Friday, November 2, 2012

Bravo!!! Bravo!!!

Our daughter did not like participating in competitive school sports.  She enjoyed watching competitive events but not participating.  She tried a couple of things as she is very active but she was born a peace maker and it just proved more than she wanted to be involved in.

She loves physical activity for fun and personal fitness but her real love and forte reside in the creative arts of pottery, stain-glass, photography, and all sorts of things that create beauty. She does love to ice-skate and if Homer had teachers she might have been competitive in that sport!

Our sons were a different story!  I've gone to more sport events for high-schoolers, with 4 sons in wrestling, than you would imagine and they were top of the line.  State qualifiers etc.  Only one son was at a school where football was offered and he did that also.  I traveled to every single wrestling match for all 4 sons and 3 years of football games.

Having our family so spread out in age there was never a let up for what seemed a thousand years.  Our last son came into our life when our first son was graduating from high school.  That's a heap of wrestling matches!! People thought I was dedicated, in love with wrestling (not!), and would continue on after the last boy graduated.  again...not!  I was there as a Mom.  Mother's understand that statement. 

I'm an aging cheerleader.  I love to cheer and support any youth in our Ward that do theater.  One of my favorite theater venues are high school productions.  Not just our local high school but others also.  And I love community theater!

I just finished watching the local production of Alice in Wonderland.  I am not a fan of the story as it's so nuts/insane/crazy/wild etc. etc.  No real plot.  BUT it does have some great character roles and they get to shine.  This first play of the year, had a loss of many seniors from last year and the parents at the box office were new faces this year.  It's fun to watch people move through the system in supporting their children.

Just as I went to all of those sports events, these parents/grandparents/other relatives and friends support these young thespians by their attendance.

I am not related to a single cast member but I feel people in my situation, can strengthen the youth because I don't come out of obligation or blood relation.  I come because I love theater but even more so I love to see people I know on stage.  I even love to watch strangers!!! 

3 YW from our Ward were star players in the play.

One was even the lead role of Alice!  Madeline had never done a play or been on stage and she learned all of those lines, delivered them flawlessly and was on stage practically non-stop.  She was Alice personified...slender, girlish looking, long light colored hair.  Type casting!

The other 2 girls had multiple parts and costume changes.

Sophie, was a pro in her stage presence, staying in character, great voice projection and adorable looking in her mouse costume.  She developed a good on stage personality for her role and the most important thing to me she was believable.

Kristin, just made me proud.  A YW that has overcome so many odds and she covered several roles and handled all of them, including costume changes with what appeared to be ease!  She is comfortable on stage and her acting voice is always relaxed, well-cued and very believable.

This was opening night.  I like to go to opening night as I like to support all that work they've done and they need people there besides family to act for.  Also I will go back the night before closing and see that production.  I enjoy seeing how it has changed as far as additions and subtractions in stage direction, and how the characters acting has evolved.   So I like to go twice.  I don't enjoy going on closing night, as a lot of times in high school productions, it's filled with inside jokes and a lot of clowning around and that doesn't entertain me.  It's sort of irritating to me!!  I want to see the real play!

There are many that support our youth in all of the sporting events.  I choose theatre to show them I care.  I don't think it matters what our preference is.  It matters that we do something, when possible, to show our love, confidence, enjoyment, and support for our Ward youth.

They were awesome tonight in tackling such a complicated, intricate script and bring it to life with their great set and costumes and knowing their lines and stage direction!  Bravo!!!  Bravo!!

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