Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Creed List for 2013

The 1932 article says, in part, about President George Albert Smith's creed:
...This creed was a self-written guideline to measure his desires and conduct, and the reason for the conduct, by which he wanted to guide his life. 

 What I've had for quite sometime on my creed.....

1) Refuse to be offended

2) Trust but verify  (thanks, President Reagan, for that one!)

3) Forgive everyone everything

4)Even the thinnest of pancakes has 2 sides

5)Let go and let God  (isn't thanks due to AA on this one?)

6)Don't want more for people than they want for themselves

7)When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
         (thank you...Thomas Jefferson)

8)The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and 
   expecting different results.  (thank you...Albert Einstein)

 9) Love unconditionally

10) Pray unceasingly

11) Keep all confidences

Oxford Dictionary: Emeritus (i-mer-i-tus)  adj. retired and holding an honorary title

I've decided to retire any that are really a part of how I deal with life and keep those that I want to keep uppermost in my mind and then put some new things on my list.

Fanfare.  Trumpets.  Somber music.  Thanks for all the help I've received and things I've learned from  #1&#2, #4-#8

My original creed is now reduced to this quartet.....

3) Forgive everyone everything

9) Love unconditionally

10) Pray unceasingly

11) Keep all confidences

and when I add these new ones.....

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If not me- who?  If not now- when?

Heed promptings.

Be His Hands.

Be Hospitable (1 Peter 4:9)

Live to feel the Holy Ghost with me.

well, when I add these new ones I'm raising the bar way up high and for one that thinks it's a big whoopee-do to climb stairs, much less even contemplate high jumping, I'm wondering if I've gone overboard!  then to think I'm just putting it out there for you to read...that's as over the top as anything.  But...I have no intention of reporting how I'm doing!  that will be for December 31st 2013!  I'm going to give it a try!

My Creed list for 2013 is as follows:

1) Live to feel the Holy Ghost with me.

2) Heed promptings.

3) Be His Hands.

4) If not me- who?  If not now- when?

5) Be Hospitable. (1 Peter 4:9)

6) Nothing changes if nothing changes.

7) Forgive everyone everything.
8) Love unconditionally.

9) Pray unceasingly.

10) Keep all confidences.

I'll print me a copy and look at this and get this in my mind.  I have 10 and that's actually more than I was going to aim at.  That's a lot to focus on but I'm going to give it a whirl as a peek at the stream of sand, quickly exiting my personal lifetime hour glass, is dwindling and I need to pick up the pace!!  I'm going to give it my all!  I could have just gone with the first two as they are key to the others but this will keep me focused!

Happy New Year to all of us!!!!   2013!!!!


This talk really touched my heart..."You Are My Hands"  here

And this one also....Waiting on the Road to Damascus-  here

Both are by Elder Uchtdorf.                                                  

This is one part that really influenced me.

Another reason we sometimes do not recognize the voice of the Lord in our lives is because the revelations of the Spirit may not come directly to us as the answer to our prayers.
Our Father in Heaven expects us to study it out first and then pray for guidance as we seek answers to questions and concerns in our personal lives. We have our Heavenly Father’s assurance that He will hear and answer our prayers. The answer may come through the voice and wisdom of trusted friends and family, the scriptures, and the words of prophets.
It has been my experience that some of the most powerful promptings we receive are not only for our own benefit but also for the benefit of others. If we are thinking only of ourselves, we may miss some of the most powerful spiritual experiences and profound revelations of our lives.
President Spencer W. Kimball taught this concept when he said: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other.”7 Brothers and sisters, we each have a covenant responsibility to be sensitive to the needs of others and serve as the Savior did—to reach out, bless, and uplift those around us.
Often, the answer to our prayer does not come while we’re on our knees but while we’re on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us. Selfless acts of service and consecration refine our spirits, remove the scales from our spiritual eyes, and open the windows of heaven. By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answer to our own.

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