smothered in Sikorsky crystals was another $100,000.  Large, no huge wall mirror, well, it seemed to be that and then a click of the button and it was a gigantic TV.  $35,000!  Total of the one bedroom?....$700,000!!!

It reminded me of the time I was waiting for my car repair to be finished, a fellow was dreaming of this one BMW.  He just kept walking around it in the showroom.  Then opening doors and looking and sitting in it and repeating the scenario.  He finally came and sat down.  I said...if you buy it you will be parking it way out in the parking lot so it doesn't get scratched.  He said...if you are concerned about that, then you can't afford to buy it to begin with.  I agreed!

Life is about perspective isn't it?  At least a lot of it is.  I have a friend that once said....Money is all relative.  A dollar to me might be a dime to you.   Wait!  she said it the other way...a dime to me might be a dollar to you.  There is some way she said it that impressed me.

I guess I'm thinking about money and the pending de-tusk appointment plus thinking of that bedroom price because we too are hanging a chandelier, minuscule compared to that $100,000 one.  Purchased so long ago that I'm not sure where it's from.  Probably a Home Depot bargain and I just love this sparkling little jewel.  Well, I will love it when it's done.  I'll take a picture!

It's in the dining room.  Actually it's not a separate room.  It will be in the dining space when it's finished.  real soon!

These Interior Design projects put a great strain on our marriage!! 

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