Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Temple Bound

As all things that happen when family is scattered, and not within easy distance to reach, it's all over to soon!  it was a wonderful time!  A great 8 days!

More on what we did later...I'm in recovery mode and going to do the best thing possible!- heading to the Temple.  Traveling with the expectation of promised blessings for going to the Temple and this today is in my heart....


… I am satisfied that when persons go into these temples, they do not [leave] without feeling better and with a determination in their minds to do a little better than they have done. That is the feeling we want the Saints to get. …
… Be faithful, brethren and sisters, and persevering; come to the temple and do your work there, and you will enjoy yourselves, and be better prepared to resist the unpleasantnesses of the world.
Those who [enter the] Temple with a pure heart and a contrite spirit [will] not come out of it without receiving peculiar blessings, although these in some, or possibly many, instances might be different from what some might expect. … Some of the Saints might be looking for the appearance of ministering angels … or expect to behold the face of God. It might not be profitable for you to impart such manifestations. The Lord knows what is best for every individual, and will adapt His gifts for the production of the greatest good to those who receive them. It may be safely anticipated that every faithful Saint who enters that House will receive a blessing that will give much satisfaction to the recipient. Before those who would enter the Temple [leave] it, something [will] arise in their hearts and understanding which [will] be serviceable to them in their future lives. To this, as true Latter-day Saints, they [are] entitled. 
 (this is from lesson 10 in our current manual.  featuring the teachings of President Lorenzo Snow)

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