Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Life is good

Last night a super surprise...have no idea how long they had been pulling weeds and tidying up our front and side when I saw them but what a shock and what a treat!!  How welcome and how needed!  A young Mother and some of her children diligently doing service!!!  I took a picture of the worker bees and was going to post it but...she is raising/teaching her children about Matthew 6 and I decided to respect her Mothering and let them remain anonymous.
Speaking of children.  Children of all ages.  Just people of all ages.  I have found a book that you really need to order!  It is a hard book, so it will last a lifetime!  It has gorgeous artwork!  And the most cleverly written, thought provoking questions.  I was going to give it to my Laurels (did I tell you how excited I am about being their teacher?!!!  I really am!), anyhow I was going to have it be a birthday gift for each of them but changed my mind and am going instead with extra small copies of Book of Mormon.  I feel all homes should have this lovely, lovely book!--  The Giver of Holy Gifts

This is truly a work of art with 6 Carl Bloch paintings and two other great artists each have one featured.  I love the speaks to my soul feeling- the Gethsemane one by Frans Schwartz!! 

Great for a Coffee table book or Diaper bag book...you will love it!!  FHE book discussion.  A sit, read, ponder, contemplate type book for yourself!!! 


I've made it easy for you to order!  You can thank me later!  It's not real easy to find as it's on the BYU Museum of Art site. 

I remember when the Ensign printed Carl Bloch artwork!  They were so breathtaking!!  The first religious pictures I'd seen, portraying the Savior's ministry in such detail!  Stunning!  They still are!!  I tore those pictures out and studied them and enjoyed them for years.  Now Carl Bloch pictures are familiar to all of us.

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