Friday, May 18, 2012

I get sick of this pie!!!

High school plays win over my heart every time!  The actors/actresses all have support of family and friends that know them but I'm also an avid fan and am a stranger to most of them!  I don't have children in school but there are always a few from the Ward participating.

The dedication they have to this creative venture is wonderful.  There are always standouts in the cast in singing, dancing, and actual acting, offset by the off-key off-cue off-beat diehards.  I love them all.  It's a mini-version of their 15 minutes of fame.  Spotlight glaring.  Center stage bowing.  Character costuming.  All make for a marvelous evening of fun!  I love cheering them on.

Last night was a huge musical production for a small school to take on...The Wizard of Oz.  Set in Kansas, I see why the author called Oz the Emerald City.  I've never seen greener hills anywhere than in Kansas.  It's as if it's in technicolor.  No brown earth to be seen!  all green!

What great lessons for the cast to learn about friendship and seeking what you lack be it courage, brains, heart and all that goes with developing those attributes.  I find such truth in Good Witch Glinda's statement, when she told Dorothy that the power was within her to leave Oz and she could have left on the first day had she believed.

It was good to go to the play and I mulled it over later as I ate a slice of humble pie.  Seems I eat a large portion of crow occasionally.  I sometimes in my zeal try to put out what I perceive as a spark, that is going to set off a wildfire, by pulling out all stops in extinguishing what someone else is intentionally trying to flambe/brulee.  I was asked my honest opinion via email, there was a time crunch, I hurriedly shared and hoped the answer got there in time.  Words like...completely disagree, adamantly oppose, don't like.... quickly filled the answer.  I was in a hurry after all!

I was the minority, the sole objector, my thoughts (that I of course knew were right) were rejected. Overruled.  I  pitched a fit to Terry who was nasty and laughed and dared to call me Sister Marsh!! 

Just like ironing- if you press a wrinkle in, with a bit of effort you can press it out nice and smooth.
I'm going to have a smooth day with no pie eating!!!!  I'm sick of the stuff!!!

(want to read about Sister Marsh????)

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