Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm in the caboose!!!

Lots to think about with all the drama and hubbub of the election.  I just sat and thought a bit and realized that my testimony is intact and that makes me feel so good!!  God is in his heaven and His thoughts are higher than mine.  There is a lot that has to be done before the Lord's imminent 2nd coming and the reality is- things are not going to rewind and go back to the days of seemingly innocence.  We are such passionate people about our beliefs and what the future holds.  I think we have to be careful that we don't undermine our own faith by being a dog on a bone.  Elder Packer said we need to make sure when we get to  the top of the ladder we are climbing, that it isn't propped up against the wrong wall.  (paraphrased.  for sure!)

I remember a big stir in the Church in 1962 when a man, of reputation in the Church,
as a scholar/author/teacher wrote some books and there was always a swirl of questioning if it was his truth or The Truth.  Crowther, Duane S. (1962). Prophecy, Key to the Future.    This book quickly made the rounds amongst people in our California Ward.  I tried to read it and just couldn't get into it.  I felt sheepish but just let it drop.  We were in the midst of readying a move back to Anchorage and I just forgot about it

Imagine my surprise, arriving in Anchorage, and they were talking all about that same book and even wanted to have a discussion group about it, amongst the RS women.  A sister I admired for her tremendous spiritual strength and Gospel knowledge just loved that book.  I told her that I'd had trouble reading it and she was puzzled, as to her is was just amazing.  She lent me her copy and encouraged me to try it again.  A time was scheduled a few weeks out to discuss the book.  I took it home and really tried to read it but I just flat out couldn't read it.

In the meantime a new sister moved in and when she heard that book was being studied she was appalledShe shared that the Stake President, in her Stateside Stake, had asked people not to read it at all as it was based on untruths.  So that ended that book club event before we even got together.

In trying to figure out why I'd been so stumped/stopped in my reading I looked at the footnote sources and found the book was based on what is called The White Horse Prophecy.  If you look it up in your old Mormon Doctrine, it explains about it.  Probably Google it nowadays!

Crowther wrote another controversial book, that in today's world we'd call them near death experience.  Life Everlasting People sharing what happens after death.  

There were little defensive debates going on about these books.  Not pleasant.  I like peace in the Gospel pasture not horn tangling/antler wrangling.

Then other books came that were called The Thousand Years Series by Cleon Skousen. He also penned  Naked Communist.  And formed a political group of The Freeman.  something like that.  It became divisive. The Church asked members to not preach it in Church.  Brother Skousen was extremely conservative and he faded out but kept writing.

Then recent political cartoons crowned Glen Beck as Skousen re-incarnated.  Thanks to Beck 5 Thousand Year Leap by Cleon Skousen became a best seller and totally gave Glen Beck  a sense of direction and a base for his teachings.

Most of these books, at the time they were in the forefront, created controversy and ofttimes contention.  Because I remember all of that happening,  I'm leery of them being preached and quoted by faith filled members.  Note what a coward I am...I don't say a word about any of my feelings until the candidate of my choice is defeated!  I guess I chalk up choice to the individual in what they choose to read!

It's not the reading it's the heavy handed hot-headed-ness.  The anger.  The accusing.  The whole 9 yards.  Propelling peace out of the picture.  The results of the reading & research.

So today I evaluated my standing in the Church and the standing of the Church and declared us both still whole and at peace and on the train that is clickety clacking down that strait/straight track. 

I'm not buying into the rage/anger/pain/grief etc.  The Lord could have changed the entire course of things, most certainly,  as I believe there were enough of us praying, fasting, donating, phoning, voting to warrant His divine help.   Actually He can do it without us, if He chose to! 

I've used up my alloted time for stewing and musing and whining over this election and the outcome and it's time to regain my equilibrium and get back on the faith train.

Today I reminded myself what the Lord says in Isaiah....  55:8-9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  



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