Thursday, January 10, 2013

6 mice and a pumpkin carriage- midnight!

We had the most wonderful Christmas season and enjoyed sharing the decorations, village, and Nativities with others, especially children.  It took a lot longer to set up than planned so we didn't share it with as many as we would have liked.  The smallness of our place just doesn't make for very many visitors at one time.

We devised a take-down plan that ended up with us labeling each box and where it goes.  We even made a drawing of where each house goes for quick and easy set-up next Christmas.  Well, that's the plan but it sounds sort of like a pipe dream.  At one time we more/never again.  But at the end we said...yes.  we will do this again.

Taking it down reminded me of Cinderella at the dance and suddenly, with that clock chiming, reality set in and all of the magic just faded away. 

Everything this Christmas season was so marvelous and I decided to keep something out that warms my heart and reminds me to smile.  The Nativities were just enjoyed by each child that saw them.  The last little girl was Kayla.  I'd placed a donkey and a sheep near one of the nativities.  One to each side, facing forward.  When she left our hearts were touched as she had turned them and the animals now were looking at the Baby Jesus.  Terry and I both felt it was so beautiful. 

To remind me of how joyous it was to have people come in, how much we enjoyed the feeling in our home with the decorations up and also to focus on the Savior this year, I have this to look at. 

tucked on a small shelf in my cluttery office.  (still that way!)

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