There was a period of eagerness in my life to study and learn all that I could about the Gospel. This was before the easy to read Scriptures of today and no one had ever heard the word Internet etc. Things were slow to come in, in my estimation anyhow. for instance in 1971-the April Gen. Conf. didn't arrive via Church Magazine until June!
There were lots of great books, doctrinal/authoritative that I absorbed and enjoyed and could feel the truth seeping into my soul. Today I remembered an instance that I found so curious as to why it wasn't officially in the scriptures as it had the read of realness to me. At the end of several pages of reading... I read...
This Vision of the Redemption of the Dead was submitted October 31, 1918 to the Counselors in the Fist Presidency, the Council of the Twelve and the Patriarch, and by them unanimously accepted-Improvement Era December, 1918. (No need to submit it to the President because he was the one that had the Vision! Just Counselors.)
I remember wondering why it wasn't placed in the Scriptures. I read Gospel Doctrine by President Joseph F. Smith, most likely 1965-1970. The book was published in 1919. I remember reading that section of his Vision and knowing that I was reading truth. I wrote in margin notes about it should be scriptures! and all sorts of stars and comments and explanation points (somethings just don't change to they???!!!) Today when I looked it up, I was surprised that it's way in the back of the book 472-476. I loved reading this book!
During April
conference of 1976, the Vision of the Redemption of the Dead, was accepted as scripture and approved for
publication in the Pearl of Great Price. I remember being impressed and found it interesting. It was not added to anything as the new Scriptures weren't yet published. I think we got a little pamphlet or the likes to put in our scriptures. I'd have to look that up.
In June 1979 the First
Presidency announced that it would become section 138 of the Doctrine & Covenants. This was really exciting to me because it rang true to me when I first read it.
In 1981 it appeared in the newly published with footnotes etc. Doctrine and Covenants and
for some reason I loved seeing it in print. It was so real to me when I first read it and
I'd really felt it should be a part of our scripture base. I wanted that. Most likely it was already, with the acceptance by the authorities, but I was still learning and didn't connect the dots back to 1918.
and the rest, as the saying History.
So the math adds up like this...
Shared Vision- October 1918
Accepted 2 weeks later by Quorum
Published 8 weeks later in Church Magazine
58 years later from that Vision..approved as Scripture/part of Pearl of Great Price
63 years from that Vision- became Section 138 of D&C
This Vision expanded the Saints understanding of what happens after death and it certainly did mine also. I still find it fascinating.
have been undergoing a siege of very serious illness for the last five
months. … I have not lived alone these five months. I have dwelt in the
spirit of prayer, of supplication, of faith and of determination; and I
have had my communication with the Spirit of the Lord continuously” --President Joseph F. Smith (in
Conference Report, Oct. 1918, 2).
He died the next month. Nov. 19, 1918.
I share this because I love the thoroughness of the fact-check by the Church Leaders. They don't rush to judgement. They receive their counsel and guidance from above and will not move an inch until details are in alignment and they get the green light of revelatory approval. The stability this gives our religion is wonderful.
Being a recovering co-dependent...I am surprised in a way that I didn't write and suggest they put it in the Doctrine & Covenants! My litmus test for the Church receiving revelation is from the top
down and not vice versa. I know I've said that a million times lately
but that has never failed me. Thus far.
Can you even imagine trying to keep a world-wide Church on the same page so that it truly is one Lord/one Faith/one Baptism? So that it is the same everywhere????
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