Monday, November 19, 2012

Symbolism- Over the Sink!

We survived the hanging of the chandelier!!  Love is still abloom.  Marriage intact.  painted the ceiling, washed the old wallpaper that we both love, put space back together and it looked the same except for the new light.

We both agree we want some type of curtain for window.  We differ on what should be there...He-something that hangs down and closes/practical-utilitarian.  Me- a topper of some sort/decorative-dust catcher.  I have the fabric and think I will also have seat covers covered on two old chairs.  I love the chairs.  I have several and use two in the dining area.  These chairs are from the dining room of a Red Lion in Boise.  From years ago.  My sister, the bargain mistress of all time, obtained lots of them for $25 each.  She was thrilled when she later saw them in a magazine for $270.   

Our table is from my girlhood and has drop leaves.  We can turn it lengthwise, lengthen it with leaves and put 10-12 people in that small space.

I'm not sure when I'll do that sewing but definitely soon as we want it done before Christmas.  We/I move at a snails pace.  Creative ideas run rampant in my mind like ideas racing in a hamster cage but resultant actions are as slow as pouring cold molasses.

Old light fixture

My hero that indulges my whiny whims!
New light fixture- full out bling!

Dining space pretty much back together.
Fabric that I've had so long I'll have to check for dry rot!  

Cane back chair I want to cover seat on. Note my Mother's paint by number picture!
So here we are in an old manufactured home, that we actually love, it's small, one level, enough space for two, owned by us and not the bank or anyone else, so shouldn't it have the amenity of a Chandelier?  Everything in the room is old and mismatched but it makes us feel cozy and safe and good.  I mean who hangs a paint by number picture in a room with a chandelier?  I do.

The chandelier did create a bit of a fuss amongst the two of us as the he/she designer genes did not align with the planets and storm clouds loomed.  After it sat in a box for a couple of years, out of sight in the garage, the subject was broached.  The truism of...if  Mama ain't happy then etc. etc....won out.  He was a champ and put it together, grumbling along the way in a sweet tone.  muttering, mumbling about women/females....can't understand them....perfectly good lamp...not going to be enough light...not right size...hanging it to low... and that sort of testosterone self chat.

After all elements of verbal clash were removed?....he really liked it, thought it should be bigger, and admitted it put out more light.  I think, purely from a female persuasion on my part, he took a real liking to it when I told him....This can be our reminder of going to the Temple.  A bit of a Celestial light in our home.

Both of us like that idea.  It's a nice feeling.  Actually a very special feeling. 

This chandelier really made me think of you.  All of you women, that are sometimes overwhelmed, exhausted, feel life is never ending, stressful and loud.  You lovelies with hormones raging, emotions roller-coasting, filled at times with self-doubts and frustration.  Plugging along and dealing with adversity. Tears.  And then more tears.  I thought of you and I thought...if I had the power I'd buy each of them a chandelier and I'd hang it right over their kitchen sink!!   

This would help to keep your perspective of living in the world but not of the world.  This would help you to remember what life is all about and keep that Temple perspective ever in your mind.  When the going gets rough you could look upward to that chandelier, and regain life's purpose and be reminded of covenants and your goal to return to our Father in Heaven.  I'd buy a light that you love, just right for that spot. Right for you.  Even if you rented, I'd buy you one and you could haul it to the next place.

That is how strong I feel about my own chandelier and I want one for you!  (bear in mind-- I'm co-dependent and want to take care of you!!! but I'm not sick-o or psycho.  just sincere in wanting this for you!)

Well, me getting each of you a symbolic small chandelier for above your kitchen sink is in the category of pigs flying and the reality of Santa but were it possible I would!


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